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清代文进士总数考订   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
有关清代文进士的总人数,至今没有统一答案。《清史稿》、《清实录》、《清朝文献通考》、《清朝续文献通考》、《钦定科场条例》、《续增科场条例》、《钦定国子监志》、《国朝贡举年表》、《听雨丛谈》等七种文献中只记载了清代历科进士的人数,而且相互之间多不一致。《国朝历科题名碑录初集》、《明清历科进士题名碑录》、《增校清朝进士题名碑录·附引得》、《明清进士题名碑录索引》是四种专门记载明清及清代进士的人物名录和人名索引工具书,它们既提供了清代历科进士的人数,也详细刊载了每名进士的姓名、籍贯和甲次。经过详细对校,发现《明清历科进士题名碑录》中的记载相对可信,据其统计清代文进士的总人数也最可行。清代文进士的总人数是26849人。  相似文献   
东西部区域发展差异实证分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
苏多杰 《攀登》2009,28(4):70-75
我国东西部发展差距不断扩大的问题仍未得到有效地解决,有些方面还在进一步拉大,有些问题甚至更加突出。本文从经济、社会、科技和对外开放等几个角度对此进行了分析。  相似文献   
培育和发展青海战略性新兴产业   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
苏多杰 《攀登》2011,30(1):95-100
青海省在新能源、节能环保、新材料、生物育种等方面己具备一定的产业基础,拥有一定的生产规模,具备了培育和发展战略性新兴产业的后发优势。文章就如何在这些新领域率先进行突破,并把这些突破作为培育战略性新兴产业的方向,进一步带动青海产业结构的战略性调整进行了探讨,并提出了对策建议。  相似文献   
王素 《中华文史论丛》2011,(1):1-34,397
本文依據長沙吴簡,從"佃客"與"衣食客"入手,對西晉户調式中的"南朝化"問題進行了探討。認爲:孫吴建國時期,江南大土地的開發已經打下良好基礎,包括蔭"佃客"與"衣食客"等在内,各項具有地域性特色的建制都基本形成,並反過來對中原産生了影響。在這種情況下,西晉滅吴,統一中國,頒佈的户調式,含有包括蔭"佃客"與"衣食客"等的江南地區的内容,是十分正常的。  相似文献   
除四害这一概念最早出现在《农业十七条》中,提出的初衷不仅是为了提高人民群众的健康水平,更是为了增加国家的粮食产量。毛泽东对除四害运动极为重视,亲自领导了这场运动的宣传工作和纲领性文件的修改工作,还把这场运动列入了《工作方法六十条》。在中央的重视下,除四害运动于1957年冬和次年上半年达到高潮。除四害运动为消灭蚊、蝇、鼠等病媒生物以预防和控制传染病的传播,提高人民群众的身体健康水平发挥了积极作用。但这场运动并未带来粮食增产。除四害运动具有明显的急躁冒进的时代特征,在一定程度上破坏了人与自然的和谐发展。  相似文献   
This paper uses zone electrophoresis, one of the most frequently used tools in molecular biology, to explore two ideas derived from Hans-Jörg Rheinberger's reflections on experiments. First, the constraining role played by technical objects—instrumentation and material conditions—in the production of knowledge or epistemic things. Second, the production of interconnected experimental systems by such technical objects, which results in the unexpected entanglement of research fields and experimental cultures. By the beginning of the 1960s, the inception of zone electrophoresis in laboratories around the world transformed—some say, revolutionized—the study of proteins. Even today, electrophoresis continues to open research venues and questions in biomedicine, molecular biology, human genetics, and in the field of molecular evolution. In my essay, I seek to look at the interconnected lives of zone electrophoresis and address the broader social, and even global context, in which this apparently humble technique became a salient tool in the production of biological knowledge. In so doing, I aim to take the past and present of the history and historiography of experimental systems to the future, where experiments and technologies are interrogated as they are used in different geographies and contexts, including contexts of poverty.  相似文献   

The Atoms for Peace initiative was announced by U.S. President Dwight D. Eisenhower in his speech to the United Nations General Assembly on 8 December 1953. The ways in which Eisenhower’s proposal was interpreted, adapted and reshaped by different countries allows us to understand the various meanings and uses of nuclear technologies, particularly in Third World countries. Mexico’s version of the initiative was related to its modernizing nationalism, a distaste for overt geopolitical alignment and nuclear weapons, and an intermittent commitment of the federal government with nuclear technologies. These ingredients eventually led to the promotion of the Treaty for the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons in Latin America and the Caribbean, known as the Treaty of Tlatelolco (TT) signed in Mexico City in 1967. The TT made Latin America the first nuclear weapons-free populated region in the world, thus positioning Mexico in the new geopolitical nuclear order through a denuclearization discourse and a policy of non-engagement with nuclear technologies.  相似文献   
苏文轩 《收藏家》2015,(3):75-79
艺术品被作为一种保值或投资手段被广泛应用。买家和藏家都希望通过经济学的手段来对其进行量化分析,确定出艺术品的价值。本文通过跨学科的研究方式,指出其中谬误,并强调艺术品与期货类商品的区别。一.概述随着国内CPI的飞速增长,各家各户都在寻求高收益回报的投资或是理财产品,以期达到资产保值的目的。而艺术品1,随着2000年前后拍卖市场的开放,以其稳健的年增长受到越来越多资本的  相似文献   
室外土遗址经常因遭遇降雨、水淹等发生结皮,造成土遗址表层性能改变,影响土遗址的进一步保护。以定量纯净黄土在等降雨大小下,通过控制不同降雨时长,试验了不同降雨时长下土壤结皮发育的过程,分别测试了降雨前后的结皮厚度、密度、硬度及孔隙结构。结果表明,在降雨量未达到饱和状态时,随降雨量增大,结皮层的厚度、密度、硬度迅速增大,表皮土壤颗粒被击碎,孔隙迅速减小;在降雨量达到饱和状态时,随降雨量增大,结皮层的厚度、密度、硬度缓慢增大,但表皮土壤裂缝迅速发育,由周围向中心形成同心圆状或辐射状裂隙。研究结论可为室外土遗址的保护提供参考。  相似文献   
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