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The Florentine Francesco Berlinghieri (1440–1501) published his Geographia, a version of Ptolemy's Cosmographia in Italian terza rima, comprising 123 folios of text and 31 engraved maps, in 1482. As early as 1938 Arthur M. Hind, Keeper of Prints and Drawings at the British Museum, hinted that the engravings might have been made by Francesco Rosselli (1448–before 1527), the principal engraver in Florence in the 1480s and 1490s. Subsequently, this possibility was rejected by Roberto Almagià, R. A. Skelton and Tony Campbell. In the author's view, however, both stylistic and circumstantial evidence argues that Francesco was indeed the engraver, and that this first major commission launched the career that eventually made him known to his contemporaries as ‘Franciscus rosellus florentinus Cosmographus’.

Le Florentin Francesco Berlinghieri (1440–1501) publia en 1482 sa Geographia, une version de la Cosmographia de Ptolémée en terza rima italienne, comprenant 123 feuillets de texte et 31 cartes gravées. Dès 1938, Arthur M. Hind, conservateur des estampes et dessins au British Museum, suggéra que les gravures pouvaient être l'?uvre de Francesco Rosselli (1448–avant 1527), le principal graveur florentin dans les années 1480 et 1490. Ultérieurement, cette éventualité fut rejetée par Roberto Almagià, R. A. Skelton, et Tony Campbell. De l'avis de l'auteur, cependant, des preuves stylistiques et circonstancielles démontrent clairement que Francesco Rosselli était en effet le graveur, et que cette première commande importante lança la carrière qui allait finalement le faire connaître par ses contemporains comme ‘Franciscus rosellus florentinus Cosmographus’.

1482 veröffentlichte der Florentiner Francesco Berlinghieri (1440–1501) seine Geographia, eine Version der Cosmographia des Ptolemäus, in italienischen terza rima. Sie umfasst 123 Folioseiten Text und 31 gestochene Karten. Schon 1938 deutete Arthur M. Hind, Direktor der Grafikabteilung am British Museum, an, dass der Stich von Francesco Rosselli (1448–vor 1527) besorgt worden sein könnte. Während den Jahren 1480s und 1490s, war Rosselli der hauptsächliche Florentinische Stecher. Diese Möglichkeit wurde in weiterer Folge jedoch von Roberto Almagià, R. A. Skelton und Tony Campbell verworfen. Nach der Meinung der Autorin sprechen aber sowohl der stilistische Befund als auch die näheren Entstehungszusammenhänge sehr für Francesco Rosselli als Stecher und auch dafür, dass dieser erste größere Auftrag ihm eine Karriere eröffnete, die ihn letztendlich bei seinen Zeitgenossen als ‘Franciscus rosellus florentinus Cosmographus’ bekannt machte.

