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Spatial co‐location patterns are useful for understanding positive spatial interactions among different geographical phenomena. Existing methods for detecting spatial co‐location patterns are mostly developed based on planar space assumption; however, geographical phenomena related to human activities are strongly constrained by road networks. Although these methods can be simply modified to consider the constraints of networks by using the network distance or network partitioning scheme, user‐specified parameters or priori assumptions for determining prevalent co‐location patterns are still subjective. As a result, some co‐location patterns may be wrongly reported or omitted. Therefore, a nonparametric significance test without priori assumptions about the distributions of the spatial features is proposed in this article. Both point‐dependent and location‐dependent network‐constrained summary statistics are first utilized to model the distribution characteristics of the spatial features. Then, by using these summary statistics, a network‐constrained pattern reconstruction method is developed to construct the null model of the test, and the prevalence degree of co‐location patterns is modeled as the significance level. The significance test is evaluated using the facility points‐of‐interest data sets. Experiments and comparisons show that the significance test can effectively detect network‐constrained spatial co‐location patterns with less priori knowledge and outperforms two state‐of‐the‐art methods in excluding spurious patterns.  相似文献   
丁道谦西南联大毕业后回到贵阳。先后出任贵州企业股份有限公司专员室专员、经济研究处干事等职务。先后撰写出版的《贵州经济研究》、《贵州经济地理》、《贵州的衣食问题》、《贵州地方财政概况》、《中国的奴隶制度与商业资本主义》等书;对贵州经济建设、资金筹集以及贵州自然地理、民族构成、人民情况、交通运输;农村经济、工业分布等作了详细的分析。特别是对贵州人民生活中的衣、食、住、行、育、乐和金融银行诸方面提出了相当精辟的见解。这些宝贵的建议为解放初期的贵州经济的恢复和发展起到了借鉴的作用  相似文献   
人的依赖、独立与自由发展:马克思主义发展史观解读   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
马克思主义发展史观是一种辩证的唯物史观,是马克思主义唯物史观的最好载体与充分显现,是马克思主义在社会发展问题方面的哲学、历史学、经济学、社会学与人类学的多重思考的理论结晶,也是马克思主义对世界历史发展规律的最高概括。它高度关注物的发展与人的发展之间的辩证关系,终极关怀是人的发展,但其实现却是建立在物的充分发展基础上。马克思主义对资本主义的批判也始终建立在这种认识基础上。  相似文献   
四川省理县佳山石棺葬墓群是岷江上游较早发现的石棺葬墓群之一,本文主要简单探讨了其墓葬群的年代与分期,并在此基础上从随葬品的变化来观察这一地区的汉化进程。  相似文献   
构筑美苏中大三角关系是尼克松政府的重大外交决策,它开始于1969年.在中苏边界冲突发生后,美国政府围绕第63号国家安全研究备忘录进行了详细研讨,全面评估中苏分歧对美国对外政策及世界格局的影响.经过多次讨论,美国政府内部基本达成共识,即构筑美苏中三角关系是最有利于美国的政策选项,要以灵活的态度处理三边关系,但不允许发生会导致核战争或世界力量对比出现重大改变的情况.  相似文献   
ABSTRACT Motivated by the newly established Chinese urban land markets, we develop a theoretical model that unifies the “closed” and “open” features of the classical monocentric city model. The model features interactions between permanent urban residents and migrants and exhibits a distinctive equilibrium pattern. The theoretical model is tested empirically, using recent Chinese city‐level data. The empirical findings indicate that market forces now play an important role in urban expansion and land price formation, while various forms of government planning are still influential. Our results show that migrants exert a less pronounced impact than the classical “open” city model has suggested.  相似文献   
