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该著打破了以往只研究精英而忽视下层民众的传统,转而以中国内陆城市成都作为研究对象,考察公共空间、下层民众、大众文化和地方政治的关系。以“街头文化”作为研究中心,展示街头出现的各种文化现象。用“叙事”的方法将读者引入到身临其境的境地,感受成都街头茶馆儿里的舒适与闲暇、街上小商小贩的叫卖声、街道两旁闲聊边织布的普通妇女,还有街上卖艺的热闹。  相似文献   
民国初年,维护法律的国会议员与迷信强权的武力派并存,前者的政治影响力往往受到怀疑。1918年军政府改组,国会激进派民友社领袖的政治失利,似乎即是武力派战胜国会议员的不争事实。然而如果注意到国民党国会稳健派即益友社和政学会的政治主动性,就会发现,此次改组,或者可以看作是军政府内部体制由元首制向合议制的一次调整,是领袖人物由国会激进派向稳健派的暂时转移。当时国会议员和武力派的宗旨利害相互渗透,各自内部及相互之间立场不断重组,这使得国会议员有可能利用武力派之间的矛盾空隙,推进自己的主张,从而实际上对政局发生影响。  相似文献   
谭伟 《文献》2002,(4):139-146
《庞居士语录》是中国佛教的著名居士--唐庞居士庞蕴的语录和诗偈集.庞蕴(?~815),字道玄,出生于衡阳(今湖南衡阳市),元和(806-820)中,举家北游襄阳(今湖北襄樊市).在禅林中,庞居士与梁朝傅大士齐名,被人们称之为"中土维摩诘",《庞居士语录》是研究唐代禅学的重要著作.庞居士与王梵志、寒山一样,是唐代著名白话诗人,《庞居士语录》保存了大量唐代口语和俗语,也是研究唐代语言的重要参考资料.  相似文献   
谭前学 《文博》2002,(3):37-40,36
在陕西历史博物馆收藏的唐代金银器中,以1970年10月西安南郊何家村窖藏出土的270多件金银器最为著名。由于多种原因,这批窖藏金银器的正式发掘报告一直没有编写出版。为了向学术界提供全面、详实的何家村窖藏金银器资料,二十世纪九十年代中期,陕西历史博物馆决定组织有关人员开始编写何家村窖藏金银器的发掘报告。  相似文献   
This essay focuses on the complex and dynamic relationships between tradition and Christianity among the Paiwan, an Austronesian‐speaking people in Taiwan. The ethnography comes from a village in which adherents of traditional religion and Presbyterians live in the same area, but in separate quarters. They have close kinship and marriage ties; however, the funeral constitutes a major area of controversy and tension. I juxtapose their contrasting representations of death and funerals to highlight their differences and trace the source of their conflict to the ideological domain of concepts of the person. I argue that the differences in their funerals can be explained by the differences in the ways the two groups articulate two versions of the person. Adherents of traditional religion emphasize the holistic side of the person by calling the spirit of the deceased to reunite with the living, whereas Presbyterians stress the individualistic side of the person and maintain the boundary between the living and the dead. I propose that it is the co‐existence of two distinct concepts of the person and the different ways of articulating those concepts which shape the dynamic but often contradictory relationship between tradition and Christianity.  相似文献   
While the land use-street network nexus is well acknowledged, evidence for the one-way impacts of land-use patterns on street accessibility is still inadequate. The measurements of land-use patterns and street accessibility lack systematic knowledge. Their empirical correlations also lack geographical variability, constraining site-specific land-use practices. Therefore, this study overcame the aforementioned limitations by examining the two-level spatial models to formulate accessibility-oriented land plans, using a well-developed Chinese city as an example. Firstly, two landscape metrics—Euclidean Nearest-Neighbor Distance (ENN) and Similarity Index (SIMI)—were used to quantify the intra- and inter-land-use configurations, respectively. Both city-level and local accessibility were measured using spatial design network analysis. Performing both ordinary least squares (OLS) and geographically weighted regression (GWR) models, results identified the statistically significant effects of inter-land-use patterns on two-level street accessibility. An exception was that land-use configurations within residential and industrial regions were irrelevant to street accessibility. We also found GWR was a better-fitting model than OLS when estimating locally-varied accessibility, suggesting hierarchical multiscale land-use planning. Overall, locally heterogeneous evidence in this study can substantialize land use-street network interactions and support the decision-making and implementation of place-specific accessibility-oriented land use.  相似文献   
中国古代失蜡铸造起源问题的思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
