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里耶秦简中有<祠律>及秦迁陵县祭祀先农等神祇的记载,为了解秦的宗教信仰及宗教管制政策提供了珍贵材料,也反映出当时宗教祭祀仪式已是中央及地方行政的组成部分,是各级官员的法定职责及义务.据此还可确定睡虎地秦简<法律答问>中有关宗教祭祀的解释应是对秦<祠律>条文的解释.  相似文献   
藏书家徐维则事迹钩述   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
文献学家郑伟章先生曾著文,阐发蔡元培与徐友兰及铸学斋的关系,纠正了长期以来误以为蔡元培在徐友兰长兄徐树兰古越藏书楼校书一说[1].但在提及徐友兰之子徐维则时,郑说:"民国间采写的<绍兴县志资料>无传,其生平事迹无由知之."[2]到1999年出版<文献家通考>,仍对徐维则语焉不详.徐树兰、徐显败与徐友兰、徐维则两对藏书家父子,是蔡元培早年在绍兴交往最多的几位友人,其中以徐维则与蔡元培的关系最为密切.本文就其生平事迹及其与蔡元培的交往经历等作一述略.  相似文献   
将军坟是集安高句丽古墓中保存最好的一座大型方坛阶梯石室墓。多数学者认为它是高句丽第20代王长寿王的陵墓。将军坟后面原有一排陪葬墓,中外学者对其数量存在着分歧。1997年清理发掘后,有人认为第二座陪葬墓北侧的长方形石砌台基可能是祭台。通过古代墓祭的相关记载与考古迹象分析,应当是串形的陪葬墓。  相似文献   
Geodateninfrastrukturen sollen den Zugang zu und die Nutzung von Geoinformationen besser und effektiver gestalten und dadurch den einen Markt für Geoinformationen etablieren, in dem sowohl Massendaten, wie auch spezielle Informationen im Sinne problemspezifischer Auskünfte nachgefragt und im Idealfall auch abgerechnet werden k?nnen. Auf verschiedenen Organisationsstufen und in unterschiedlichen fachlichen Zusammenh?ngen werden zur Zeit internetbasierte Geodateninfrastrukturen (GDI) aufgebaut. Sie orientieren sich an den internationalen Standards des Open GIS Consortium (OGC) und der Internationalen Standardisierungsorganisation (ISO). Eine wichtige Voraussetzung für das Gelingen der Initiativen ist, da? sie nicht nur Top-Down von staatlichen Instanzen eingerichtet und betrieben werden, sondern auch Elemente kooperierender Bottom-Up-Entwicklung enthalten und vor allem alle potentiellen Nutzer einer GDI, von Datenanbietern über -veredlern und Software-Herstellern bis hin zu Endkunden, einbeziehen. Der Beitrag stellt den aktuellen Stand der Entwicklung und wichtige aktuelle Beispiele in der Praxis dar.  相似文献   
The First World War polarised British society. The British 'nation' needed a definition of the external enemy to generate internal cohesion as much as the production of modern hostility presupposed the existence of nationalism. Apparently, hostility which is nationalistically motivated is of functional importance for the cohesion of a society in war. But the construction of the nation along the lines of the dialectic structure of exclusion and inclusion implies that even its founding act encourages national splits. The manner in which nationalism generates social cohesion by excluding non-members at the same time always turns it into the expression of and the reason for internal conflicts. First and foremost, however, it was the co-existence of a whole host of concepts of the nation competing with each other for supremacy which turned nationalism into a disintegrative power in society. The co-existing national concepts by and large reflected the political factions and camps in the belligerent society. This article tries to outline the various ways in which the borderlines between the internal and the external enemy, between the hostile part of one's own society and a hostile foreign society converged under the circumstances of the exceptional burden of the First World War. At the end the hostility which was motivated and legitimised nationalistically both split and integrated British society.  相似文献   
The article addresses the revival of Russian Orthodoxy as a prominent domain in the lives of many Russians. The six authors are interested in the underlying question: What makes Russian Orthodoxy a relevent and modern source of morality and identity? The circumstances of this branch of Christianity significantly differ from what has been discussed in recent years as ‘the anthropology of Christianity’. The article proposes a thematic approach in order to connect the exploration of Russian Orthodoxy to the study of other denominations. A key‐area is the disctinctive articulation between continuity and change, which is crucial to the understanding of some branches of Protestantism as well.  相似文献   
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