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汤志彪 《江汉考古》2005,(3):88-90,76
上博简(三)《彭祖》一篇在释文和注释方面多有可商榷者,本文参照历史文献,对该篇的部分字句加以新的解释。  相似文献   
区域历史文化传承与区域文化资源产业化   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
唐金培 《攀登》2009,28(6):115-118
面对经济全球化的影响和外来文化的冲击,区域文化资源产业化不失为一种有效保护传统区域文化的明智选择。然而,我国当前区域文化资源产业化整体上还处于初级阶段。只有从思想观念、运行机制、人才培养等方面进一步加大创新力度,才能尽快实现区域文化资源优势向区域文化产业优势的转换。  相似文献   
宝卷是敦煌俗文学的分支,广泛流传于我国的西北省份。它是盛行于甘肃河西走廊的地方民间说唱文学艺术,也是一种比较古老而又有浓厚宗教色彩的通俗文艺,其中尤以河西宝卷最为著名。甘州宝卷是河西宝卷的重要组成部分,在以前的甘州农村最为流行,影响颇深。甘州宝卷作为一种人民的精神寄托和文化娱乐,在民间源远流长,深受广大人民群众的喜爱。  相似文献   
江西萍乡的田中古城至少历经西周、春秋两个时期,其考古学文化背景是江西印纹陶文化。虽然该城的国属难以考订,但其族属应与百越相关。该城的衰落,很可能是楚国南侵所致。城址的废弃或将楚国势力跨过长沙向南发展并进至株洲、澧陵一线的时间确立在公元前550年前后。该城址是春秋时期楚文化与百越文化接触与融合的见证。  相似文献   
对太平天国拜上帝会毁庙事件的性质和渊源,学界多从信仰上帝为独一真神,反对偶像崇拜的角度进行解释。本文依据实地调查及对各类官私文献的重新释读,指出在明清国家正统文化秩序确立的过程中,浔州府地方往往将社、庙神明正统化并依赖其来维系既有地方社会秩序,清中后期更以社、庙祭祀为中心形成了村落联盟组织。这样的地方信仰及组织深刻影响了拜上帝会的形成。在与正统神明崇祀及村落联盟组织的激烈斗争背景下,拜上帝会一系列的毁庙举动,表面上以打破民间偶像崇拜为旗号,实际上蕴含了对抗当地村落联盟等地方组织的族群政治意义。对此事件进行深入剖析,或可从一个侧面说明,太平天国的发生发展有其更为复杂的地方历史背景。  相似文献   
This article investigates the influences of the effective ground motion duration (GMD) on damping reduction factor. The GMD are associated with 25 Chi-chi earthquake ground motion records and harmonic sine wave. The study shows that damping reduction factor decreases with the increasing of the damping ratio, and decreases with the increasing of the effective duration of the ground motion and the number of cycles of harmonic excitation. A nonlinear multiple regression analysis based on the statistical mean values of the present study is employed, and a modified damping reduction factor considering the effects of GMD is suggested.  相似文献   
The rise of a non-democratic China as the world ‘s second largest economy, still officially subscribing to Communism or ‘Socialism with Chinese characteristics’ as its ideology1?1 In Xi Jinping's first speech as the new Chinese leader, after assuming his position as Party Secretary at the 18th Party Congress in November 2012, he declared that, “we will ensure that our Party will remain at the core of leadership in advancing the cause of socialism with Chinese characteristics”. Xinhua report on 19 November 2012. http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/china/2012cpc/2012-11/19/content_15939817.htm. By adopting the term “Socialism with Chinese Characteristics” – zhongguo tese de shehui zhuyi, the Chinese Communist Party has argued that it has not abandoned socialism by introducing foreign capital and the opening up the Chinese economy to market forces. See for example a report on Deng Xiaoping's remarks to visiting Japanese delegation in 1984, “Build Socialism with Chinese Characteristics” People's Daily, 30 June 1984. http://english.peopledaily.com.cn/dengxp/vol3/text/c1220.html., has raised the spectre of the return of the Cold War to Asia with the United States and China on opposing sides, with China backed by Russia, its former Cold War ally. But to what extent are there historical parallels between the Cold War and the current East Asian international relations system?  相似文献   
对自然物、自然现象的困惑、恐惧,以自身类比方法,远古人想象出了种种神灵,产生了多神崇拜.夏商周时代,多神崇拜演变为统一至上神即天神崇拜.春秋末期,孔子创立儒学,接纳了天神崇拜观念;西汉中叶之初,董仲舒代表的儒家集天神崇拜观念之大成,创立了系统的天神崇拜思想体系.天神崇拜实质上是自然力崇拜、大自然崇拜,它凸显了儒家对大自然的敬畏思想.  相似文献   
劳棠 《收藏家》2015,(2):34
2014年12月25日《中国国家博物馆藏——中国古代书法》、《中国国家博物馆——百年收藏集粹》新书发布会于国家博物馆举行。《中国古代书法》、《百年收藏集粹》是国家博物馆近年聚集馆内精英推出的二部大型学术性图典。《中国古代书法》是在国家博物馆藏3万余件古代书法作品中精选近400件,以文物类型和材质为经,  相似文献   
Xu, H.-H., Wang, Y., Tang, P. & Wang, Y., May 2017. A new diminutive euphyllophyte from the Middle Devonian of West Junggar, Xinjiang, China and its evolutionary implications. Alcheringa 41, 524–531. ISSN 0311-5518.

A diminutive euphyllophyte, Douaphyton levigata gen. et sp. nov., is described from the upper Middle Devonian (Givetian) Hujiersite Formation of West Junggar, Xinjiang, China. The plant consists of more than three orders of axis branching, each axis being less than 2 mm wide. The second-order axes are short, laterally and alternately attached to the main axis. The third-order axes are paired and anisotomously divided, bearing the vegetative appendages or the fertile units. The fertile unit consists of a short recurved axis giving off up to four short pedicels along one side, each of which bears one to four pairs of terminal sporangia. Douaphyton has a three-dimensional branching system that has an intermediate form in the evolutionary context of euphyllophytes and lignophytes. It is also proposed that complex branching developed in multiple groups in the Middle Devonian.

*Hong-He Xu [], Yao Wang [], Peng Tang [], Yi Wang [] State Key Laboratory of Palaeobiology and Stratigraphy, Nanjing Institute of Geology and Palaeontology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Nanjing 210,008, PR China. Yao Wang [] University of Science and Technology of China. 96 Jinzhai Road, Hefei, Anhui Province, 230,026, PR China.  相似文献   

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