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19世纪是中南、西南许多少数民族接受流官统治100余年之后的一个世纪,也是少数民族调整文化结构、迎接新世纪挑战的一个世纪.在这很关键的一个世纪中,这些流官(中央派来的社会精英群体),他们对少数民族的看法发生了什么样的变化?他们又有着怎样的社会抱负?他们又将把少数民族导向何方?本文通过对19世纪民族地方志描述视角变迁的叙述,试图从一个侧面为这几个问题提供一些答案.  相似文献   
明季,重庆忠州出了一位杰出的女军事家,巾帼英雄秦良玉。她在平定播州土司杨应龙、永宁土司奢崇明等的叛乱,维护国家民族的统一安定,做出了杰出的贡献,在抗清的活动中,秦氏一门,更是付出了惨重的牺牲。现今必须恢复其历史的本来面目,给予应有的历史地位和客观的评价,并将永远名垂青史。  相似文献   
20世纪30年代经济大萧条背景下,美英法三国的货币政策特别是汇率政策取决于各国如何权衡国内经济恢复和国际汇率稳定.1931年英镑贬值、1933年美元贬值都是美英当局把货币贬值作为刺激总需求和出口的主要手段.金本位制的崩溃和英镑、美元的相继贬值使国际金融和贸易体系处于分割和对立的状态.美国对国内经济恢复的重视、英国对自治领的义务、法国对金本位的固执导致1933年三方货币合作会谈的失败.不过,随着英美两国经济的恢复,特别是希特勒德国加紧重新武装所造成的欧洲紧张局势促使美国决策层积极推动美英法三方货币合作.从货币集团分割和竞争性贬值的"货币战"发展到1936年9月后三国在汇率政策上的"有限合作",这种关系转变不仅是美国决策层"思想进展"的结果,而且是特定国际形势的产物.因此,1936年的美英法<三方货币稳定协议>具有深刻的政治含义.  相似文献   
覃芳 《南方文物》2010,(2):74-76,77-80
屈肢葬是史前与古代墓葬的一种特殊形式,在不同民族文化中可能成因不同、性质各异。新石器时代的岭南是屈肢葬密集分布的空域,而且在壮族、瑶族、纳西族、独龙族、高山族等土著民族文化中延续到近代,成为文化史、民族史学者关注的课题。广西考古研究所覃芳研究员《广西邕宁顶蛳山史前屈肢葬与肢解葬的考察》一文,通过顶蛳山遗址屈肢葬与肢解葬形态的个案考察,类比华南大陆与台湾原住民民族志上的屈肢葬资料,对屈肢葬的成因、过程以及屈肢葬中肢解葬的由来,做了有价值的考察,对认识古代丧葬制度史、华南土著民族文化变迁史提供了重要的讯息。  相似文献   
The impact of what has been broadly labelled the knowledge economy has been such that, even in the absence of precise measurement, it is the undoubted dynamo of today's global market and an essential part of any global city. The socio-economic importance of knowledge production in a knowledge economy is clear, and it is an emerging social phenomenon and research agenda in geographical studies. Knowledge production, and where, how and by whom it is produced, is an urban phenomenon that is poorly understood in an era of strong urbanization. This paper focuses on knowledge community precincts as the catalytic magnet infrastructures impacting on knowledge production in cities. The paper discusses the increasing importance of knowledge-based urban development (KBUD) within the paradigm of the knowledge economy and the role of knowledge community precincts as instruments to seed the foundation of knowledge production in cities. This paper explores the KBUD, and particularly knowledge community precinct development, potentials of Sydney, Melbourne and Brisbane and benchmarks this against that of Boston, MA.  相似文献   
张峰  谭生力 《江汉考古》2016,(4):113-119
古文字中有一些以戋为声符的字,由于戋旁省讹较大,所以产生的误解颇多。随着上博简、清华简的陆续公布,这些从戋得声诸字的构形、演变及相关诸字的音义关系得到明晰。同时,古文字中有一些菐、業、带字变体与戋字变体容易混淆,但是它们渊源有自,属于形近关系。  相似文献   
We report analytical results for stoneware samples from four excavated Angkor‐period kilns in the Greater Angkor area. Previous work has suggested that establishing distinct chemical signatures for kiln complexes in this region is problematic. The current study highlights the effectiveness of neutron activation analysis (NAA) for differentiating the products of Angkorian kiln complexes; it also confirms the viability of a larger‐scale research programme to understand the relationship between Khmer stoneware production and patterns of distribution across the wider Angkorian territory. Evidence of ceramics excavated at kiln sites but produced elsewhere highlights the complexity of consumption patterns during the Angkorian period.  相似文献   
许檀 《史学集刊》2020,(1):43-53,64
清代的禹州商业有一个以杂货转运为主到药材集散为主的变化过程。晋商是最早活跃于此的重要商帮,其经营以棉布、茶叶等“杂货”转运山西,以及禹州本地所产瓷器、“禹布”输出为主,药材只是其中的一部分。直到咸同之际杂货贸易仍是禹州市场的主角,故同治元年最早开征的厘金为“百货厘”。禹州作为药材市场的兴起始于乾隆年间,并在与洪山庙药市的竞争中取胜。除地方政府的支持外,晋商早期经营活动奠定的市场基础是禹州药市得以顺利发展的重要原因。清代后期怀帮以及各地药商大量涌入,晋商中经营药材业者也有大幅增长;同光年间药材贸易逐渐超过杂货成为禹州市场上最重要的商品,禹州也成为华北的三大药市之一。  相似文献   
Knowledge-based development (KBD) is a widely practiced policy and is signified as an effective development approach particularly for the metropolitan city-region context. Even though, increasing recognition of this policy resulted in some initiatives in less favoured regions – such as regional university towns – its appropriateness for this context has not been investigated adequately. This paper explores the concept thoroughly in regional university town settings from the lens of the triple-helix model – a critical element for success in KBD. The study aims to broaden our understanding on the challenges of implementing a successful triple-helix model in regional university towns by providing evidence from different country contexts – Australia and Iceland. The methodology of the comparative case investigation incorporates policy and stakeholder perception analyses. Results reveal the journey of the investigated cases, their limited accomplishments and failure factors. Findings shed light on the developmental challenges of regional university towns by highlighting critical issues relating to suitability, appropriate implementation and effectiveness of the KBD policy.  相似文献   
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