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宋文龙 《丝绸之路》2011,(12):29-31
20世纪80年代以来,国内学者对隋朝灭亡原因进行了多方位、多视角的剖析,研究主要集中在隋朝社会矛盾、隋文帝和隋炀帝个人因素等问题与隋朝灭亡的关系上。尽管在许多问题上还存在分歧,但比较趋同的观点是隋朝灭亡是多重矛盾因素的合力造成的。  相似文献   
新中国成立后,为了解放西藏,中央人民政府命令人民解放军进军西藏,并确定了和平解放的方针。昌都地区人民解放委员会是在昌都战役取得胜利、昌都地区获得解放的基础上,通过召开人民代表会议而成立的,并在昌都尝试实行民族区域自治政策。同时,在维持昌都地区宗级行政机构基本不变的情况下,区别对待所属各宗,或设置直属区、办事处,或派驻代表,成立宗人民解放委员会。昌都地区人民解放委员会是反帝爱国统一战线、人民代表会议与实行民族区域自治政策相结合的产物,实现了昌都地区由旧政权统治到建立带有人民民主性质的新政权的历史性变革,有力地促进了西藏和平解放和民族团结,并成为西藏民族区域自治政权组织的雏形。  相似文献   
那一年,他33岁,她32岁,他们的儿子刚4岁,正在上幼儿园。他被组织调配到一个离县城很远的乡里工作。第一次,她随单位的车去看  相似文献   
ABSTRACT Motivated by the newly established Chinese urban land markets, we develop a theoretical model that unifies the “closed” and “open” features of the classical monocentric city model. The model features interactions between permanent urban residents and migrants and exhibits a distinctive equilibrium pattern. The theoretical model is tested empirically, using recent Chinese city‐level data. The empirical findings indicate that market forces now play an important role in urban expansion and land price formation, while various forms of government planning are still influential. Our results show that migrants exert a less pronounced impact than the classical “open” city model has suggested.  相似文献   
宋素丽 《神州》2011,(3X):151-151
在课堂教学中,根据数学学科和学生的特点,合理地创设情景,激发学生的学习动力,让他们更积极、更主动地参与到知识的发生、发展的探究中去,才能真正体现以学生发展为本,全面培养学生能力的新课程理念。  相似文献   
The fluvio-lacustrine sequences in the Nihewan Basin, northern China, provide important terrestrial archives about Palaeolithic settlements and, therefore, about early human occupation in high northern latitude in East Asia. Here we present detailed ESR dating of the Donggutuo Palaeolithic site, located in this basin. Four levels A, B, C and E of the Donggutuo archaeological layer yield ESR ages ranging from 1060±129 ka to 1171±132 ka with a mean of 1119±132 ka. The ages are consistent with the paleomagnetic data, which show that the Donggutuo Palaeolithic site lies just below the onset of the Jaramillo normal subchron (0.99–1.07 Ma). Furthermore, our results indicate that the reliable ESR dating range of bleached quartz using Ti-Li centre can be effectively extended to 1100 ka and the Ti-Li centre was zeroed before the last deposition, which requires improvement of the understanding of the bleaching mechanism conditions.  相似文献   
明代大报恩寺皇家建筑基址及北宋长干寺地宫的考古发掘是"2010年度十大考古新发现"之一,地宫出土的众多珍贵文物具有重大科学研究价值。本文以地宫内出土的一件编号为TN5的玻璃盏为保护研究对象,在前期分析研究的基础上,筛选了玻璃盏的黏接和灌注材料,并从表面清洗、碎片黏接以及裂缝灌注和修补三个方面,对玻璃盏实施了保护修复。修复后的玻璃盏基本保留了其原始形貌和负载的历史信息,取得了比较满意的效果。  相似文献   
Protests and opposition to land acquisition from displaced peasants for fair compensation occur on a daily basis in China and have become the most prominent social problem in rural parts of the country. Employing a procedural perspective on conflict, this paper aims to uncover the complexities and tensions that are triggered in the process by drawing on a case of a land confiscation in Jining City, a medium‐size city in Shandong Province, China. Our research shows that conflicts exist at various scales: both between the local governments and rural households and between the village officials and villagers. The paper argues that ambiguity in de jure and de facto land acquisition procedures has resulted in both an escalation of conflict and increasing inequality in the outcomes and benefits of the process. We discuss and conclude that the differences between de jure and de facto procedures in the process of land acquisition are a significant institutional barrier in the resolution of conflict in this important issue for rural China.  相似文献   
This article appraises Alice Amsden's theory of development. In particular, it focuses on Amsden's juxtaposing of the concrete and the universal, and the national and the global, as antithetical, and her prioritizing of the former over the latter. The author argues that this key feature of Amsden's work reduces the concept of development to a nationally determined process and empties capitalist development of its class content. It is argued that Amsden's primary focus on why and how development occurs in the Third World bypasses the question of what development is, thereby reinforcing ‘Third World developmentalism’, and removes the emancipatory content from the concept of development. Given the continued legacy of Amsden's theory, as evidenced in recent debates, and the inadequacy of extant Marxist critiques in addressing its conceptual and political problems, this article proposes an alternative conceptualization of concrete–general and national–global relations based on Marx's critique of political economy, and calls for the resuscitation of the emancipatory content of the concept of development.  相似文献   
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