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唐锦琼 《考古》2015,(4):88-95
殷墟的高等级墓葬多是通过随葬的铜礼器来彰显其身份和地位。值得注意的是,铜器墓中或多或少还随葬有一定数量的陶器,以往学者似乎并未对随葬的陶器加以关注,只是一并将它们归人随葬品叙述了事,并未对这些陶器在随葬品组合中起到的作用做过多讨论[1]。本文拟通过对殷墟铜器墓中陶器使用情况、陶器与铜礼器的配合使用方式  相似文献   
气体污染物SO2是造成云冈石窟文物本体劣化的重要因素之一。为厘清SO2与水分耦合作用下的云冈砂岩劣化规律,开展不同SO2浓度、相对湿度以及降水条件下的室内模拟风化试验,测定试样质量、表面特征和化学成分变化。结果表明:SO2易与砂岩中的碳酸盐矿物(如方解石)和长石发生化学反应,产物包括CaSO4·2H2O、MgSO4·7H2O和高岭石等,且随着相对湿度增加,反应程度增大,造成试样的质量、色差值、可溶盐含量上升及硅铝比下降;液态水的参与能显著加快SO2与砂岩的相互作用过程,不但增加了各项指标的变化幅度,还加大了SO2入侵深度。研究成果可为砂岩质文物的科学认知和预防性保护提供参考。  相似文献   
在配合扬州蜀岗古代城址城壕整治的考古发掘工作中,为了明确西城门外(西)侧瓮城墙的时代、瓮城墙与瓮城壕的距离及其与瓮城壕、主城壕的关系等问题,在2013~2015年期间,由中国社会科学院考古研究所、南京博物院、扬州市文物考古研究所联合组成的扬州唐城考古工作队,在扬州宋宝祐城西城门外侧瓮城墙上及瓮城墙北部东端各布设探沟1条,在瓮城墙外侧弧形低洼地带布设4条探沟进行了发掘,6条探沟合计发掘面积约300平方米,清理出了南宋晚期修建开挖的瓮城墙和瓮城壕,三期瓮城墙从早至晚分别厚约15.65、16.25、19.75米,瓮城壕宽约23.5米,瓮城墙外边缘距离瓮城壕内边线约26.8米。瓮城壕与主城壕不连通,瓮城墙和主城墙或互不连接。  相似文献   
Many studies on men and masculinity have discussed how Asian male migrants who experience a ‘masculinity crisis’ negotiate their masculinity vis-à-vis dominant black and white masculinities in Western societies. Yet, few have discussed how they negotiate their masculinity in the Asian contexts. In this study, Nepalis have a tradition of transnational migration. Their transnational networks have facilitated the development of overseas Nepali communities. This research therefore aims to study the negotiation of masculinities of Nepali male heroin users, a marginalized group in Hong Kong. By using a qualitative mixed-methods approach, it is argued that their negotiation of masculinities is nuanced and relational; intersecting with race/ethnicity, social space, and generation. In the process, discursive resources in the cultural repertoire are utilized to construct alternative forms of masculinities in school, the workplace, and rehabilitation treatment. These masculinities are pluralistic and contingent, in relation to the transnational space and post-colonial situation of Hong Kong.  相似文献   
Policies governing the sale of raw milk—making the sales of raw milk more permissive—are gaining traction on the legislative agendas of dozens of states. This paper examines one contributor to this movement on the policy agenda: the role of competitive framing. By combining theoretical approaches from policy studies and political psychology theories of competitive framing, we offer evidence supporting the recent relative success of raw milk activists in several state legislatures. Using an Internet survey‐based experiment with a sample size of 1,630 respondents from seven Midwestern states, we show that a frame emphasizing consumer choice and food freedom is more effective than the frame that dominates among the policy establishment, that emphasizing public health risks. This is true in both one‐sided and competitive framing contexts. We further show that those previously aware of this issue were less influenced by the public health frame than those naïve to the issue. Our results suggest that the pro‐raw milk movement may be making strides on the state policy agenda because their frames are more resonant among the public. We also highlight the advantages gained from considering psychological and policy processes simultaneously to understand policy change.  相似文献   
<正>When something or someplace reverberates in one’s mind and lingers for a long time,then you know it must be something special-and so it was when I took my th...  相似文献   
作者在多年积累的考古实物资料的基础上,结合历史文献,探讨了与南宋官窑密切相关的诸问题:如南宋陶质祭器的使用与特征,王晋锡、邵谔与礼器局、邵局、修内司官窑的关系,南宋官窑生产的仿青铜礼器瓷的性质与用途等。作者认为,王晋锡之陶质祭器的烧造与邵谔之修内司官窑的建立,是先后发生在南宋绍兴年间的两件不同的事件,两者之间并无直接或间接的关系,南宋陶质祭器与官窑仿青铜礼器瓷在形制及用途上有本质的区别。  相似文献   
汤兆云 《民国档案》2006,3(1):117-122
为使海外华侨教育能得到有效监控,民国政府继承和进一步发展了晚清侨教视导制度。虽然由于政局动荡、经费不足及管理体制上的分歧,这一制度未能彻底贯彻落实,但它对于华侨教育与国内教育的统一、海外侨教的发展及华侨民族觉悟和爱国情感的维系均有积极意义。  相似文献   
六胡州古城址的发现及其环境意义   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
本文在追溯唐代六胡州的建置与“灵、夏之间”行政沿革的基础上,通过对内蒙古、宁夏、陕西三省区交界处,即毛乌素沙地西南缘的实地考察,并依据考古与文献资料,初步确定了今鄂托克前旗与盐池县境内的六个唐代古城址与六胡州的对应关系。从古城址的时空分布格局、选址条件、人类活动方式等出发,阐述了六胡州古城址的环境指示意义。唐初六胡州北部已经有比较严重的土地沙漠化问题,而六胡州一带建城时因受早期沙漠化过程的影响,在局部地形部位可能分布有地表积沙。  相似文献   
出土青铜器是否带有原生“粉状锈”的探讨   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
“粉状锈”是一种危害性极强的锈蚀产物,本工作从铜的氯化物的生成和土壤环境两个方面入手,对其生成机理进行研究。研究结果表明,“粉状锈”并不是铜器在埋藏环境中直接形成的,而是在土壤中形成“病灶”———氯铜矿、氯化亚铜或两者的混合物放置于大气环境中逐渐转化而成。  相似文献   
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