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在山东滨州黄河两岸的农村,长期以来盛行一种名为"两道饭"的地方宴饮习俗。"两道饭"作为一种民间饮食习俗,除了具有款待宾朋贵客的饮食功能之外,更重要的是通过规范和控制个体成员的民间交往行为,实现了社区内和谐人际关系的构建。笔者于2008年冬天通过多次田野调查,对"两道饭"习俗中的饮食习俗、民间规矩、特殊礼俗和特有酒令进行了详细记录,并对"两道饭"宴饮习俗的现代变迁和文化内涵进行了观照。  相似文献   
覃芳 《南方文物》2010,(2):74-76,77-80
屈肢葬是史前与古代墓葬的一种特殊形式,在不同民族文化中可能成因不同、性质各异。新石器时代的岭南是屈肢葬密集分布的空域,而且在壮族、瑶族、纳西族、独龙族、高山族等土著民族文化中延续到近代,成为文化史、民族史学者关注的课题。广西考古研究所覃芳研究员《广西邕宁顶蛳山史前屈肢葬与肢解葬的考察》一文,通过顶蛳山遗址屈肢葬与肢解葬形态的个案考察,类比华南大陆与台湾原住民民族志上的屈肢葬资料,对屈肢葬的成因、过程以及屈肢葬中肢解葬的由来,做了有价值的考察,对认识古代丧葬制度史、华南土著民族文化变迁史提供了重要的讯息。  相似文献   
明季,重庆忠州出了一位杰出的女军事家,巾帼英雄秦良玉。她在平定播州土司杨应龙、永宁土司奢崇明等的叛乱,维护国家民族的统一安定,做出了杰出的贡献,在抗清的活动中,秦氏一门,更是付出了惨重的牺牲。现今必须恢复其历史的本来面目,给予应有的历史地位和客观的评价,并将永远名垂青史。  相似文献   
20世纪30年代经济大萧条背景下,美英法三国的货币政策特别是汇率政策取决于各国如何权衡国内经济恢复和国际汇率稳定.1931年英镑贬值、1933年美元贬值都是美英当局把货币贬值作为刺激总需求和出口的主要手段.金本位制的崩溃和英镑、美元的相继贬值使国际金融和贸易体系处于分割和对立的状态.美国对国内经济恢复的重视、英国对自治领的义务、法国对金本位的固执导致1933年三方货币合作会谈的失败.不过,随着英美两国经济的恢复,特别是希特勒德国加紧重新武装所造成的欧洲紧张局势促使美国决策层积极推动美英法三方货币合作.从货币集团分割和竞争性贬值的"货币战"发展到1936年9月后三国在汇率政策上的"有限合作",这种关系转变不仅是美国决策层"思想进展"的结果,而且是特定国际形势的产物.因此,1936年的美英法<三方货币稳定协议>具有深刻的政治含义.  相似文献   
对地方志如何处理有关保密和敏感问题,本文有如下见解:一、加强学习,提高认识。要求认清复杂形势,提高保密意识;熟知保密范围;明了保密期限,掌握解密原则。二、掌握尺度与处理方法。主要是把握好历史敏感事件和现实军事状况的记述尺度,灵活运用综合法、换位替代法、比较隐蔽法和回避舍弃法等记述方法。三、抓住关键并处理好4个关系。抓住资料收集、志稿审查和出版发行几个关键工作,处理好收集与保管的关系,编写需要与保密要求的关系,自审与通审的关系,内部版与公开版的关系。  相似文献   
This paper examines the validity of the location invariance theorem in Weberian space under various types of uncertainty. The main results are: Given that the firm's location is constrained to remain at a specified distance from the output market, the optimal location is invariant to any change in product demand if and only if the production function is homothetic for a firm facing demand price uncertainty, or if the production function is homothetic and both inputs are risk-neutral for a firm facing technological uncertainty. Alternatively, given that the distance from the firm's location to the output market is a variable, location invariance occurs for a firm facing demand price uncertainty if the production function is linear homogeneous. In the presence of input price uncertainty the optimal location always varies with a change in product demand. The results can include those previously obtained for linear stochastic location models as special cases and some are new contributions to the literature.  相似文献   
Questions relating to the ability of particular groups in society to access information and communications technologies (ICTs) have become a growing part of the academic and policy literature. The issues raised in this literature have revolved around a number of themes, many of which can be subsumed under concerns about a growing digital divide whereby society is being divided into information rich and information poor sectors. This differentiation can be between particular social groups irrespective of place, or between people in particular places be these large regional areas (e.g. metropolitan versus non‐metropolitan) or localities and communities within an urban area. This paper focuses on the existence of a ‘digital divide’ across the Sydney metropolitan area. Using ABS 2001 census data the paper presents an analysis of computer and internet access and use for clusters of local communities and focuses on how usage differs across communities as differentiated by socio‐economic status, household and family status and ethnic background.  相似文献   
Lynn Pan (ed). The Encyclopedia of the Chinese Overseas. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1999. 400 pp. Illustrations, colour photographs, tables and maps, introduction, timelines, Chinese character list, bibliography, index. US$59.95, hardcover.

Mandy Thomas. Dreams in the Shadows: Vietnamese‐Australian Lives in Transition. Sydney: Allen & Unwin, 1999. 220 pp. Maps, illustrations, introduction, bibliography, index. A$35.00, paper.

Mia Tuan. Forever Foreigners or Honorary Whites?: the Asian Ethnic Experience Today. New Brunswick, New Jersey and London: Rutgers University Press, 1998. 202 pp. Tables, figures, introduction, appendix, notes, bibliography, index. US$18.00, paper.

Traise Yamamoto. Masking Selves, Making Subjects: Japanese American Women, Identity, and the Body. Berkeley, Los Angeles and London: University of California Press, 1999. 317 pp. Introduction, notes, bibliography, index. US$17.95, paper.  相似文献   

Dominant discourses and strategies of the post-11 September ‘war on terror’ reflect an ideological absolutism that has left the democratic space of civil society in the Asia–Pacific severely curtailed and compressed. Recovery of this distinct space of freedom, so crucial to ‘civilisational’ amity, begins with the strategic deconstruction of the totalising logics and practices underwriting not only the words and deeds of religious militants but also those of state actors. Accordingly, amity is best sought not through uncritical fidelity to essentialist and exclusivist understandings of subjectivity, but acknowledgement and acceptance of the reality that the self is necessarily indebted to the other, to which the former must exercise an ethical responsibility.  相似文献   
谭晓娟 《民俗研究》2007,(1):239-246
《桃花女》杂剧今存脉望馆抄本和《元曲选》本。曹本《录鬼簿》、《录鬼簿续编》、《也是园书目》、《今乐考证》和《曲录》中均作《破阴阳八卦桃花女》,在《太和正音谱》中略作《智赚桃花女》。本剧作为元杂剧并不出名,原因有很多,首先是作者不确定。曹本《录鬼簿》、《元曲选》说是王晔。王晔,字日华,号南斋,  相似文献   
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