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对古代中国主要造纸原料发展脉络进行了梳理,并分析目前我国手工纸造纸原料现状,最后对古今中国传统手工造纸原料进行比较研究,可知当今中国传统手工纸在原料种类、比例、处理方式等方面与古代相比较,还是发生一定的变化,正是由于这样一些变化,导致手工纸质量参差不齐,很难保持其原有的特性。  相似文献   
本文从两个方面对刘家和教授的历史比较研究思想做了尝试性的总结和评述。文章的第一部分主要通过刘先生几十年的治学历程说明他的比较史学研究思想的产生、发展和成熟的过程,第二部分则对刘先生的比较研究思想本身从三个方面进行了概要性的归纳和评析。  相似文献   
海门通东地区的民间美术具有质朴、敦厚的特色,富有乡土情味。通东的民间绘画、雕刻、建筑装饰、刻纸、彩灯、竹编等民间美术融汇于人们日常生活、生产的各个领域,具有实用和审美的双重特点。  相似文献   
This paper presents an agent-based simulation (ABS) and cellular automata (CA) coupled model to simulate the spatial evolution of the population of China over the past 2000 years. In the model, agents are used to simulate individuals who live in a geographic environment represented by the CA. The choice to migrate is influenced by climate change, potential agricultural productivity change, and waves of mass migrations. Using the simulation, we can observe the spatial evolution of the population, as well as the shift of the population center of gravity, and we can analyze the driving forces of these changing spatial patterns.  相似文献   
我把春天的温暖献给你, 春天的细雨滋润生机。 我把夏天的火热献给你, 夏天的惠风耕耘翠绿。  相似文献   
1918年8月11日,毛泽东给罗学瓒写了封明信片,此信不仅是一幅书法艺术佳作,更是研究中共党史和毛泽东早年思想、活动的一份珍档。毛泽东缘何要写这封信?此信背后到底尘封了一段怎样的历史?本文对此信的写作背詈及由来作一翔实考释。  相似文献   
本文在前人研究的基础上,对陕南地区史前考古遗址的分布特点及其文化内涵进行综合整理和分析,认为最迟在距今60万年前陕南就有人类活动,是中国早期史前文明的发祥地之一;陕南地区史前文化遗址星罗棋布式的广泛分布和文化类型的多样性,则表明这一地区早期人群流动的频繁及其与多种族群活动之间的某种内在关联。旧石器时代在陕南活动的主要是以汉水上游和南洛河上游旧石器文化为代表的两大人群;新石器时代早期,以仰韶文化为代表的中原人群进入陕南并在此活动;至新石器时代晚期,陕南则呈现了以黄河中游流域为主的华夏族群先民和以长江中游流域为主的三苗族群先民交互影响的态势,而巴族先民的文化因素也开始在陕南显现,从而为陕南地区早期文化和族群的多样性及其相互交融的基本格局奠定了基础。  相似文献   
The Young Companion, an important representative of Republican Shanghai’s popular magazines, organized a Healthy Baby Contest from August 1926 to March 1927. Though its slogan, “Strong babies promise strong people, strong people guarantee a strong nation” expressed a nationalistic spirit, this contest was rather a commercial activity organized by a popular magazine and its commercial sponsor exploiting nationalistic discourse. Such an integration of nationalistic discourse and commercial interests profoundly influenced mass culture and ultimately promoted China’s modernization and its development as a nation. With this contest as an example, this paper sheds light on the relationship between popular journals and the making of a nation.  相似文献   
This paper attempts to investigate the decline of Chinese guilds in the early 1950s and to show how political change altered economic life in China. Although the socialist transformation of private ownership started in 1954, the new government used state power to gradually weaken private ownership far before that time, building a foundation for the full-scale socialist transformation later. The reorganization of the Teahouse Guild in Chengdu reflected the general policies of the Communist Party that changed traditional social and economic organizations. The new guild almost became a representative of the government in the teahouse profession, which no longer maintained the nature of the traditional guilds. Actually, the guilds existed in name only after the reorganization of the early 1950s, and the teahouse guild disappeared after 1953. The death of the guild was a result of decline among social organizations and the growing strength of state power.  相似文献   
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