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以朝贡为载体的清代中越宗藩关系,自清初康熙六年恢复确立至光绪十一年法吞蚀越南,历时200余年而终结。期间,作为朝贡国的越南,虽在形式上对中国清朝恭行事大之礼,而实际却为取得对清关系的主动、平等以及获得更多的国家利益而推行"内帝外臣"的邦交之道。因此每逢贡期,都要经过充分的准备,尤其对入清使臣的物色,更是精心挑选。那些肩负着两国邦交使命、深谙中国儒家文化精髓的越南使臣,为不辱使命,妥善处理与强大邻国清朝的关系,以为本国政权的巩固和安全提供保护,往往在遵循既存宗藩朝贡体制的前提下,为争取平等的双边话语权而煞费苦心。他们为整个清代中越双边关系的稳定发挥了重要作用。  相似文献   
An equitable gender distribution of property ownership may be enhanced or limited by family law, individual knowledge of the law, and social norms. South America's laws of equal inheritance by sex and birth order and equal distribution of property upon divorce provide the basis of a gender‐equitable distribution of property ownership. This report of a qualitative case study exploring the gendered knowledge of immovable property laws and the practice of patterns of property ownership in central Colombia provides insights into the gap between law and practice caused by lack of information, social norms, gendered access to legal titles, a complex legal system and high transaction costs. It argues for greater attention to titling, legal procedures, legal education and legal advice to secure effective immovable property ownership for women.  相似文献   
The defeat of Germany and Japan in 1945 required historians in both countries to reevaluate the past to make sense of national catastrophe. Sebastian Conrad's The Quest for the Lost Nation analyzes this process comparatively in the context of allied military occupation and the Cold War to reveal how historians in both countries coped with a discredited national history and gradually salvaged a national identity. He pays special attention to the role of social, discursive, and transnational contexts that shaped this process to highlight the different courses that the politics of the past took in postwar Germany and Japan. The picture that emerges of German and Japanese historiography and the respective attempts to come to terms with the past is at odds with the conventional narrative that usually praises West German historians and society for having come to terms with their dark past, as opposed to postwar Japan, which is usually regarded as having fallen short by comparison. There was in fact far more critical historiographical engagement with the past in Japan than in West Germany in the 1950s. Reasons for the divergent evolution of the politics of the past in Germany and Japan should not be sought in the peculiarities of postwar national history but rather in an entangled transnational context of defeat, occupation, and the Cold War, whose effects played out differently in each country. These conclusions and others reveal some of the opportunities and special challenges of comparative transnational history.  相似文献   
Lead isotope ratios in ore bodies and magmatic rocks depend in a complex way on several a priori independent parameters, including the geological age of the tectonic province in which the ores and magmas formed and its U/Pb (μ) and Th/U (κ) ratios, two very sensitive parameters characteristic of metal sources. All these parameters are entangled in hard‐to‐read Pb isotopic ratios. With respect to the commonly used fingerprinting techniques, which rely on the comparison of raw isotope ratios, the main motivation for the present work is to provide a method for making geologically and geochemically educated guesses about metal provenance even in the absence of isotopic data on reference ores. It shows how to unscramble a geological model age and μ and κ information from isotopic measurements. This approach brings to