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In December 1984, a private Japanese academic organization, the “Nanjing Incident Research Committee” (Nankin Jiken Chōsa Kenkyūkai), sent a survey team to visit Nanjing, with the aim of obtaining more evidence on the Nanjing Massacre to counter the internal debate within Japan. Through the coordination by the “Office of the Leading Team on History, Museums and Monuments for the Nanjing Massacre” during the visit, the survey team was able not only to gather historical materials, meet with survivors, and tour historical sites, but also to engage in exchanges with Nanjing researchers and students of Nanjing University. This visit to Nanjing further publicized Japan’s internal debate on the Nanjing Massacre in China, while also representing an unprecedented effort for collaboration between China and Japan in research on the Nanjing Massacre.  相似文献   
In this article, a Simulink simulation block with the finite element function is developed on the basis of S-function and implemented as the numerical substructure of real-time dynamic hybrid testing. Thereby, a real-time dynamic hybrid testing system coupling finite element calculation and shaking table testing is achieved. Using the developed system, a shear frame mounted on the soil foundation is tested, in which the shear frame is simulated as the physical model and the foundation is simulated as the finite element model with 132 degrees of freedom. Several cases of the dynamic behavior of soil-structure interaction are studied.  相似文献   
本文在对寺观彩塑的制作材料和制作工艺剖析的基础上,探讨了物理因素、化学因素、生物因素及人为因素对彩塑产生的破坏,并提出了针对性的保护措施,该研究对寺观彩塑的修复及保护具有参考价值.  相似文献   
本文运用现代纺织科学的检测手段,分析了故宫博物院收藏的两件“羽毛纱”样品的组织结构和各项物理指标(织物单位面积质量、织物密度、纱线线密度、纱线捻度和捻度系数)及其织造方法,找到了同样织法的两块织物,存在不同面料风格的真正原因。古人通过巧妙的织造方法,充分发挥纺织原料各自的优点,织造出满足不同穿着目的的面料。  相似文献   
由明矾和胶料配制而成的胶矾水,是书画绘制、装裱和修复过程中经常使用的材料。胶矾水具有防腐、固色和增加机械力度等功能,但对纸质文物的耐久性有一定的影响。本研究选用宣纸、桑皮纸和连史纸等代表性的传统手工制纸,在它们的表面分别涂敷不同浓度的胶矾水,经干热老化后,对比分析它们的酸碱度、白度、耐折度和抗张强度的变化,揭示胶矾水对这几种手工纸张性能的影响,进而探讨其影响机理。研究结果表明,胶矾水将增加纸张的酸度、降低纸张的白度,明胶水能提升纸张的机械强度,而不同浓度明矾对纸张机械强度的影响存在差异。  相似文献   
We model the relationship between coronary heart disease and smoking prevalence and deprivation at the small area level using the Poisson log-linear model with and without random effects. Extra-Poisson variability (overdispersion) is handled through the addition of spatially structured and unstructured random effects in a Bayesian framework. In addition, four different measures of smoking prevalence are assessed because the smoking data are obtained from a survey that resulted in quite large differences in the size of the sample across the census tracts. Two of the methods use Bayes adjustments of standardized smoking ratios (local and global adjustments), and one uses a nonparametric spatial averaging technique. A preferred model is identified based on the deviance information criterion. Both smoking and deprivation are found to be statistically significant risk factors, but the effect of the smoking variable is reduced once the confounding effects of deprivation are taken into account. Maps of the spatial variability in relative risk, and the importance of the underlying covariates and random effects terms, are produced. We also identify areas with excess relative risk.  相似文献   
王兆鹏 《文献》2006,(1):145-155
明万历年间所修<永泰张氏宗谱>,对研究南宋著名词人张元干具有重要的史料价值.二十世纪八十年代,福州市文化局的曾意丹先生和福州市文物管理委员会的官桂铨先生曾先后撰文,披露过宗谱的有关内容,曾先生撰有<张元干生平及其思想渊源考辨>①,据谱中所收张元干之子张竑墓志铭,考出张元干的卒年是绍兴三十一年(1161).官先生所撰<词人张元干世系>②,则据宗谱资料,弄清了一向混沌的张元干家世.十几年前我撰写<张元干年谱>时,主要参考的就是官先生文中提供的宗谱资料,而未能见到宗谱原书,谱中很多珍贵的资料未能采用.1989年<张元干年谱>在南京出版社出版后,我才与官先生取得联系,他慷慨地将<永泰张氏宗谱>全谱复印一份寄赠给我.我如获至宝,一直珍藏至今.  相似文献   
以表现方式和取材方法为主,结合现代学者对古代地理文献类型的划分以及明代的具体实情,可以将明代的地理文献划分为传统地志类、广义游记类、西传地理文献类和舆图类。它们在明代均得到了较快的发展。虽然都是地理文献,但它们之间又存在着诸多差异。通过对这些文献的分析研究,我们可以窥见明代地理学的发展趋向。  相似文献   
六胡州古城址的发现及其环境意义   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
本文在追溯唐代六胡州的建置与“灵、夏之间”行政沿革的基础上,通过对内蒙古、宁夏、陕西三省区交界处,即毛乌素沙地西南缘的实地考察,并依据考古与文献资料,初步确定了今鄂托克前旗与盐池县境内的六个唐代古城址与六胡州的对应关系。从古城址的时空分布格局、选址条件、人类活动方式等出发,阐述了六胡州古城址的环境指示意义。唐初六胡州北部已经有比较严重的土地沙漠化问题,而六胡州一带建城时因受早期沙漠化过程的影响,在局部地形部位可能分布有地表积沙。  相似文献   
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