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浅谈新疆旅游资源的开发   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文通过对新疆旅游资源的特点、开发条件的分析,提出了对策和措施。  相似文献   
周-汉毛织品上红色染料主要成分的鉴定   总被引:5,自引:5,他引:0  
对一批西周-汉毛织品上的红色染料进行了分析研究。从毛织品上提取、分离得红色染料一主要成分,经质谱(EIMS)、紫外可见吸收光谱(UV)、H核磁共振谱(HNMR)、C核磁共振谱(CNMR)分析鉴定,其主要成分为紫茜素。所有毛织品红色染料的高效液相色谱分析结果与标准品茜草素、紫茜素一致,只是两成分之间的含量不同,因而判断这些毛织物上的红色染料均来源于茜草属植物。  相似文献   
常松 《安徽史学》2011,(2):123-128
新四军及华中抗日根据地报刊,在中国共产党的正确领导下,为新四军及华中抗日根据地的创建和发展,为抗战全面胜利作出了历史性贡献。新四军及华中抗日根据地的报刊精神主要体现在政治坚定、导向鲜明的党性原则;艰苦创业、乐于奉献的革命传统;贴近生活、通俗生动的求实风格三个方面。  相似文献   
This work presents the results of an investigation of the lacquer objects excavated from a Chu tomb in China (Warring States, 481–221 BC). This study is engaged in the examination of the methods and the materials used for the urushi coating on the objects. X-Ray fluorescence and Scanning Electron Microscopy/Energy Dispersive Using X-Ray (SEM/EDX) analyses were applied for the pigment identification. The results show that vermilion was for the red colour, while carbon black was for the black colour. Pyrolysis gas chromatography and mass spectrometry (Py-GC/MS) was applied for the characterization of the lacquer resulting that it is based on urushi. The possibility to classify the drying oil (tung or linseed oil) present in the lacquer is highlighted and discussed in this paper. Py-GC/MS with in-situ hydrolysis and methylation reagent tetramethylammonium hydroxide (TMAH) were performed on reference materials of linseed oil and tung oil as well as on the lacquer object samples. The results show that it is possible to unambiguously identify the drying oil, in our case, linseed oil was identified to retard the rate of hardening.  相似文献   
宋志宏  杜继明  王珍珍 《神州》2011,(3X):167-169
随着社会进入信息化及电子智能化时代,电子技术发展越来越迅速,应用越来越广泛,对人类生活的影响也更加深远。节能减排、保护环境,是全世界、全人类共同关心的问题,也是我国社会经济发展的重要问题。  相似文献   
苏联作为朝鲜战争的非交战方,在朝鲜战俘遣返谈判过程中发挥了什么样的作用,是本文关注的焦点.文章通过对近年来俄罗斯解密的相关档案和相关研究成果分析认为,苏联在遣返朝鲜战俘问题上,不仅对中朝方面决策的制定具有指导作用,而且对中朝之间的分歧具有调解作用.遣返战俘问题被提交到联合国讨论时,苏联是中朝在联合国舞台上有力的支持者.斯大林去世以后,苏联对朝鲜战争政策的调整,很大程度上促成了遣返战俘问题的解决.由此可见,在遣返战俘问题的谈判中,苏联作为一种外部因素确实发挥了重要作用,并对朝鲜停战的实现产生了重要影响.  相似文献   
近代欧洲民族主义和民族主义史学的产生,是浪漫主义运动在历史和政治领域的反映。浪漫主义对情感、历史连续性、独特性和整体性的强调,是民族主义产生的思想和情感基础。在启蒙运动、法国大革命和拿破仑战争的影响下,欧洲各国历史学家对本民族的历史、文化传统和命运进行深入的研究,形成了民族主义史学。浪漫主义对个体独特性以及个体与整体协调发展思想的强调,使早期民族主义和世界主义在根本上保持一致。  相似文献   

This article explores the historical events relating to the competing claims over the Minerva Reefs by Tonga and Fiji. Tonga’s sovereign claim over the Minerva Reefs was prompted by a private group’s laying claim to a 'Republic of Minerva' in 1972. At that time, Fiji, as well as the South Pacific Forum, recognized Tonga as the only possible owner of the Minerva Reefs, but did not explicitly recognize Tonga's claimed sovereign title. Such a position reflected the legal uncertainty in relation to Tonga's claim in 1972. The establishment of the 200?nm Exclusive Economic Zone legal regime in the late 1970s gave rise to Fiji's claim to the Minerva Reefs, whereas subsequent developments in international law have significantly reduced the legal uncertainty in relation to Tonga's claim.  相似文献   
高嵩 《史学集刊》2022,(2):117-129
在某种意义上,20世纪的美国历史也是一部残疾人的民权运动史。如果说经济大萧条初步唤醒了残疾人的就业权利意识,两次世界大战开启了美国伤残军人康复与就业援助的机制建设,第三次科技革命则加速了残疾人就业权利保障的制度化进程。从公共就业计划、残疾人社会保障保险计划、补充收入保障计划,到《1973年残疾人康复法》,再到《1990年美国残疾人法》,残疾人的就业权利经历了被漠视、依附于福利救济、向实现平等权利转变等阶段,给美国的政治、经济、社会、思想领域留下了诸多挑战和值得思考的问题。由于法律在解决社会问题上存有局限、残疾人对各种福利保障资助的依赖、根深蒂固的偏见等因素,美国残疾人争取平等权利之路仍任重而道远。  相似文献   
The inter-port trade of traditional Chinese medicinal (TCM) materials dominated business structure in Hankou in 1872 to 1919, while the transfer trade of TCM materials also played an important role. Before 1904, musk was the predominant trading medicinal material among all TCM materials traded in Hankou, followed by Rhus chinensis mill. In the modern times, Hankou ranked second only to Shanghai in China in terms of the trading volume of TCM materials, since Hankou enjoyed a pronounced growth momentum then. If we look at each TCM materials’ market size, trading routes, and trading volume among various inflow and outflow ports, we can see based on the Hankou TCM materials trading structure that although there were changes from 1872 to 1919, the TCM business network and market performances formed in Hankou since the Qing dynasty did not sustain any disastrous impact from national economic and social changes, and their original vitality had retained. This was primarily due to the huge market demand in modern Hankou, the TCM commodity characteristics and the developed domestic market trade network in modern China.  相似文献   
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