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Using information collected in a questionnaire survey, this study investigates the factors influencing the housing tenure of Ghanaian immigrants in Toronto. The study finds that Ghanaian immigrants have a low home-ownership rate compared to the Canadian-born population and other immigrant groups. This is partly attributable to the recency of their migration, their relatively low incomes, and their small household sizes. Analysis also shows that social and personal factors, notably the initial motives of the immigrants, their back-home ties, their desire for home ownership back home, and their intention to return there permanently, are critical in shaping their decisions with respect to home ownership in Canada.
Dans cette étude, nous examinons, à l'aide d'un sondage, les facteurs portant sur les modes de logement des immigrants ghanéens à Toronto. Nous démontrons que les Ghanéens sont propriétaires de leurs logements moins souvent que ne le sont les personnes nées au Canada ou les membres d'autres groupes d'immigrants. Le sondage révèle que la taille inférieure des ménages, les faibles revenus, et les dates d'immigration récentes des immigrants ghanéens sont parmi les causes principales de ce phénomène. L'analyse démontre aussi que des éléments sociaux ou personnels, tels les raisons initiales de l'immigration, les liaisons avec le lieu d'origine, le désir d'être propriétaire dans le lieu d'origine et l'intention ou non des immigrants de retourner au Ghana, sont d'une importance fondamentale lorsque les immigrants ghanéens prennent une décision à l'égard de l'achat d'un logement.  相似文献   
In 1984 a Franco-Yemeni Mission excavating a part of the necropolis of Hajar am-Dhaybiyya (Governate of Shabwa, Yemen), unearthed several tombs with a rich inventory. The high quality of silver craftmanship of these objects suggested that the Wâdî Dura'was potentially interesting. Some years later a Franco-American expedition, directed both by J.-F. Breton and D.W. Warburton, started a trench on the mound of Hajar am-Dhaybiyya. A 40 metre-long trench was opened during the first two seasons (1992 and 1993) which revealed an architectural sequence of four main levels. Level IV was dominated by a large'Maison principale'connected with a stone Glacis, dated to the first centuries AD. Level V showed'maisons basses'and earlier structures. For the first time in this area, the trench shows definitively that the principal buildings of the settlement form a nearly continuous defensive line crowning the top of the tell, and that it follows an earlier line.  相似文献   
A method for obtaining an understanding of people's environmental knowledge and values and the major findings are discussed. A participatory mental mapping exercise method was used with the Teme-Augama Anishnabai and non-indigenous, government-appointed members of the Wendaban Stewardship Authority in Temagami, Ontario. Analytical categories were permitted to 'emerge' from the data obtained, rather than being imposed by the researchers. The findings demonstrate that the Teme-Augama Anishnabai perceive the land in a more complex, more detailed way than do the non-indigenous people. Both groups, however, are concerned with maintaining the quality of the environment in which they live, but there are differing bases for such concerns0
Une mëthode est présentée id pour la compréhension des valeurs et des connaissances qu'ont les peuples sur leur environnement. Les principales observations sont également présentées. On a demandéà des Teme-Augama Anishnabai et à des membres non-indigénes de la « Wendaban Stewardship Authority de Témagami, en Ontario, de participer à un exercice oú Us dressaient des cartes de mémoire. Les recherchistes ont permis >>ľémergence de catégories analytiques à partir des données obtenues, plutôt que ďimposer ces catégories. Les observations indiquent que les Teme-Augama Anishnabai perçoivent la terre de maniére plus complexe et plus détaillée que ne le font les non-indigénes. Par ailleurs, les deuxgroupes tiennent à maintenir la qualité de ľ enveronnement dans lequel ils évoluent, même si ľimportance qu'ils y accordent ne part pas des mëmes motivations.  相似文献   
Summary. This paper is on shells which originate in the Indo-Pacific marine province (Red Sea or other waters to the south and east) and are found at sites in the Mediterranean Basin and Europe over 250 km. from their source. The catalogue of over 160 sites yielding these shells ranges in date from the Upper Paleolithic to recent times. Sixteen sites which supposedly produced Indo-Pacific shells are shown to be incorrect identifications.
Many of these exotic shells are seen to come from graves and sanctuary sites. Some shells are unmodified, others made into simple beads, and some finely worked by engraving and incising.  相似文献   
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