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J. Cao  W. Hu  X. Wang  D. Zhu  Y. Tang  B. Xiang  M. Wu 《Geofluids》2015,15(3):410-420
In this paper, we attempt to differentiate hydrocarbon‐bearing reservoir horizons of the Junggar Basin of NW China based on the characteristics of diagenesis and associated elemental geochemistry. Reservoirs at this site have varying levels of oil saturation that correlate with the degree of dissolution in minerals (e.g., calcite and feldspar). Four different horizons with varying diagenetic mineral assemblages were observed, including (i) kaolinite‐rich, oil‐dominated horizons, (ii) kaolinite–pyrite–hematite‐rich, oil–water‐dominated horizons, (iii) siderite–chlorite‐rich, water‐dominated horizons, and (iv) chlorite‐rich horizons with negligible hydrocarbon production. The mean MnO content of the representative diagenetic mineral (e.g., calcite) in each of the above horizons is >2.5, 2.0–2.5, 1.5–2.0, and <1.0 wt%, respectively. We propose that the above methodology can be used for the identification of reservoir hydrocarbon‐bearing horizons. We argue that the indicators presented here can be applied in oil exploration across the Junggar Basin.  相似文献   
旅游地居民对旅游影响感知研究综述及中外研究比较   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李德山  韩春鲜  杨玲 《人文地理》2010,25(5):142-147
随着旅游业迅速发展,旅游影响研究逐渐成为研究热点,而基于居民感知视角的旅游影响研究是当前主要研究范式。本文对1995-2008年之间相关文献进行分类和统计,从文献数量变化、研究指标、研究地、研究方法、作者分布等进行中外对比分析。分析旅游影响研究在指标选取、研究方法和研究地域等方面的总体特征及国内和国外研究的特征,以分析旅游影响研究的主要内容和中外差异特征,并基于分析的结果,对国内未来的研究提出一些建议。  相似文献   
董亮  江凌 《收藏家》2008,(1):17-22
西方中世纪时期,王权常常形同虚设,各城邦之间战争不断,既为在战争中辨别敌我以避免伤及战友,也为了树立自身城邦形象,欧洲纹章在这种背景下约于12世纪末兴起。最初只绘制于盾牌上,后来扩展于各类器物和建筑上,其使用范围亦从国家城邦象征向贵族、教会以及其他普通团体和民众扩展,成为体现欧洲文化最典型的象征之一,不过,时至今日,欧洲纹章的主要形式仍然保持盾形。  相似文献   
《楚辞》文献学百年巡视   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
黄灵庚 《文献》1998,(1):132-167
<楚辞>学历代居于相当突出的"显学"的位置,而且研究的历史非常悠久,可以追溯到二千一百多年前的西汉初期.但是,传统的学术研究总是跳不出"义理"、"音义"、"考据"三个模式.毫无疑义,这三个模式确是传统学术研究的结晶,仍然是我们今天研究<楚辞>文献乃至研究我国一切历史文献的"基本功".  相似文献   
辽阳博物馆收藏有两件1988年出土于辽阳市太子河区东京陵乡石嘴山汉墓中的西汉刻铭铜器,其中的铜魁应为铜承盘,与同墓出土的铜熏炉是一组器物。两件铜器所刻铭文为研究汉代计量提供了实物资料,也反映了汉代辽阳地区与内地的经济交往。  相似文献   
对秦兵马俑彩绘保护技术的思考与建议   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
秦陶俑彩绘保护是秦始皇陵保护的重点和难点。对秦兵马俑目前的现状进行全面介绍的基础上分析了损坏的原因,指出损坏是由历史、力学以及物理化学等原因共同造成。然后详细评价了PEG200和聚氨酯(PU)乳液联合处理的保护方法与单体材料渗透、电子束辐照固化(EB)的保护方法,并指出了这两种技术的优势及所存在的问题;还介绍了一些辅助加固技术并详细介绍了冷冻干燥法、盐溶液干燥法以及室温干燥法的原理和操作;之后提出了加固剂制备与陶俑保护一体化的设想、均匀场的设想以及稳定生漆层的设想。  相似文献   
西北汉简“卒家属廪名籍”中的“大”“使”“未使”“小”身份,整齐登录,以年龄为界,长期保持稳定,用于廪食配给。肩水金关汉简“家属符”、秦汉户口簿籍中的“小”“大”身份,时而省记,以婚姻、傅籍为界,其界限常随国家政治经济需要而调整。三类簿籍中的“小”“大”身份,虽然名称相同,但是内涵迥异,甚至同类簿书中的同名身份,男、女之间亦有所不同。由此可见,分类整理簿籍、辨析文书性质、判断男女身份之异同,是研究秦汉各类身份之内涵的基本前提。  相似文献   
民国时期工业会成立原因探析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
唐永余 《民国档案》2007,(1):111-116
1947年10月,国民政府立法院通过《工业会法》,决定在各省、市、县建立各级工业会,全国成立工业总会。从此,工业团体获得了与商会并驾齐驱的法律地位,并建立了一整套工业团体组织系统。本文从工业团体发展演变、工商团体中工与商之间关系及国民政府与工业团体关系等三个方面,来分析工业会成立原因。  相似文献   
The globalisation of retailing has intensified since the mid‐1990s with the rise of a group of international retailers. Foreign retailers have greatly impacted the Chinese retail market since the opening up of the retail sector in 1992. This study aims to examine spatial inequality and dynamics of foreign hypermarket retailers at different geographic scales in China. Although the relative gaps in foreign hypermarkets among Chinese regions are narrowing, the absolute gaps are widening. Logistic regression models are used to identify locational determinants of foreign retailers Carrefour, Wal‐Mart, and RT‐Mart at the intercity level. Carrefour prefers cities with larger urban district populations, longer time of being open to international retailers, and more foreign investment. While urban district populations are significant to Wal‐Mart and RT‐Mart as well, they favour cities where people have higher annual salaries and aim to achieve internal economies of scale at the provincial level. The three leading foreign retailers also have different first‐city and city size preferences in their provincial expansions.  相似文献   
We propose a new methodology based on standard statistical processes for displaying and rigorously comparing the alloy composition of archaeological bronze alloys. Although traditional approaches using visual comparisons of histograms of alloying elements in an assemblage of archaeological objects are adequate for observing differences between these distributions, we argue that differences in sample size cannot be adequately accounted for without using a statistical approach. We demonstrate this methodology by comparing the alloy composition of bronzes from the sequence of Bronze Age cultures in Central China—Erlitou, Erligang (Zhengzhou, or early Shang), Anyang (late Shang) and Western Zhou. We suggest that this approach allows the identification and rigorous comparison of ‘regional alloying practices’, which in turn enables us to link the alloy composition of the objects with the intentions and skills of foundry workers.  相似文献   
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