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我省现有城市人口 162 0万 ,占全省总人口的 3 8.6% ,城市少数民族人口 15 0万 ,占城市人口的 9.3 %。城市少数民族人口比例居全国第 3位。近些年来 ,随着社会主义市场经济的发展 ,我省地区间、民族间、城乡间的人口流动和往来日益频繁 ,城市化进程加快 ,城市少数民族人口比例呈上升趋势。在这种大背景下 ,城市民族工作产生了与以往不同的新情况和新特点 :一是热点问题增多 ,许多当前改革中产生的社会问题突出地反映在民族问题上 ;二是复杂性增强 ,少数民族成份增加 ,居住却日趋分散 ,民族意识表现强烈 ;三是民族工作基层性加深 ,街道、社区、企业中的民族工作量日益扩展、加大。我省城市民族工作如何面对新形势、新问题 ,探索符合城市民族工作实际的新思路、新办法、新模式 ,这是当前我省民族工作的重要任务。本刊在本期刊登了本溪市河西街道办事处和抚顺矿务局城市民族工作典型经验 ,期望对开创辽宁城市民族工作新局面有所裨益  相似文献   
照阿拉姆石刻位于四川、青海、西藏三省交界处,石刻为浅阴刻一佛二菩萨造像。从造像风格来看与敦煌吐蕃占领时期壁画风格一致,属波罗艺术风格。从题记藏文来看,文字古朴,应为826年文字改革之前字体。此铺造像为吐蕃中晚期约800年左右的作品。  相似文献   
The air 《旅游纵览》2011,(11):56-58
<正>凤凰古城,我一直期待着与这座宁静、质朴小城的第一次相遇。新西兰著名作家路易·艾黎,把凤凰古城赞美为中国最美丽的小城,因此在未到之前,我就对它充满了无限的遐想。在一家充满湘西风格的客栈安顿好后,我们就迫不及待地冲了出去,直奔古  相似文献   
The West Wansdyke is a major earthwork in the former County of Avon, now Bath and North-East Somerset, which is thought to date to either the late Roman or early post-Roman periods. A series of cross-sections excavated across the earthwork showed, firstly, that it originally existed in some areas where there are no longer any visible remains, but, secondly, that there are still some unexplained gaps. The research suggests that the monument was of a very consistent and uniform design and dimensions, a feature which implies strategic planning and co-ordinated management during construction. Evidence from two particular sites, Blackrock Lane and Compton Green, indicated that significant stretches of the dyke bank originally had a timber revetment, but that, where it was easily available, stone was used, as at Binces Lane, Stantonbury. Little artefactual dating evidence was recovered during the work, although the presence of Romano-British and earlier pottery, and prehistoric flints from bank construction deposits does not preclude the established, post-Roman, context, but can also allow a late Roman date. Construction techniques indicate work in a Roman military tradition, possibly re-using an earlier structure.  相似文献   
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