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西汉长陵、阳陵GPS测量简报   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
西汉时期皇帝陵墓均位于都城长安附近,除文帝霸陵位于灞水西岸的白鹿原,宣帝杜陵位于长安东南的鸿固原外,其余9座均位于咸阳原上。咸阳原处于关中中部,东西40、南北3—10公里,此处土厚水深,地势高亢,北靠泾水,南临渭河,与汉长安城一水之隔,是理想的丧葬之  相似文献   
偃师市高崖村东汉墓(陵)冢钻探、试掘简报   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
偃师市高崖村东汉M1和M8经考古钻探和试掘,发现有建筑夯土遗迹、灰坑等,出土有建筑材料等遗物,证实M1的封土底边平面大致是圆形的,墓葬周围有较大的规模和一定等级的地面建筑,其时代大致应当在东汉中晚期,推测M1可能和汉质帝的静陵有关系。  相似文献   

This paper develops a nuanced understanding of town-country relations in China. Inherent in the current literature is the serious problem of randomly indigenizing experiences and concepts from the West. To restore this imbalance, this paper provides a preliminary attempt to develop a better understanding methodologically, epistemologically and theoretically. It argues first for the implementation of a spatial story methodology that takes spatio-temporal relations seriously; second, a nuanced concept of the state as dynastic empire-building which functions through a two-tier governing relationship in focus-field relationships; third, a rejection of dualism, advocating instead the idea of mutual embeddedness in order to decipher the subtle relationships between parts and whole; fourth, an interrogation of the appropriateness of spatial concepts like spatial reach, scale, level and territory; and, finally, a proposed concept of cheng-cum-xiang to eschew a dualistic approach to town-country relations. In conclusion, the paper suggests implications for debates within urban studies more generally.  相似文献   
古代汀州城是闽西的政治、军事、经济、文化中心,在一千多年的历史长河中,它从唐代草创到明清时繁荣,逐步发展为具有传统特色的历史文化名城。促使汀州城发展变化的原因主要是:生产力的提高和社会经济的繁荣;客家人的入迁,中原文化与闽越族文化的融合;汀江航运交通的发展。  相似文献   
白云翔先生所著<先秦两汉铁器的考古学研究>一书出版已有些时日.我因早年研究过中国古代冶铁术,出版之初即通读了该书,并打算撰写书评,但考虑到自己近年的研究兴趣已更多地转移到了商代考古领域,未敢轻易置喙.最近再次拜读云翔先生的大作,深信该书提出的诸多议题,应引起学术界高度重视,故不揣浅陋,对有关问题略加讨论,不当之处,敬请作者和学界同仁指正.  相似文献   
本文向旅游规划者提供线性规划模型,将其应用到国家级自然风景区--天柱山所在地潜山县,以此研究旅游发展对经济的影响,并建立一个基准水平作为比较的基础.  相似文献   
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