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在近期公布的中国文化遗产研究院等单位关于辽宁义县奉国寺实测数据和研究成果的基础上,结合笔者对该寺木结构几何解析关系的认识和调研,本文尝试从斗栱设计、屋架结构设计和材分与营造尺配合等方面进行反思,逆向寻求和推算原始设计的方法。  相似文献   
本文在对英华殿大木结构进行详细测量、获取大量较高精度数据的基础上,推算出古代匠人在进行大木尺寸设计中采取以下基本方法:1、本案营造尺长316.5毫米;2、以2尺5寸为基本模数确定柱头平面丈尺;3、采用平面柱头通进深之1/2并结合结构细部设计分别确定檐柱通高、金柱净高;4、以2寸5分为基本模数确定步架;5、采用宋《营造法式》制度确定屋架总举架高,并结合适当的举架比例确定各举高度。  相似文献   
常利辉 《华夏考古》2012,(1):115-119
本文新缀了小屯南地的两组甲骨,并做了释读。另对蔡哲茂先生所缀《屯南》27+321提出了质疑,并分析了一些可能会产生误缀的情形。由此指出,字形的一致性是缀合中不可忽略的因素。  相似文献   
常国光 《中国地方志》2012,(12):42-45,4
据《索引编制规则(总则)》对标目的定义,标目是索引的核心内容。地方志书索引应采用内容综合索引,标目内容主要由局部主题和主题因素组成,标目选取应遵循资料价值原则、专指度原则和地方性、时代性原则,标目应采用志书原文、专指被索引内容、符合读者检索思路、产生字面成族效果及首词应省略本行政区域名称等措词办法。  相似文献   
新中国成立后,农民的私有生产与社会主义工业化、农业现代化建设之间产生了矛盾,于是国家积极引导广大农民走向农业集体化。以互助合作方式开展的农业社会主义改造对整个农村社会产生了广泛而深远的影响,山西省农民的生活发生了根本性变化,土地由个体私有变为集体所有,农民的个体劳动为集体劳动所取代,这一根本性变化确保了劳动的计划性和组织性。通过集体劳动,农民的主观认识也不断发生改变,集体主义观念逐渐形成。  相似文献   
风穴寺不可能始建于北魏,更不可能是唐代所建.事实是:东汉费长房时代此地已有遗迹,风穴寺峡谷内的漫山遍野的柏树最初系人工栽植,古香积寺门口的两棵柏树:“一捧伞”“三炷香”系汉代遗留.结合有关典籍记载,风穴寺极可能始建于东汉初平元年.  相似文献   
常霞 《丝绸之路》2011,(10):50-51
本文就陇西非物质文化遗产云阳板的表演形式、娱神功能、文化内涵以及风俗人情进行了介绍,展现了陇西作为陇上文化古城所具有的悠久历史和深厚的文化积淀。  相似文献   
徐畅 《收藏家》2013,(10):41-45
蔡哲夫(1879—1941年)原名绚,易名有守,再改名守,字守一、哲夫,号寒琼,别署成城子、寒道人,晚号茶丘居士,广东顺德人。1879年8月11日(清光绪五年六月二十四日)生。对於书函、篆刻、博物、碑版,均有研究:为国学保存会会员,蜜蜂画社社员。中年,参加邓实主办之《国粹学报》图片工作。1909年,加入南社。1917年3月25日,与社友倡组南社广东分社。1941年12月14日,  相似文献   
In this study, we examine how differences in environmental regulation characteristics are linked to multinational corporations' (MNCs) foreign market entry (FME) investments decisions around the world. We rely on a data set with 29,303 observations from 94 European Fortune Global 500 companies operating across 77 countries during the period 2001–2007. We found that MNCs are more likely to enter countries with more certain—i.e., clearer and more stable—environmental regulations than those of their home countries. Results also suggest that there is a higher level of MNC entry into foreign countries with environmental regulations that are more stringent than those of their home countries. This finding challenges the controversial but commonly held view that more stringent environmental regulations deter MNCs' FME investments. Notably, the magnitude of the regulatory certainty relationship with MNCs' FME investments is larger than that of regulatory stringency. Findings also indicate that the increased tendency of MNCs to enter countries with more stringent environmental regulations is higher in more democratic countries and for cleaner industry firms.  相似文献   
Although place-marketing and image-enhancement are increasingly common elements of Western urban policy, when applied to specific locales, these abstract theories have to negotiate local conditions and contexts. This paper discusses the ways attempts to place-market the city of Hull, England, prompted debates surrounding questions of place, memory and heritage. Despite being Britain's leading fishing port in the 20th century, Hull's place-marketing strategy elided this past in favour of a sanitised vision of a modern, post-industrial city. These debates crystallised around a 1999 planning inquiry over the proposed redevelopment of the erstwhile fishing dock. While the proposals contained some reference to the dock's role as a site of place-memory, this was deemed insufficient by local protest groups and politicians who argued for a more appropriate memorial to Hull's fishing community. Eventually, the redevelopment proposals were accepted, but not before attendant debates exposed both the depth of local sentiments over place-memories and fishing heritage, and also the difficulties of negotiating inclusive and plural heritage landscapes.  相似文献   
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