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3S技术在遗址探查中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
常规遗址探查方法,普查难度大,影像上不能直接识别小型遗址.为此,应用3S技术(遥感技术(RS)、全球定位系统(GPS)、地理信息系统(GIS))在遗址探查中的作用和优势,提出了基于地物空间关系知识、多源信息复合探查的思路.应用结果以巢湖柘皋区为例,将该区遥感图像中提取的古河道信息层和数字化后的地形图上标注为独立物(其中包括已知、疑似遗址点)层叠合,在地理信息系统中总结已知遗址点的分布规律,筛选出疑似遗址点,并将其GPS定位信息与近期巢湖文物管理部门野外实测记录对比,提取的疑似遗址点中包含了普查记录的遗址.3s技术的应用表明,该方法可为考古普查工作节省大量时间、人力和物力.  相似文献   
为改善Oddy测试法实验周期长,依靠目测判断腐蚀程度的状况研究建立了一种薄膜试片测试法,研发薄膜试片、设计成套测试容器与夹具、改变测试条件并结合数码采集腐蚀图像和对腐蚀图像数字化分析等简化藏展材料评估筛选实验操作、缩短测试时间和提高结果分级判别能力.另外,固相微萃取和气质联用仪(SPME-GC/MS)被用于表征藏展材料在挥发和降解过程中所释放的污染物成分,佐证其对银、铜和铅金属文物的潜在危害.新建薄膜试片测试法表明,14d的测试周期不仅大大缩短了测试时间,简化了操作,而且薄膜试片的使用也有利于克服人为分级的主观判断性,为数字化分级打下坚实基础.  相似文献   
The remains of Henry V's flagship, the Grace Dieu, currently lie buried within the inter-tidal sediments of the River Hamble (S. England). Previous archaeological investigations have been hindered by difficult excavation conditions resulting in a poor understanding of the dimensions, shape and degradation state of the hull's deeper structure. This study therefore aimed to image, characterize and reconstruct the buried remains of this vessel using a high-resolution 3D acoustic sub-bottom Chirp system with RTK-GPS positioning capability. The accurate navigation and high-resolution data that were acquired enabled the construction of a full 3D image of the site that not only identified the remains of the wooden hull, but also features buried within it. In addition, the degradation state of these buried wooden remains were investigated by calculating reflection coefficients while a hypothetical larger reconstruction of the Grace Dieu's hull was achieved, through the use of the ShipShape ship design software package.  相似文献   
傅惜华是20世纪著名的藏书家、古典戏曲文献研究专家,其一生著述甚丰,尤其在戏曲目录学领域贡献突出。本文将视角固定在图书典籍上,略述傅惜华对中国戏曲典籍的收藏保存、著录传播、捐公奉献。  相似文献   
鲁北—胶东盐业考古调查记   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文通过对鲁北莱州湾和胶东半岛16个县市和出有盔形器的遗址进行了调查,对盔形器的形态演变、分布区域、使用功能等进行了初步研究,并与国内外有关遗址和类似器物作了比较分析,确认菜州湾沿海包含大量盔形器的遗址是商周时期的制盐作坊,而盔形器则是制盐的特殊用具.  相似文献   
刘辉  唐宁 《江汉考古》2012,(1):54-58,60
金鸡岭遗址窑址群是目前长江中游发现的屈家岭文化时期数量最多、形制最丰富、分布最为集中的窑址群。陶窑从形态特征看有圆形窑、长条形分室窑、长方形馒头窑三种类型,其中长条形分室窑似龙窑结构在长江流域是首次发现,为我国早期龙窑的起源提供了极为重要的研究资料。窑址附近发现的非正常死亡的人骨架可能与窑址奠基或祭祀仪式有关。该窑址群时代为屈家岭文化时期。  相似文献   
路智勇  惠任 《华夏考古》2012,(1):148-152
纺织品纤维所含有的亲水基团是纺织品文物吸湿回潮处理的前提。纤维回潮后塑性变形能力增加,进而可借助一定技术条件对糟朽、干燥脆弱织物进行保护修复处理。在操作完成后,纤维内部分子链被重新排列,所吸收的水分会逐渐释放出来,直到与外界保存环境保持平衡。在此过程中形成的新的次级化学键将阻止纤维内部被重排的分子链回到回潮前的状态,这就使得纺织品文物回潮后的处理效果得以保存。  相似文献   
19世纪末,朝鲜王朝向清王朝提出穆克登碑文所标示的界河"土门"不是图们江,而是海兰河(后来改为黄花松沟子),中朝两国应以"土门"分界。为此,双方进行了两次界务谈判。谈判中,朝鲜李重夏虽然坚决主张"土门"非今图们江的"两江说",但其实知晓这一观点是错误的。界务谈判后,李重夏以"别单"形式几次撰文上奏政府,阐述了他对"两江说"的真实看法,论证了"土门"即图们江、图们江自朝鲜王朝初年就已是中朝两国界河的史实,揭露了"两江说"的策划者是鱼允中,被朝鲜称为"分界江"的布尔哈通河与现实界河毫不相关等。  相似文献   
This study explores how a scientist's location in science‐based policy networks can affect her policy‐oriented behaviors. In particular, we hypothesize that those scientists who fill structural holes in their networks will be more likely than others to engage in policy‐oriented behaviors. The network data are defined by scientists' coauthorship on policy documents regarding climate change in the Great Lakes. We employ a two‐mode network analysis to identify clusters of scientists who coauthored similar documents, and relative to those clusters, we identify those who fill structural holes by bridging between clusters. We find that those scientists who bridged between clusters were more likely to engage in policy‐oriented behaviors of policy advocacy and advising than were others in the network. This is an example of a link between network location and policy‐oriented behavior indicative of the broader phenomenon of how individuals exert agency, given structural constraints.  相似文献   
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