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梁勉 《文博》2010,(3):86-91
本文以西安地区出土的唐墓壁画中的乐舞图入手,指出不同时期乐舞图的特点。  相似文献   
小田 《史学月刊》2006,(10):73-82
清末民国时代的丰子恺,以艺术的视角观照儿童生活的琐屑与微末,发现:与成人世界不同,生活于特定社群中的儿童,熨贴着亲属和邻里关系,少受自然的支配和社会习惯的束缚,由其本真的生活激活出无限的创造性,而伴随着初始社会化而来的异化生活终结了儿童的本真,同时也斫丧了他们的创造力。透过往昔儿童生活场景,可以依稀发现一个历史时段儿童的生活方式、区域特色、时代特征以及演变痕迹。  相似文献   
承德地区汉代长城与烽燧调查   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
承德自古是中原汉族与北方草原游牧民族交往的区域,为历代军事要塞,古长城遗迹丰富。本文报告了汉长城与烽燧在承德境内的分布、走向以及建筑特征,并做了一些初步考证。  相似文献   
田嘉 《中国地方志》2006,(11):12-13
同志们: 十分高兴应邀参加广东省第五次地方志工作会议。广东省政府召开这么大规模、高层次的会议,及时宣传、贯彻国务院《地方志工作条例》,对全省地方志工作进行全面回顾,对下一阶段的工作进行全面部署,充分体现了广东省委、省政府对地方志工作的重视。我代表中国地方志指导小组及其办公室,对会议的召开表示热烈的祝贺,向与会代表和全省广大方志工作致以崇高的敬意。利用今天这个机会,我讲三个问题:  相似文献   
亚洲文化部论坛和第七届亚洲艺术节于2005年11月11-17日在我国南方的历史文化名城佛山市隆重举行。虽是隆冬季节,美丽的佛山却是温暖如春,处处花团锦簇、热情洋溢。这是次规模宏大、内容丰富、多彩多姿、隆重热门的文化艺术盛会。  相似文献   
本文运用考古学资料并结合文献史料,力图论证赫图阿拉城“尊号台”遗址的建筑格局及“尊号台”所在,从而推断满族宫室建筑的雏形。  相似文献   
本文论述职能开发、领域开发以及内发开发、外发开发的接近方式,比较分析其理论基础、执行手段及期待效果,提出能够简便地分析区域开发战略的理论框架  相似文献   
The provenance of the highly radiogenic lead (HRL) contained in Chinese Shang bronzes has attracted great scholarly attention in recent years. A new study of the Hanzhong Shang bronzes has put forward a hypothesis that the HRL metal may come from the adjacent Qinling Mountains. This article reanalyses the lead isotope ratios and alloy compositions of the Hanzhong bronzes. Combining the analytical results, the modern ore data and the slags from Guanzhong area, we propose that there is no direct evidence to identify Qinling as the provenance of HRL metal (especially lead). Whilst over 80% of the Hanzhong bronzes contain HRL, the indigenous artefacts containing both HRL and special alloying elements (As, Sb, Ni) account only for minor portions. This fact cannot verify that HRL originates from Qinling, and even makes it difficult to prove that most of the Hanzhong bronzes use local metal resources. An alternative argument might be that the HRL used in Hanzhong derived from the Shang dynasty. The use of HRL reflects a unified system for allocating metal resources centred on the Shang kingdom, which has great significance for further understanding of the resource circulation patterns among different bronze cultures and locations during the Shang period.  相似文献   
李甜 《安徽史学》2021,(3):136-142
同乡团体是传统商帮研究的重要组成部分.清代以来,以徽商为主体的皖南商人麇集于武汉三镇,太平天国战后并未衰微,皖南同乡团体一直维持到新中国成立初期.本文基于对调查报告的回溯式分析,考察新安六邑同乡会等同乡团体的经营、管理,及其接受社会主义改造的细节,从侧面梳理近代皖南商帮的变迁与解体过程.  相似文献   
The myth of Manchu origin was narrated in different versions with the same theme and variant details. Based on Manchu documents, the myth of Manchu origin has two early versions that were written in Manchu with minor differences in the narration of the story. From the earliest version of 1635 to the version compiled in the nineteenth century, all the authors highlight that the origin of the Manchu people as coming from a heavenly being, with the purpose of reinforcing the Qing dynasty’s legitimacy as coming from the heaven, as was officially declared by the Qing government throughout the dynasty. This article makes a comparative study based on evidential research on the facts contained in different versions of the myth and the time periods of composition.  相似文献   
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