light a new organization of the Pb isotope database and an untapped wealth of information that can be used for provenance studies and other archaeometric purposes. We provide expressions with which to calculate these parameters and, using literature data, demonstrate how Pb isotopes in ores and magmas define clear zones in the silver‐rich provinces of the Central Andes. We further show how the geological model age and μ and κ values fingerprint production areas in 16th–18th century silver coins minted in Mexico and South America. Finally, we use Pb isotopes to illustrate how the Reconquista of the Emirate of Granada (1482–91) and the seizure of the Betic silver mines are reflected in the silver coins of the Catholic Monarchs.  相似文献   
Most historians who have studied the medieval Ardennes have focused exclusively on royal and monastic properties, assuming that every early reference to land in the area is either to the property of royal monasteries or to fiscal land. Actually, the evidence from the region around Bastogne (Belgium), the centre of what would later be called pagus Ardennensis, shows that as early as the seventh century ‘private’ landowners were present and active in the area. This observation leads to a new reading of the rural economy and society, the formation of monastic property and the links between local and royal power in the early medieval Ardennes.  相似文献   
西北地区所见的汉代简牍资料中有"芮薪"一词,诸家对这个词的解释都不是十分精当。本文主要利用语言学知识和考古材料,对西北汉简中的一些植物进行考察,对"芮薪"一词的词义和具体所指得出了与诸家不同的观点。我们认为"芮薪"应该是材质比较柔软的草类燃料的统称,西北汉简中的"芦苇"、"慈其"在用作燃料的时候都应该可以称为"芮薪","蒲"和"需蓻"也有可能是"芮薪"所指的燃料。  相似文献   
本文采用荧光能谱仪(EDXRF)测试了杭州卷烟厂、严官巷、吴庄和太庙四处南宋遗址出土的官窑类瓷片的胎釉元素组成;并根据胎体元素分类情况,制备了光学薄片,运用偏光显微镜对部分官窑瓷片的胎体进行了岩相分析。在此基础上,本文对杭州这些遗址出土官窑类瓷片的窑口问题进行了初步讨论。结果表明四处南宋遗址出土的56块官窑类瓷片当中,有48块样品可能为杭州两窑烧造,而有8块样品的胎体元素组成更接近龙泉黑胎青瓷,结合判别分析和岩相分析结果,这八块样品为龙泉窑烧造的可能性更大,但具体窑口尚需进一步研究。  相似文献   
在考古研究与文明探源中,宏伟的纪念性建筑如金字塔、宫殿、庙宇陵墓常被视为文明灿烂程度的重要标志。本文中,布鲁斯·特里格借鉴热动力学方法来看待这个问题,并用"最省力"原则来剖析这种毫无回报的能量投入。热动力学用计算或衡量社会能量投入的劳力和数量来衡量这个社会的权力和复杂化程度,随着社会复杂化的进程和文明的起源,人类的生产方式发生了一种重大的变化。一般来说,无论是动物还是人类的生存都遵循一种"最省力"的原则,即在从事任何活动如生产和分配食物和其他资源时都力求节省能量,也即我们今天所谓的讲究"效益"。"最省力"原则完全不适用于祭祀建筑的营造和奢侈品的生产,而表现了一种"显赫消费"的特点。如果权力经济主导着这些物品的生产,那么消耗能量、特别以一种非实用目的来消耗他人能量的方式便成为衡量权力大小的标志。于是,权力能够从象征性上予以表达和强化的最基本方式,就是为非实用的目的而消费能量。从经济学角度来说,权力的"显赫消费"和全部依赖社会剩余产品的特点,很容易损害支撑这个社会系统存在的经济基础。当统治阶层将大量的社会资源和能量投入毫无回报和经济效益可言的祭祀和炫耀活动中去的时候,其结果很快就会达到开始损害其经济基础一点。当整个社会的运转完全为了维持等级体制而非供养民生,当"显赫消费"逐渐开始透支能量和耗竭资源、无法再从物质上来维持统治阶层的神圣地位时,这个复杂社会的崩溃就不可避免。为什么考古学上所谓"满天星斗"的史前文明大部分都是流星一闪,究其原因可能可以从权力的政治经济学上来找答案。  相似文献   
This article investigates consumers’ perceptions of three types of sponsors that play a role in backing financially Canadian artistic and cultural organisations: government ministries (or departments), Crown corporations and private companies. In addition to the type of sponsor and the nature of the sponsorship (philanthropic or commercial), the perceived congruence between the sponsor and the sponsored event (strong as opposed to weak), and the form of arts and cultural events (high art versus popular art and performing arts versus heritage arts) are explored in an experimental setting combining within‐subjects and between‐subjects factors. The main hypothesis of this research was that consumers’ perceptions are not the same when it comes to the different kinds of sponsors that evolve in the cultural and art fields. As the researchers explored this issue, they observed that significant differences do exist. It is believed that the rich findings of this study will be useful to civil servants.  相似文献   
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