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中国政区地理的发展与成就   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
刘君德 《人文地理》1996,11(Z1):62-71
本文系统总结了中国政区地理的发展与成就。指出:古代以沿革地理著述为主,近代以省制改革研究为重点,新中国政区地理研究经历了由"禁区"走向开放繁荣的发展过程。  相似文献   
刘萍 《抗日战争研究》2006,23(1):87-110
抗战时期,伪满政府为了解决劳动力的缺乏,在协和会的推动下,掀起了国民“勤劳奉公”运动。在运动中,协和会作为伪满政权最高的国民组织体,从组织上、思想上、实践上积极动员青年学生参加,为“勤劳奉公”制度的实施作了最充分的思想动员,并培养了大量的后备军,从而为该制度的最终建立奠定了基础。在协和会的推动下,伪满政府颁布了“勤劳奉公法”,使之成为伪满后期劳务新体制的重要内容。该法律的根本目的,是日本军国主义为了确保劳力供给资源,利用国家权利来掠夺青年劳动力。  相似文献   
刘小萌 《文献》2001,160(3):177-194
在现存清代北京地区石刻中,旗人石刻占有很大比例.旗人石刻类型多样,主要有刻石、摩崖、碑碣、墓志等,内容涉及八旗制度乃至满汉旗民的诸多方面,且所详者又往往可补文献史书之阙,研究价值之高不言而喻.  相似文献   
刘玉珺 《文献》2006,(4):177-189
在整个汉文化圈之中,越南是中国之外使用汉字历史最长的国家.从古代越南铜鼓铭文及各种南越古冢出土物来看,早在公元以前,篆字就已在南部越南流传.  相似文献   
Z. Zhu  C. Yu  W. Luo  Y. Miao  Z. Lu  L. Liu  J. Yang 《Archaeometry》2020,62(1):130-140
In order to identify accurately the circular object contained in the ceramic pot excavated from Jurou Li's grave of the Jin dynasty (1115–1234 ce ) in Xi'an, Shaanxi, China, mass spectrometry was applied to determine the amino acid sequences of the residual proteins extracted from the sample, after preliminary starch grain analysis. The sequences were searched against a standard protein sequence database. The proteins extracted were identified as originating from domesticated barley (Hordeum vulgare), soybean (Glycine max), and fermentative microorganisms (Kluyveromyces lactis, Lipomyces starkeyi, Wickerhamomyces ciferrii, Nadsonia fulvescens and Zygosaccharomyces rouxii). These findings indicate that the extremely degraded object in the ceramic pot was made from barley by fermentation with the addition of soy sauce, providing direct evidence of culinary culture in the Jin dynasty.  相似文献   
Although the development of punctuated equilibrium theory makes broad reference to the bureaucratic procedures that regulate budgetary decision making and makes reasonable assumptions about the influence of those procedures on the dynamic of resource allocation, little is known about how the specific mechanisms work. This has led to a call to understand the processes that cause friction in greater detail. This study examines how budgetary output patterns may be influenced by governments' strategic fiscal choices. Using an approach that highlights the roles of various fiscal policy-making processes, we found significant deviations of budgetary output patterns in capital projects, restricted funds, and entitlement spending, thus signifying the influence of fiscal practices on resource allocation decisions. We further examined how fiscal influences may be realized in the political process of democratization in Hong Kong. By examining legislative filibuster cases related to capital projects, we found evidence associating democratization with greater institutional friction and consequently with larger budgetary output punctuations.  相似文献   
柳若梅 《文献》2020,(2):67-77
19世纪上半叶,天主教传教士遭到清政府的驱逐。北京天主教传教士在末路之际,只好把在华三百年间积累的图书即北堂藏书委托给经中俄两国政府协议规定常驻北京的俄国东正教使团。俄国东正教使团接收图书后逐一整理,并安排使团成员戈什克维奇为这批图书登记编目,这是北堂藏书在历史上的第一次编目,该目录现收藏于俄联邦外交部沙俄对外政策档案馆。1860年俄国特使伊格纳季耶夫在北京将这批图书交付法国特使葛罗,归还给北京天主教团。1861-1862年间北京天主教狄仁吉神父整理天主教藏书并编目,1949年北京天主教惠泽霖神父再次整理编目并出版《北堂图书馆藏西文善本目录》。俄藏北堂西文藏书目录揭示了19世纪天主教传教士在北京被驱逐时的藏书情况,折射出天主教入华传教士在华近三百年间传播西方思想文化和科学技术的知识基础。  相似文献   
刘群艺 《文献》2020,(2):100-120
日本在1914年侵占青岛之后搜刮了德国殖民官方在当地所藏的几乎所有的书籍和图文资料,这批文献总称为"掳获书籍"。日军自1920年4月至1922年12月将其全部运回日本,并分配给国内相关军事和教育机构。本文通过档案史料梳理了这批文献被掠夺的经过、分配原则与方式以及在日本流布的现状,认为由于现存文献的收藏地较为分散,数字化形式的事实返还较为可行。  相似文献   
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