El florentino Francesco Berlinghieri (1440–1501) publicó en 1482 su Geographia, una version de la Cosmographia de Ptolomeo en terza rima italiana, que comprendía 123 folios de texto y 31 mapas grabados. En 1938 Arthur M. Hind, conservador de Impresos y Grabados del British Museum sugirió que los grabados podían haber sido hechos por Francesco Rosselli (1448–antes de 1527), el principal grabador de Florencia en los años de 1480 a 1490. Posteriormente esta posibilidad fue rechazada por Roberto Almagià, R. A. Skelton y Tony Campbell. Sin embargo, en opinión de la autora del artículo, las evidencias estilísticas y cincunstanciales indican con seguridad que Francesco Rosselli fue en efecto el grabador, y que este importante encargo dio comienzo a una carrera que finalmente le hizo ser conocido por sus contemporáneos como “Franciscus rosellus florentinus Cosmographus”.  相似文献   
Active travel is associated with improved health and development outcomes in children. Accurate detection of children's travel behaviors and routes, however, is problematic. Travel diaries are often used to collect information on children's travel behaviors, yet no evidence for the accuracy of this methodology exists. This study investigated the validity of children's self-reported trips (origin, destination) compared with an objective criterion (global positioning systems units; GPS). Children (n = 10, 9–11 y) wore the GPS units for seven consecutive days between March and June 2011 and completed travel diaries daily with researcher assistance. Affinity group interviews were conducted in December 2011 with 30 children from two schools to garner perspectives on trip definition, neighborhood perceptions, and to illuminate GPS and travel diary findings. GPS journeys were manually compared with travel diary journeys for destination sequencing, start times, and travel mode. Accuracy in trip sequencing was compared by day type, and journey type using percentage differences and the chi-square (χ2) statistic. Of the 380 trips captured, 54.5% of journey sequences were fully or partially matched, 22.4% were GPS only trips and 23.2% travel diary only. Greater accuracy (full/partial match) was observed for weekdays than for weekend days and for the journey to or from school than for other journeys. Travel mode agreement existed for 99% of matched trips. Although children's travel diaries may confer contextual journey information, they may not provide completely accurate information on journey sequencing. Thematic analysis of affinity group data revealed that reasons for this are multifaceted, including differing concepts of what constitutes a ‘trip’. A combined approach of GPS and travel diary is recommended to gather a comprehensive understanding of children's journey characteristics.  相似文献   
The Hyde Park Barracks in Sydney, Australia, was established in 1819 to accommodate male convicts, but in later years the building served as a depot for immigrant women (1848–86) and as an asylum for destitute women (1862–86). The occupation of the latter group in particular resulted in the loss of large numbers of clay tobacco pipes under the floorboards. The quantity and distribution of the pipes is used here to examine smoking behavior among the destitute female inmates, and to assess their relationships with each other and the institution in which they were confined.  相似文献   
This journal issue developed out of a desire to increase the use of feminist theory in archaeology, leading me to ask Laurajane Smith of York University to co-organize a symposium on the topic for the World Archaeological Congress in Dublin in July 2008. The impacts of major feminist theories on constructions of the past and archaeological thinking are discussed, emphasizing how they implicitly or explicitly influenced other articles in this journal issue.  相似文献   
ABSTRACT.  It is common in empirical regional economics to use total employment as an explanatory variable while investigating issues such as the level and distribution of income and migration. This paper argues that sector-specific changes in employment and labor market performance can have different effects on economic growth, the collection of tax revenue, migration, and the level and distribution of household income. As such, it is important to model sectors separately. We find that expansions in employment opportunities for a high-wage sector such as computer manufacturing or bioengineering, a medium-wage sector manufacturing, and the lower-wage sector of retailing have differing economic consequences for a small city. We use a data intensive computable general equilibrium model to obtain these results.  相似文献   
In a 1993 paper, Noble and Crerar suggested, based on the age and sex distribution of white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus) longbones from four Attawandaron Iroquoian sites around the western end of Lake Ontario, that the contact-period Attawandaron were managing local deer populations, in response to the aboriginal trade in hides. Having observed similar patterns of differential preservation of elements and epiphyseal fusion at nearby Iroquoian sites that are not ascribed to the Attawandaron, and which pre-date the hypothesised trading period, we argue that these patterns may instead relate to bone density and/or vulnerability to taphonomic effects of late-fusing epiphyses. We further support our argument through age profiles based on dental eruption and wear.  相似文献   
The Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) is widely recognized as the United States’ most effective contemporary policy for reducing poverty, and scholars have found that it elevates recipients’ sense of social inclusion. This raises the question of how it influences recipients’ civic engagement, namely their attitudes about government and political participation. We draw on policy feedback scholarship to consider expectations. Then we use a unique dataset to compare recipients of the EITC, Aid to Families With Dependent Children/Temporary Assistance to Needy Families, and nonrecipients of either policy in order to identify how policy features are related to political attitudes and behaviors. We find that despite the benefits they receive, EITC recipients experience low external political efficacy, but are more likely to be politically active than their peers.  相似文献   
Although geography has long associated itself with photography, the rapid advancement of technology has created a clear divide between the visual practices regularly used in wider society and the way photography is utilized by critical geographers in their teaching. We suggest the door is ajar for new modes of (geo)photographic thinking, and one visual tool at our disposal is social media applications that allow images to be instantly shared, analysed, and discussed. This article critically reflects on the use of Instagram to enhance student participation, engagement, and learning on a geography field course in Berlin. Based on interviews with students, their field journals, and our own critical reflections, this paper looks at some advantages of using Instagram in teaching geography, but also promotes caution and presents drawbacks to relying on instant visual digital methods.  相似文献   
In the twenty-first century historical archaeologists have increasingly drawn on post-colonial theory to analyze the European conquest and colonization of the Americas, Australasia, and Africa. However, few have employed feminist theories to gain insights into the patriarchal power dynamics that were fundamental to institutionalized colonial ideologies and practices. This paper provides feminist theorizing of new concepts and a heterarchical model of multiple interacting powers that increase understanding of complex gender and sexual power dynamics between colonizers and colonized.  相似文献   
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