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李云  申永峰 《收藏家》2012,(2):21-24
佛像,是佛陀塑像的简称。最初为释迦摩尼去世后,弟子为了纪念和瞻仰而雕刻的造像,后来逐渐演变为佛门弟子纪念那些因佛法修行而成为大觉悟者、大智慧者的造像。  相似文献   
王晖 《文博》2011,(2):30-35
学术界有关中国文字起源的时代及其途径说法甚多。现代文盲与半文盲所作的现代"文字画"为我们提供了十分生动的例证。一位基本不识字的老太太所作的"黑网吧图"属于"文字画",早期识字不多的军旅作家高玉宝所作"入党申请书"似可视为"文字画"与正式文字过渡阶段的作品"图画文字"。在这个阶段,假借字是早期文字诞生过程中必不可少的重要环节,在文字的诞生过程中,假借字与本字几乎是同时出现的,不是像传统所说的假借字的出现在本字之后。把这些现代"文字画"与新石器晚期及纳西族东巴文中"文字画"和早期文字相比较,可帮助我们判断早期汉字产生的途径以及汉字正式产生的参照系。  相似文献   
颜麒  杨韫 《旅游科学》2011,25(1):72-79
上海世博会是2010年中国旅游行业最重要的盛事,深入理解和分析上海世博会旅游消费者的行为特征,对于未来中国节事旅游产品的开发和营销具有重要的意义。本文应用聚类分析和联合分析,从供需两个方面初步探究和分析了参团到访上海世博会的香港游客的消费者行为特征。研究结果显示,该客源市场可以细分为消遣型、综合型和融入型三个类别。三类游客对世博旅游产品具有不同的选择偏好。  相似文献   
崔云 《神州》2011,(3X):101-101,103
语文教学效率包括知识的数量、能力的训练、思想教育的效果等。决定教学效率的因素是多方面的,如学生因素、教材因素、教法因素等,但教师因素是影响教学效率的主要因素,因为教师在教学中起主导作用。在中学各门学科中,语文课的综合性最强,内容覆盖面广,所以语文教师应成为一个“杂”家。  相似文献   
运兆军 《神州》2011,(3X):113-114
初一学生处于半幼稚、半成熟阶段,掌握其规律教学,更应善于引导,使他们旺盛的精力,强烈的好奇化为强烈的求知欲望和认真学习的精神,变被动学习为主动自觉学,习让学生的各种素质都得到有效的发展和培养。  相似文献   
The questions related to Tubo’s establishment,development,prosperity and decline always drew attention from academic circles.We need to analyze and study many aspects to find the essence of these questions.Undoubtedly,this is a very important approach to the study ofTubo’s expansionist policies. Many factors influenced the rise and fall of the Tubo Kingdom,including its economic development,the composition and structure of its political forces on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau,the political forces in regions adjacent to Tubo,its social,economic and political situation as well as its internal and external policies.Academic circles have closely examined its expansionist activities.Professor Lin Guanqun,a scholar from Taiwan  相似文献   
早在女真族初步形成之时,居住于朝鲜半岛北部的西女真和东女真就将家园视为中国之内的封境。高丽北进,女真则失去了大片土地。辽朝末年,为保卫家园,女真人在曷懒甸(今咸兴平原)大败高丽军。在朝鲜王朝占领半岛东北部以后,女真首领王可仁、佟景再三提醒明成祖,朝鲜所占之地乃是女真人的旧土,但由于彼时明朝君臣对该地历史的不确知,十处女真居地被送与朝鲜。  相似文献   
文献志编纂由来已久,当代编文献志是激活传统的文征、文献志体。文献志全面记述一地各类有历史价值或参考价值的图书资料编纂出版情况,内容以艺文志为主,同时涵盖自然、经济、政治、社会、科学技术等方面的著述文献。参照现代文献分类,可分为哲学社会科学类文献,基本要素11小类;自然科学类文献,基本要素9小类。省级志书文献志还应该设置综合性图书类,直接分为丛书,百科全书、类书,辞典,论文集、全集、选集、杂著,年鉴,期刊、连续性出版物,图书目录、文摘、索引等7小类,主要是编目录,撰提要,录原文。  相似文献   
The luminescence dating of the K-feldspar fraction is an alternative way for samples that cannot yield reasonable equivalent dose (De) from quartz fraction with very weak luminescence signal. For testing the reliability of the infrared stimulated luminescence (IRSL) dating of K-feldspar, luminescence dating was applied to quartz and K-feldspar fractions respectively for several Holocene samples in this study. K-feldspar apparent ages using routine single aliquot regenerative-dose (SAR) protocol, K-feldspar ages using g value correction method and ages from isochron dating method were compared with quartz ages. It is found that the g value correction method cannot give reliable ages due to the large errors induced during measurements. The isochron dating method is effective to the sample with problematically external dose rate. However, isochron dating may introduce a relatively greater error during grain sizes — De curve fitting, therefore this method could obtain low-resolution ages for Holocene samples. Even K-feldspar apparent age from routine SAR protocol is relatively younger by about 10% than the quartz age, it still could establish reasonable chronological framework for Holocene samples.  相似文献   
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