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Generally speaking, Tibetan Buddhism played a very important part in the politics of the Yuan Dynasty: it had accelerated the alliance between Mongolia and Tibet on one hand and also brought the Tibetan district under the jurisdiction of China's Central Government on the other. Meanwhile, Tibetan Buddhism had become extremely conceited because the whole Dynasty, especially the imperial court, esteemed it too  相似文献   
The differences between China and Western countries in human and physical environment has brought about two distinctive models of state. In the Chinese-style state of quasi-consanguinity, in which family and state have a similar structure, imperial power, gentry power, and clan power are the product of common ownership of consanguineous groups. The similarity in the structures of these three kinds of power derives from the fact that they are all restricted by the power of lineage generated from the self-sufficient small farmer economy, and must obey the conventions of ancestors which hold the benefits of the group as supreme. The relationship between these three kinds of power, is definitely not the one that is based on the division of power that is founded on individual private ownership in Western countries, where ‘public power’ and ‘individual private ownership’ are antithetic, but are three aspects of the patriarchal dictatorship that complement each other. Therefore, village rule in China and autonomy in the West are two totally different concepts, and gentry power is also not the ‘authorized power’ from the state. __________ Translated from the Journal of Tianjin Normal University, 2004: 1  相似文献   
王政 《文献》2004,(3):262-269
明清及民国初所修的安徽方志中,记载了一些民间演剧的具体事象及活动详情.这对研究中国民间演剧史以及江淮区域民间戏剧文化的形态特点,具有一定的史料价值.本文选出部分来加以考释;并谈谈我对它们的初步认识.  相似文献   
王勇  王丽萍 《文献》2004,(4):19-29
日本入唐僧圆仁(794-864),俗姓壬生氏,下野都贺郡人.15岁随日本天台宗开山最澄出家,弘仁七年(816)受具足戒,承和五年(838)入唐求法,足迹遍布大江南北.承和十四年(847)归国,齐衡元年(854)任天台座主,受到朝野崇信.贞观六年(864)去世,谥号"慈觉大师".  相似文献   
王宝平 《文献》2004,(4):53-64
在清末中日书籍交流中,黎庶昌、杨守敬辑刻的《古逸丛书》,无疑是最为引人瞩目的盛事,时至百年后的今天,还为学界所津津乐道,相关论文不绝如缕.随着研究的深入,发生在《古逸丛书》背后的许多轶事也逐渐撩开神秘的面纱,为人所知晓.  相似文献   
王蔚波 《华夏考古》2004,(2):107-110
文物摄影是摄影艺术的一个门类 ,除了要注重科学性和真实性外 ,还要强调其艺术性和欣赏性。本文从拍摄角度、背景处理、光线运用等几个方面论述了文物摄影的表现方法。  相似文献   
内蒙古赤峰市大山前遗址属于中国北方青铜时代早期文化遗存 ,出土了大量夏家店下层文化遗物 ,其年代为 2 0 0 0BC~ 15 0 0BC。本文对大山前第一地点 1996年发掘区中部的探方T4 0 6内F8H1灰坑出土的木炭碎块进行了种属鉴定 ,并对出土的不同树种的木炭碎块进行分类和称量 ,得知当时的地带性植被为油松林和蒙古栎林 ,生态气候为温湿类型 ,同时也存在着气候暖干波动现象 ;柳属的发现说明遗址附近有河流存在 ;根据蒙古栎的起源和生态特性推测这一时期可能有人类的砍伐活动 ;H1出土的油松木炭可能绝大多数属于薪炭遗存  相似文献   
《续资治通鉴纲目》是明代官方两次敕修的著述 ,该书编篡的成否与明代前期重大的历史事件“土木之变”、“夺门之变”密切相关 ,反映出明景泰、天顺、成化年间的社会环境与当时思想的主流意识。  相似文献   
1960年尼泊尔国王马亨德拉毅然解散了议会、取缔了党派,实行所谓的潘查亚特民主制。本文①认为,这一制度的推行有着较为复杂和敏感的时代背景。摆脱印度的控制和自主进行民族国家建设是这一制度推行的主权背景;传统势力的阻碍和政党不够成熟是议会民主制在尼泊尔短命的重要原因;而在特定的历史条件下,印度教的传统政治文化又决定了王权在与党派力量的较量中占得了上风。  相似文献   
文章认为《肃镇华夷志校注》有3个特点:慧眼识珠,价值再现;珍贵史料面世,研究有据可依;校勘精慎,注释详赡。并指出其不足之处。  相似文献   
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