迄今为止,中国发现的最早期失蜡铸件,属春秋晚期器,技术已相当复杂。早期的、技术较原始的失蜡铸件并未发现。中国失蜡法的起始年代和原始技术仍是一个学术悬案。近年来发现了一批早至商晚期的中原和长江中下游青铜器,其纹饰或附件的成形无法按陶范法解释。按技术特征分类,计有通体为难于脱范的模纹;模纹内宽外窄;模纹边缘上翘和绳索状附件缺少范线等4种。对4种现象进行了讨论,并作了部份模拟试验,据此提出:中国失蜡法起源于“焚失法”;焚失法最早见于商晚期;这种技术在无范线失蜡法出现之后逐渐消亡;至春秋中晚期,无范线失蜡法已相当成熟。  相似文献   
The mainstream literature on weak status quo states’ diplomacy tends to identify their regional security roles in terms of dealing with non-traditional security issues. This article argues that such a limited approach is not sufficient to explain the current security dynamics in the Asia-Pacific. This article reviews the literature on weak status quo states’ influence on regional order. It then identifies a security environment in which they are more likely to exert some impact on maintaining and building a regional order. After contextualising these discussions in the Asia-Pacific setting, the article examines the experience of South Korea and Singapore as secondary powers in the East Asian region. Although both countries enjoy high levels of security cooperation with the US, both have also been able to exercise a certain amount of influence in advancing their own geostrategic interests amidst the growing Sino-US geostrategic competition. Yet their exploitation of Sino-US geostrategic competition is neither a simple balancing strategy against China nor a simple bandwagoning with the US, since both South Korea and Singapore have been increasing bilateral and multilateral security cooperation with China.  相似文献   
During the Ming and Qing dynasty, Tongzhou was not only a riverside port city for transporting grain to the capital, a key site for goods storage, but also witnessed the means of transportation of commercial goods from southern China changed from water to land, where commercial goods imported to Beijing together with those to be sold in northern China splits. Both the Ministry of Revenue (Gongbu) and Ministry of Works (Hubu) set up their customs in Tongzhou, respectively, and Zhangjiawan was the subsection of the customs; the major commercial goods including grain, liquor, distiller’s yeast, textiles, and groceries, were transferred through the customs of Ministry of Works. Judging from the establishment of broker house and broker tax, the volume of commodities being transported via Zhangjiawan might be bigger than Tongzhou. Shanxi merchants established guild halls (huiguan) in both Tongzhou and Zhangjiawan. They transported bulk commodities such as textiles and tea to the north of China, while Zhangjiakou and Guihuacheng were their main resale destinations. In other words, both Tongzhou and Zhangjiawan were important transportation ports for the businesses of Shanxi merchants regarding their trades within the northern territory as well as the trade at Khyagt between late imperial China and tsarist Russia.  相似文献   
Based on empirical research, this article examines the status, situations and development issues of rural women displaced by the monumental Three Gorges Project (TGP) in China. The study reveals that TGP resettlement is leaving women worse off as family members, as well as worse off than male members. Woman resettlers are more likely to become impoverished than men, partly because women make up the main labour force in agricultural sectors. Most women are unable to achieve occupational mobility in the process of resettlement. Fewer employment opportunities, a gender‐segregated labour market, low level of human capital and social prejudice are principal causes. Land provision for resettlers is inadequate with a lower quality of productivity. Marriage is a means for some women to remain in or move to the reservoir area to improve their socio‐economic status, but bias against granting of ‘resettler’ status to married women and their generally low levels of education and lack of occupational skills work against them. It is imperative that the authorities integrate a gender perspective into policy‐making and design of resettlement schemes.  相似文献   
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