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日本经济的长期萧条有着深刻的制度原因,本文对经济管理模式、科技创新制度、土地使用制度、企业所有关系、主银行制度和劳动雇佣关系等六个方面的制度进行分析并提出这六方面的制度变迁建议,最后指出人的因素是导致制度变迁长期性和反复性的重要原因。  相似文献   
温州会展旅游初探   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本论述了温州发展会展旅游的条件,发展会展旅游的作用和意义,并针对目前在发展中存在的问题提出几点对策和建议。  相似文献   
何群 《满族研究》2007,(3):25-33
鄂伦春族做为狩猎文化共同体,游猎是文化的核心。考察该族近50多年历史,可以认为,由"游"到"定"——即政府二十世纪五十年代初期组织实施的猎民定居,以及由此开始的"转产"历程,彻底拉开了狩猎文化前途和该群体生存前景问题的序幕。本文从狩猎文化与环境关系的理论视角,重新梳理1958年前后政府动员推行的鄂伦春族定居化过程,辨析狩猎文化与急剧变化的环境的接触、碰撞形态,揭示其中可能的文化差异因素,从而为理解鄂伦春族及现代化潮流裹挟中小民族因传统而带来的特有的生存发展难题提供启发。  相似文献   
156项工程与新中国工业城市发展(1949~1957年)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
“一五”时期,以156项工程为契机,新中国开始了全面的社会主义工业化建设。这些大型经济建设项目的启动,不仅改变了中国城市发展的道路、方向,而且为中国城市的快速发展提供了强劲的动力,从而推动了中国城市进入以重工业优先发展战略为导向的新阶段。在这一发展模式的作用下,中国城市的发展呈现出城市职能的经济化、城市化发展的高速化、大中城市优先发展以及区域城市发展均衡化等新特点,这种城市发展的变化既彻底改变了旧中国城市的半殖民地半封建性质,又为后来中国城市的发展奠定了全新的基础。  相似文献   
山西省稷山县太阳村(公社)是集体化时代闻名全国的卫生红旗单位,其公共卫生工作及合作医疗制度建设成绩斐然,具有明显的典型意义和时代特征。不过,这种农村公共卫生事业是建立在计划经济体制和高度集中的政治体制以及较低医疗保障水平基础上的,并与历次政治运动关系密切。改革开放后,经济体制逐渐向市场经济过渡,稷山县公共卫生事业因难以适应新的社会经济体制而最终走向了衰落,但其经验和教训可为今后创新农村公共卫生事业、建立新型合作医疗体系提供有益的借鉴。  相似文献   
Resulted from different causes, the majority of traditional cities in modern China underwent a decline in various degrees. The causes of the decline of Suzhou, Hangzhou, and Yangzhou which have started to develop their new industry and commerce since mid-Qing Dynasty lies in such aspects as: the lose of transportation superiority in modern China; the fatal destruction caused by Taiping Revolution; the affects of the rising of Shanghai; the recession of traditional economy and slowed development of new economy; and the conservatism in thinking and ideas etc. Translated by Huang Bangfu from Xinan Minzu Daxue Xuebao 西南民族大学学报 (Journal of Southwest University for Nationalities), 2007, (4): 1–11  相似文献   
Metok in Nyingchi Prefecture was the only county that did not have a road in the past. On October 31st, 2013, the Road to Metok was officially opened to the public. The opening of this road signified that now all counties in China can be accessed by road.  相似文献   
本文将韧性原理引入到人居环境中,首次对城市人居环境韧性进行定量研究.基于DPSIR模型构建城市人居环境韧性评价指标体系,综合运用熵值法、GIS空间分析法和地理探测器技术,以2006、2010、2014、2018年为研究时间节点,对长三角城市群26个城市的人居环境韧性时空演化特征及影响因素进行分析.研究发现:①长三角城市...  相似文献   
目前对宋代官窑瓷器的科技研究成果主要是在测试南宋老虎洞窑、郊坛下官窑等窑址瓷片基础上取得的,尚缺乏对宋代官窑完整器的科技分析和研究。本文采用荧光能谱仪(EDXRF)在无损情况下对故宫博物院藏35件宋代官窑瓷器青釉的化学组成进行了测试,并结合文献资料,系统地研究了宋代官窑瓷器青釉成分的组成特点及规律,为进一步揭示宋代官窑特征、深入探讨北宋官窑是否存在的问题、研究明清仿官窑以及区分宋官与仿官等问题奠定了基础。  相似文献   
Understanding how to live successfully within our environment is among the most pressing challenges facing contemporary society. This paper probes the problem based on comparative analysis and discusses the relationship between the spatial–temporal distribution of the Neolithic cultural sites and the geographic context in the Hanjiang River Basin in the south of Shaanxi Province, China. Archaeological studies have identified 175 Neolithic cultural sites in the study area, with a sequence of Laoguantai (14C age 8–7 ka BP), Yangshao (14C age 7–5 ka BP) and the late period of the Neolithic Age (14C age 5–4 ka BP). The total number of archaeological sites, the distribution area and the density all showed an early ascending and later descending trend, but the proportion of the number of archaeological sites in the study area to the corresponding value of the entire Shaanxi Province declined sharply. Spatially, these sites were concentrated on the terraces of the Hanjiang River and its main tributaries with an altitude of 400–800 m. Multiple data were integrated to clarify the critical effects of tectonic and geomorphologic conditions on the distribution of the Neolithic sites. Further comparisons revealed the correlation of Holocene climate change and environmental evolution with the Neolithic cultural succession in the study area that ameliorated conditions to generally promote the development of the primitive culture while degeneration coincided with the culture's transition or interruption. The discussion on the origin of the primitive culture and the temporal–spatial distribution corresponding to the regional culture differentiation sheds light on the complex and dynamic human–nature interaction system during the Neolithic Age, thus emphasising the wider field-based investigation and high-resolution reconstruction works of the palaeoclimate and palaeoenvironment in the future.  相似文献   
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