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During the Ming and Qing dynasty, Tongzhou was not only a riverside port city for transporting grain to the capital, a key site for goods storage, but also witnessed the means of transportation of commercial goods from southern China changed from water to land, where commercial goods imported to Beijing together with those to be sold in northern China splits. Both the Ministry of Revenue (Gongbu) and Ministry of Works (Hubu) set up their customs in Tongzhou, respectively, and Zhangjiawan was the subsection of the customs; the major commercial goods including grain, liquor, distiller’s yeast, textiles, and groceries, were transferred through the customs of Ministry of Works. Judging from the establishment of broker house and broker tax, the volume of commodities being transported via Zhangjiawan might be bigger than Tongzhou. Shanxi merchants established guild halls (huiguan) in both Tongzhou and Zhangjiawan. They transported bulk commodities such as textiles and tea to the north of China, while Zhangjiakou and Guihuacheng were their main resale destinations. In other words, both Tongzhou and Zhangjiawan were important transportation ports for the businesses of Shanxi merchants regarding their trades within the northern territory as well as the trade at Khyagt between late imperial China and tsarist Russia.  相似文献   
Based on empirical research, this article examines the status, situations and development issues of rural women displaced by the monumental Three Gorges Project (TGP) in China. The study reveals that TGP resettlement is leaving women worse off as family members, as well as worse off than male members. Woman resettlers are more likely to become impoverished than men, partly because women make up the main labour force in agricultural sectors. Most women are unable to achieve occupational mobility in the process of resettlement. Fewer employment opportunities, a gender‐segregated labour market, low level of human capital and social prejudice are principal causes. Land provision for resettlers is inadequate with a lower quality of productivity. Marriage is a means for some women to remain in or move to the reservoir area to improve their socio‐economic status, but bias against granting of ‘resettler’ status to married women and their generally low levels of education and lack of occupational skills work against them. It is imperative that the authorities integrate a gender perspective into policy‐making and design of resettlement schemes.  相似文献   
许檀 《史学月刊》2005,(6):93-100,128
朱仙镇是清代著名商镇之一。其兴起约在明代中后期,康熙、雍正年间迅速发展,乾隆年间达到鼎盛,全镇商人商号数量超过千家。在该镇汇集的商品除相当部分供应省城开封之外,流通范围大致可覆盖河南北部的开封、归德、彰德、卫辉等府。  相似文献   
谭景玉 《民俗研究》2005,(1):105-114
鲁中地区北以小清河与鲁北平原为界,东沿潍沭河一线与鲁东丘陵接壤,南至尼山、蒙山一线,西以东平湖和南四湖与鲁西平原接壤,大致包括今淄博、济南、潍坊、泰安和临沂等的部分地区。笔者今见到康熙年间淄川蒲松龄编撰的《日用俗字》①和乾嘉年间临朐马益著编撰的《庄农日用杂字》②,二者都是用方言俗语记述鲁中地区农家日常生活的童蒙识字课本,其中涉及饮食习俗的内容颇多。  相似文献   
This paper departs from previous work on the locational effects of business taxes under uncertainty by considering the attainment of long–run industry equilibrium. A general m input, planar–space production location model is adopted, and each individual firm is assumed to face random industry demand. I provide some interesting results which are contrary to those proposed by previous studies in the single–firm context and the relative impact of various business taxes.  相似文献   
经过半个多世纪的潜心发展,日本已成为名副其实的“世界军事大国”。日本积极扩充军事实力,努力发展核武技术,不断强化日美军事同盟关系,在“半遮半掩”中,已在“世界军事大国”的危险道路上越滑越远。这不能不引起亚洲邻国和国际社会的高度警惕。  相似文献   
刘莉  付永旭  星灿 《南方文物》2009,(4):165-172
研究人员的社会、文化和知识的背景不同,便不可避免地影响到其对考古学的解释。的确,这种情况存在于研究中国早期文明及其物质遗存中,在谈到黄河中游的二里头文化(1900~1500 BC)时尤其如此。二里头文化的时空范围与文献中记载的夏王朝部分一致。很多证据显示,河南偃师二里头遗址已经发展成为一个庞大而又复杂的政治中心。  相似文献   
1929-1933年的经济危机使西方资本主义世界陷入经济、政治、信仰危机的深渊.资本主义的吸引力日益削弱;而这时社会主义国家苏联的第一个五年计划却取得了辉煌成绩,创造了"孤岛繁荣"的奇迹,社会主义的魅力迅速彰显;在危机打击下,资本主义国家加强对华经济掠夺,日本则悍然发动侵华战争,中华民族危机陡然增加.这些因素构成30年代初中国知识界社会主义思潮兴起的直接诱因.中国知识界的社会主义思潮在苏联完成"一五计划"和欧美经济危机最严重的1932-1933年间达到高潮,其后,由于民族危机加深、民族主义思潮高涨而逐渐趋向低落,并最终被掩盖于抗日战争的浪潮之下.概言之,中国知识界的社会主义思潮大致可以分为热谈苏联和社会主义、探讨苏联"一五计划"成功的原因以及追求社会主义三个既有联系而内涵又各有不同的层次.与五四时期的社会主义思潮相比较,30年代初的社会主义思潮带有浓厚的计划经济气息和缺少理论上的建树两个显著特点.  相似文献   
许檀 《史学月刊》2007,(8):103-108
周村是清代山东著名商镇之一。其兴起在康熙-乾隆年间,清代中叶迅速发展。云集周村的各省客商中,北方商人以晋商势力最强,南方商人则以福建为多。道光年间汇聚周村的商人商号可达八九百家乃至千家。周村从南方输入的商品主要是绸缎、杂货,在本地集散的商品则有棉布、生丝、丝绸、茧绸等。清中叶以降,周村开始从单纯的商业中心向加工制造业中心转化,其所产棉布、丝绸不仅占领了东北、华北的广大农村市场,且有一部分打入城市市场。  相似文献   
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