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周健  张思 《清史研究》2006,6(2):39-51
华北青苗会组织的历史至少可追溯至19世纪初。早期的青苗会只是结构松散的临时看青组织。19世纪中期以降,以征派差徭为契机,青苗会逐渐演变为担负村庄各项公务且结构严密的村落自治组织。这一演变折射出咸同年间国家与乡村社会之间的新动向国家不断深入地方以攫取财源,乡村社会则在改造青苗会加以应对的同时实现了一定的自治。  相似文献   
晚清山东的官赈救荒   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
晚清山东灾荒严重,灾荒发生后,清政府即派官员赴灾区勘灾,审户,实施救治。当时主要采取施赈、调粟、养恤、除害、遣返灾民回籍、赎地贷给籽种、蠲缓赋税、禁止酿酒等善后措施,以及兴修水利、植树造林、办理仓储、开垦荒地等预防措施。这些措施对救治晚清山东灾荒发挥了积极作用。腐败的吏治使晚清山东官赈救荒难以达到预期效果,但晚清政府毕竟担负了山东赈灾救荒的重任,发挥着主导作用。  相似文献   
我国的省区:它的地理边界和它的必然发展   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
丁四保 《人文地理》2001,16(2):12-16
地理边界是地理区域存在的必要条件。近年来在经济地理学界,经济区域地理边界的客观存在受到人们的忽视,这实际上对经济区域的客观存在提出了质疑。本文认为,有明确地理边界的省级经济区域是我国经济区域理论研究的重要领域,这种区域的发展是我国经济生活中的重要现象。本文以理论回顾为基础,根据我国的实际情况,探讨了我国省一级经济区域作为我国特有的一种经济区域形式,其形成和发展的历史规律,其地理边界形成的历史的、自然地理的、地区文化的和经济的规律性,提出了我国省级经济区发展的内在规律,并探讨了其未来的发展趋势。  相似文献   
分析SARS:在我国的地理扩散和地理障碍   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
丁四保  赵伟  相伟 《人文地理》2004,19(2):74-78
SARS疫情在我国的迅速传播已经对我国的社会和经济生活造成了重大的影响,也为我们观察和分析地理扩散提供了难得的机会。SARS的扩散显然是一种地理过程,这个过程的第一个特征是以等级扩散为发展方式的,第二个特征是必然在扩散中遇到障碍。第一个特征的存在使疫情在一段时间里在我国得以迅速的蔓延,但是当采取各种医疗、隔离和防护措施后,SARS的扩散在出现障碍的条件下受到抑制。文章描述了疫情扩散的方式,在我国形成的地理格局(以广东和北京为源地),认为这个地理格局的形成与我国流动人口的分布、人口流动的条件有关。同时指出,在疫情扩散的地理格局中,在中心城市形成的高度集中是一种令人担忧的现象。因为这样的集中已经对这些中心城市的包括"医疗中心"在内的行政、经济、交通等核心地的功能产生严重影响。为此,文章注意到我国一些没有发现疫情的地区的地理条件,认为存在着如地理距离(距离衰减)、地理环境、产业特征等地理障碍。通过对这些障碍的分析,文章最后提出了防治疫情及其继续扩散的措施。  相似文献   
This article examines the question of authenticity in relation to 3D visualisation of historic objects and monuments. Much of the literature locates their authenticity in the accuracy of the data and/or the realism of the resulting models. Yet critics argue that 3D visualisations undermine the experience of authenticity, disrupting people’s access to the materiality, biography and aura of their historic counterparts. The ACCORD project takes questions of authenticity and 3D visualisation into a new arena – that of community heritage practice – and uses rapid ethnographic methods to examine whether and how such visualisations acquire authenticity. The results demonstrate that subtle forms of migration and borrowing occur between the original and the digital, creating new forms of authenticity associated with the digital object. Likewise, the creation of digital models mediates the authenticity and status of their original counterparts through the networks of relations in which they are embedded. The current pre-occupation with the binary question of whether 3D digital models are authentic or not obscures the wider work that such objects do in respect to the cultural politics of ownership, attachment, place-making and regeneration. The article both advances theoretical debates and has important implications for heritage visualisation practice.  相似文献   
唐皇城含光门土遗址蕴含丰富的历史、文化、科技等多方面的信息,但是随着时间的推移,出现了多种生物病害,急需要抢救保护。通过对土遗址生物病害的详细调查,首次发现螨虫类和鞘翅目昆虫对遗址有强烈破坏作用,同时存在的生物病害主要还有蓝藻和霉菌等。本研究分析了这些生物病害产生的原因及腐蚀土遗址的机理,并进行了防治措施研究。这些调查分析,将对遗址进一步抢救保护打下坚实基础。  相似文献   

This article challenges the claimed gulf between ‘Eastern’ and ‘Western’ concepts and approaches to heritage conservation through an analysis of the common complexities surrounding authenticity. The past few decades have witnessed an important critique of ‘Eurocentric’ notions of heritage conservation, drawing on ‘non-Western’, particularly Asian, contexts. Authenticity has been a core principle and defining element in this development. Endorsed by a series of charters and documents, a relativistic approach emphasising the cultural specificity of authenticity has been introduced alongside the European-originated materialist approach in international policy and conservation philosophy. However, the promotion of Asian difference has also contributed to an increasingly entrenched and unproductive dichotomy between ‘Eastern’ and ‘Western’ approaches to heritage. This article reveals common complexities surrounding authenticity in two countries crosscutting this dualism – China and Scotland. Drawing on a number of ethnographic projects, our analysis identifies themes that characterise the experience of authenticity across different cultural contexts. It contributes to a more nuanced understanding of the evolving relationships between heritage conservation and contemporary societies with important implications for global heritage discourses and collaborative ventures crosscutting ‘Eastern’ and ‘Western’ contexts.  相似文献   
思语 《收藏家》2011,(1):78-81
台湾(包括澎湖等)约3.6万平方公里,是中国东南大陆架的延伸,与福建仅隔着130多公里的一条海沟。其北携琉球群岛,南领菲律宾群岛,乃我东出西太平洋之锁钥。  相似文献   
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