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魏晋南北朝时期瓷容器肩腹部的装饰性纹饰带多为几何纹、植物纹及贴饰的铺首、佛像、骑马武士、仙人瑞兽等内容;堆塑罐上纹饰主要包括模拟现实生活类、虚构的祥禽瑞兽类和宗教类三种;青瓷莲花尊的出现与佛教有关,其器物上主要纹样如莲瓣、忍冬、菩提、宝相花等都直接源于佛教艺术.  相似文献   
X‐ray fluorescence (XRF), X‐ray diffraction (XRD) and Raman spectroscopy were employed to analyse the chemical compositions and phase structures of nine pieces of jade artefacts unearthed from Sujiacun, a Longshan Culture (2400–2000 bce ) site in coastal Shandong, eastern China. The results of the analyses indicated these samples were primarily made from multiple raw mineral materials, including antigorite, actinolite, clinochlore, turquoise and muscovite. No nephrite was recovered from the Sujiacun site. This is strikingly different from other top‐ranking settlements of Longshan Culture, such as Dantu, Liangchengzhen and Xizhufeng, in which nephrite was the main material of jade artefacts. This may reflect the distinctions in the supply system of jade raw materials among different rankings of Longshan period sites. In addition, laser ablation inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (LA‐ICP‐MS) was used to analyse the composition of the rare earth elements of serpentine jade. These preliminary results were compared with published data on the composition of serpentine jade and it was found that the Sujiacun serpentine jade artefacts were likely sourced from the Taishan jade deposit.  相似文献   
乾隆年间直隶总督方观承主持编纂的《直隶河渠书》是一部记载乾隆中期以前直隶河道事宜的重要志书,但未能成书。因段玉裁等人认为嘉庆十三年王履泰进献朝廷的《畿辅安澜志》乃是攘窃自《直隶河渠书》,由此引发了一桩学术公案,多位学者参与其中。目前唯一可见的《直隶河渠书》稿本是现存于台北的戴震藏本。这部稿本只经过部分删定,体例不一,卷目混乱,前辈学者对其记载也多有不同。戴震去世后,根据史料记载,可以基本梳理书稿的流传情况。而其他本子的情况,也可根据史料记载作出推断。  相似文献   
正I met Tsering Chugtso in the most beautiful season of Paltang grassland.Tsering,a young lady born in 1988,in her dark green Tibetan dress and white high heels with a Michael Kors cross-body bag,was a sight for sore eyes.She talked on her phone while opening the warehouse  相似文献   
宋健 《中国土族》2007,(3):75-75
明与北元对峙格局中的洪武朝之东胜卫变迁   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
周松 《史学月刊》2007,(5):35-41
明朝建立后,元朝退居漠北,史称北元。东胜地区处于明与北元斗争的前沿,洪武四年,明朝先于此地初建东胜卫,洪武五年以后内迁大同,洪武二十五年复于原地增置。这一过程反映了明与北元复杂的斗争形势。洪武后期,东胜卫的存在大幅度北移了明朝的边防线,是明与北元实力此长彼消的最终产物。因此,从14世纪末到15世纪初的东胜卫变迁是明朝根据不断变化的客观形势对边防体系做出的合理调整。这一点对于全面理解明初北边边防格局的演变具有重要意义。  相似文献   
文章介绍了第二轮《哈尔滨市志》篇目设置及细化过程。在篇目设计修改的过程中,《哈尔滨市志》充分注意和体现了时限内的新变化、新特点和新要求。文章最后介绍了《哈尔滨市志》篇目设计过程中的5点体会。  相似文献   
朱椿为明代蜀府第一代蜀王,时称贤王;而张三丰是明清时期名望颇高的道士.明清文献记载二人曾有所往来,朱椿亦称张三丰为"吾师".但关于张三丰本身就存有较大争议.通过阅读署名为蜀王朱椿和张三丰对二人交往事的记载、以及其他人对此事的记载,并将这些记载进行分析与对比,从中发现包括朱椿与张三丰所作的诗歌在内的所有相关的文献记载,在二人交往的时间、地点、互赠诗歌内容等方面都存有疑议与彼此矛盾处.从而可以得出朱椿与张三丰本是无关联的两个历史人物,却被持有不同目的的人捆绑在一起.  相似文献   
Korea witnessed a large increase in the fraction of men marrying spouses from Southeast Asia. In the 1990s, about one per cent of Korean men’s new marriages were to Southeast Asian women but by 2005, this increased to over nine per cent with even higher rates in rural areas. With the use of a logit model and Marriage Register data from 1993–2013, the determinants of international marriages are explored using a more rigorous approach and over a longer period of observation compared to previous studies. Older Korean men with lower socioeconomic status were more likely to marry a woman from Southeast Asia (compared to a fellow Korean). The predictors of international marriage differed depending on the wife’s birth country: if the wife had some college education there was a higher probability of marriage to a Filipino woman, but less likely to a woman from China or Vietnam, compared to marriage to a Korean woman. Finally, over the past two decades the education level, age at marriage, and country of origin of the foreign wives have changed substantially. The data shows fewer women migrating from China (of which about 70% are ethnically Korean), and a rising number from Vietnam. This ‘marriage migration’ has implications for the demographics, ethnicity, and occupational composition of those living in Korea.  相似文献   
廷寄是清代军机处特有的下行公文,其格式之演变不仅是军机处规制日趋严密的缩影,而且是清廷政局及人事变动的"晴雨表".因廷寄格式之演变不仅不见于史籍之记载,也多为学界所忽视,故撰文讨论之.  相似文献   
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