近年来生物因素对壁画的腐蚀破坏作用受到了众多文物保护工作者的重视,针对壁画生物腐蚀的防护研究取得了可喜的成果。本文从可以造成壁画损害的生物因素出发,综述近年来壁画生物腐蚀研究的成果,分别从小型动物、昆虫、植物、微生物以及游客五个方面阐述对壁画的影响,并讨论了进行生物腐蚀防护的措施和研究方向:对小型动物,使用一些物理性的防护措施,应成为有害动物防护研究的重点;对昆虫,防治重点是减少昆虫的植物性食物,昆虫中存在的捕食关系也是限制昆虫种群数量的一个新的突破口;对微生物,一些具有抑菌效果的无机材料或许可成为生物杀菌剂的替代品;对植物,有害植物的清除技术的提高和有益植物的筛选和应用需要进一步研究;对游客,建立人工复制的壁画或者设立数字影像代替原有文物壁画供人们参观,是目前一条行之有效的措施。本综述成果可为以后的壁画保护工作提供理论指导。  相似文献   
金元时期在豫西中部地区多个窑址同时生产青瓷和钧瓷,发掘于2005年的汝州东沟窑遗址即是该类窑址典型代表之一。为系统了解东沟窑青瓷和钧瓷的胎釉元素组成特征和工艺特点、揭示两类瓷器各自随时代变化的规律,本项研究采用EDXRF和OM对东沟窑遗址出土且地层明确的43件金、元时期青瓷与钧瓷标本胎、釉化学组成和工艺性能进行测试分析,探讨了胎、釉的原料配比、釉层厚度和胎釉反应层厚度等工艺特征随时代和标本类型的变化规律。研究结果表明:东沟窑同时期青瓷和钧瓷胎体元素组成较接近,而两者釉的元素组成差异明显,金元钧瓷釉的SiO2/Al2O3摩尔比值都明显高于同时代青瓷的相应比值,呈现钧瓷釉典型的高硅低铝组成特征。从金代到元代,东沟窑青瓷和钧瓷釉都呈现从钙釉向钙-碱釉的转变。本项研究还观察到金元钧瓷的釉层和反应层厚度均高于同时代的青瓷;而从金过渡到元,两类瓷片的釉层和反应层厚度均趋厚。本项研究对揭示金元时期豫西中部地区青瓷和钧瓷间的传承和演化关系提供了有意义的科技数据。  相似文献   
This article focuses on two different genres of gender transitivity or impersonation. First, male actors who impersonate female characters. The two examples used to examine these impersonations are Chinese films Farewell My Concubine (Ba Wang Bie Ji 1993) and Forever Enthralled (Mei Lanfang 2009). Both films are based on the historical practice of dan in Peking Opera. Second, women who cross-dress as men for the sake of transgressing into the public sphere that had traditionally been forbidden for women. The main example of this is Hua Mulan (2009), a live action movie based on a Chinese legend of a female warrior called Hua Mulan, who disguises herself as a man to replace her father in the military service. Based on my close reading of the transgender performance in these Chinese films, the article will engage discussions of Western gender theories by Garber, Butler and Halberstam to examine the discourse and politics of gender and sexuality in contemporary China. To be more specific, a critical analysis will be carried out in the following three aspects: first, gender performativity is not necessarily subversive, but only suggests that heterosexual norms are arbitrary and unnatural. Second, rather than challenging heterosexism and gender binarism in contemporary China, the three films seem to support and consolidate the gender hierarchy. Thirdly, the category of transgender is intersected with art, identity and ideology in the specific social and historical settings. The contextualized analysis not only sheds new light on the implications of transgender in contemporary Chinese culture and politics but also questions the universalism of Western gender theories in cross-cultural contexts.  相似文献   
何毓灵  岳占伟 《考古》2012,(12):70-77,1
殷墟近年来考古发掘出土了3枚青铜印章,根据对印章的图案与文字进行的分析可证明殷墟传世印章的可信度,同时说明中国印章的起源至少可早到殷墟时期。早期印章的起源与陶印模有一定的关联,殷墟时期青铜印章的主要功能与青铜器铭文类似,用以标识主人的私名或氏族。  相似文献   
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