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20世纪五六十年代出土的巴尔.科赫巴书信,不仅是了解作为犹太史分水岭的巴尔.科赫巴起义唯一翔实的一手资料,而且是迄今为止发现的唯一一份由一个反抗罗马帝国的起义领袖留下的文书。书信中起义领袖的姓名表明后世普遍认为这次起义具有弥赛亚性质,犹太神学传统对弥赛亚学说的构建正是在起义后出现了重大变化。书信中所使用的语言表明,希伯来语在当时绝不仅仅限于宗教仪式,而使用希腊文在犹太巴勒斯坦也未必由社会等级决定。犹太传统对巴尔.科赫巴的历史记忆具有高度的选择性,视他为典型的假弥赛亚或力大无穷的战士。这说明记住巴尔.科赫巴的意义并不来自过去,而是源于当下。  相似文献   
中国共产党矢志践行初心使命,在百年奋斗中不断推进马克思主义中国化,团结带领人民艰辛探索、不懈奋斗,以伟大自我革命引领伟大社会革命,在奋斗中发展壮大、在奋斗中赢得胜利,书写了中国人民、中华民族发展史上最恢宏、最壮丽的奋斗史诗。一切伟大成就都是接续奋斗的结果,一切伟大事业都需要在继往开来中推进。  相似文献   
宋东林 《南方文物》2013,(2):85-93,71
宋元时期是景德镇制瓷工业历史上非常重要的一个阶段,正是在这一时期,景德镇开始逐渐形成了具有自身特色的区域生产传统和产品面貌,并在窑业技术上多有创新,表现在窑炉的改进、窑具的创新和装烧方法的变革三个方面。本文从考古发现的景德镇窑宋元时期的窑炉与窑具入手,通过系统梳理其发展演变的脉络,以点带面,管窥景德镇制瓷工艺在10~14世纪的探索与进步,并尝试分析其他窑业生产传统对景德镇的影响。  相似文献   
This article presents the seismic fragility analysis of a self-centering steel moment-resisting frame (SC-MRF) with web friction devices. A detailed numerical model of the SC frame was developed using the Open System for Earthquake Engineering Simulation (OpenSees) and the elastoplastic responses of the SC-MRF were studied, including the strength degradation under cyclic loading, tendon rupture, beam buckling, bolt bearing and friction loss, etc. The proposed simulation approach is validated by comparing the simulated results with those in existing hybrid-simulation tests, quasi-static pushover test and low cyclic tests, where good agreement is observed. In addition to the well-established performance limit states (i.e., immediate occupancy, collapse prevention and global dynamic instability), two unique performance limit states (i.e., the recentering and repairable limit states) are defined for the SC-MRF. Finally, incremental dynamic analyses are conducted to evaluate the seismic fragilities regarding the five performance limit states.  相似文献   
Hae‐Yung Song 《对极》2013,45(5):1254-1276
The developmental state has been heavily discussed in various disciplines and across diverse political spectrums. However, the statist notion formulated by institutionalists that the developmental state is autonomous from society and therefore effective in achieving “national development” has more often been taken for granted than problematised. The statist notion of the developmental state has also been accepted and reproduced or challenged merely inadequately by Marxist critics. By analysing how and why currently available Marxist assessments of the developmental state fail to challenge statism, this article offers an alternative theory of the developmental state by drawing on both social form critique and world system analysis. It then locates the origins of statism itself in the dynamics of global capitalism, in which the totality of capitalist social relations (understood as global from its inception) are hierarchically and unevenly constituted. From this it extends Marx's critique of commodity fetishism to the question of the international (the relationship between the nation state and world market) and criticises the statist notion of the developmental state from the perspective of a critique of the fetishism of national development.  相似文献   
在晋人所撰的诸家东汉史中,西晋史家司马彪所撰纪传体《续汉书》是史学价值较高、较有特色的一部,亦因此得到了后人如刘勰、刘知几、唐太宗等的充分肯定。概括而言,《续汉书》的史学特色及价值主要表现在以下三方面:一,在史书体例方面,所设志目较前史既有延续又有进一步的发展和完善,设立了能反映其撰述动因、史学思想的较有特色和价值的《序传》;二,在史料来源、史料价值方面,司马彪广泛参考了《东观汉记》及各种相关档案、文献,使《续汉书》史料丰富详实,从而使该书不仅成为范晔撰《后汉书》的参考之一,而且可在一定程度上弥补范书、《东观汉记》及《后汉纪》等书记载的简、缺、误等不足;三,《续汉书》所体现的重谱系、天人感应的社会历史观等可折射出晋代史学思想之一斑,有助于借此把握时代特色。  相似文献   
In light of major changes over the past decade or two in the structure of infant mortality in the United States, the primary objectives of this article are to document recent variation in pregnancy outcomes in specific Hispanic populations compared with non-Hispanic Whites and to estimate the contemporaneous association of ethnicity with risk of preterm birth, low birth weight, and infant mortality. The primary data employed are the 1995–1997 NCHS Linked Birth/Infant Death Files. Changes over time are examined through comparisons with the 1989–1991 counterpart files. Logistic regression models provide estimates of ethnic disparities in birth weight, gestational age, and infant mortality. Every ethnic population followed the national pattern of increasing rates of adverse birth outcomes coupled with declining rates of infant mortality. Net of the effects of a wide range of risk factors, every Hispanic group was at greater risk of short gestation and low-weight births, but at lower risk of infant death. The findings are consistent with the view that Hispanics, as well as the White, non-Hispanic majority, have benefited from advances in neonatal health services and technology at the time of delivery and postpartum. The epidemiologic paradox appears to be applicable to some, but not all, Hispanic groups.  相似文献   
再议辉县琉璃阁春秋大墓的国别   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文通过对琉璃阁春秋大墓随葬青铜器形制和纹饰的排比分析,对其年代进行了推断;根据墓葬规模以及随葬礼乐器的规格对墓主身份进行了分析。同时,结合相关历史文献记载,论证了墓主应为春秋中晚期晋国的范氏卿族。  相似文献   
文章主要探讨了日本接待渤海国使者的外交礼仪,即入境礼仪、入京礼仪和离境礼仪,展现了唐王朝时期的渤日两国以唐文化为基础、友好而顺利的进行外交往来的热情画面.  相似文献   
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