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1931年9月18日,日本关东军①经过长期的酝酿与谋划发动了震惊世界的九一八事变。在侵略扩张欲望无限膨胀的驱使下,日本天皇和军政高层不但没有对关东军的侵略行动进行阻止,反而使侵华战争向更为严酷的方向发展。以此为起点,持续14年之久的侵华战争,深刻地改变了中国近代化的发展历程和远东国际关系的发展轨迹。  相似文献   
Based on the 3-single-degree-of-freedom (SDOF) model of twin-tower structures linked by the sky-bridge and passive control devices, the frequency functions and the vibration energy expressions of the structures are derived by using the stationary white noise as the seismic excitation. The analytical formulas for determining the connecting optimum parameters of viscoelastic damper (VED) represented by the Kelvin model and the viscous fluid damper (VFD) represented by Maxwell model are proposed using the principle of minimizing the average vibration energy of either the single tower or the twin tower. Three pairs of representative numerical examples of twin-tower-connected structures are used to verify the correctness of the theoretical approach. The optimum parametric analysis demonstrates that the control performance is not sensitive to damper damping ratio of VED and relaxation time of VFD. The effectiveness of the proposed control strategies based on the 3-SDOF models is also proved to be applicable to multi-degree-of-freedom systems. The theoretical analysis and numerical results indicate that the seismic response and vibration energy of the twin-tower-connected structures are mitigated greatly under the two types of dampers. The presented control strategies of VED and VFD can help engineers in application of coupled structures.  相似文献   
Land‐centred urbanisation has precipitated shortage of green space in Chinese cities. However, in the Pearl River Delta, an ambitious greenway system has recently managed to flourish. It is intriguing to ask how this has become possible. Informed by the perspective of urban political ecology, this paper finds that the greenway project in the Pearl River Delta represents a set of politically realistic endeavours to alleviate urban green space shortage by adapting to, rather than challenging, powerful landed interests. Three interlocking dimensions about land—municipal land quota, rural land use claims, and real estate development—have influenced why, where and how greenways have been created. Based on these findings, we argue that research on China's politics of urban sustainability necessarily needs to understand the country's land politics.  相似文献   
三峡地区土洞墓年代与源流考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
吴敬 《中原文物》2007,(3):33-37
根据青瓷盘口壶的演变规律,1997年湖北省巴东县雷家坪遗址发现的一座土坑洞室墓的年代应为晚唐或五代时期。土坑洞室墓在三峡地区出现和流行可能与安史之乱有关。  相似文献   
Population Estimation Using Landsat Enhanced Thematic Mapper Imagery   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
An assessment of two groups of approaches for estimating urban population with remote-sensing information is presented in this article. These approaches, zonal and pixel-based models, are applied to Landsat Enhanced Thematic Mapper images of a portion of Columbus, Ohio , to generate population estimates. The zonal approach uses impervious surface fraction, spectral radiance, and land-use/land-cover classification to derive population estimates. The pixel-based approach uses impervious surface fraction and spectral radiance to estimate the population of residential areas. To assess robustness, these models were applied to Dayton, Ohio . A comparative study indicates that the models generated promising results in estimating regional population counts. However, zonal regression with spectral radiance produced large errors (76%) for census block groups, whereas other models gave significantly better estimation accuracy. Comparing the performance of the indicators, impervious surface fraction is competitive, and slightly but consistently better than land-use classification. In comparison with traditional zonal approaches, pixel-based models give somewhat better estimation accuracy.  相似文献   
《明书》是第一部明代全史,但于晚明史事多有缺略,于明清关系亦有所回避。本文对《明书》具体缺略情况和回避情形进行了考述、分析,希望能为明史研究者更好地利用《明书》提供参考。  相似文献   
吴永坤 《文献》2007,(1):181-185
在编辑先师魏建功先生文集的过程中,我认识了作为学者、语言文字专门家的陈独秀(1879-1942,字仲甫).从先师的文章中我得知,仲甫先生在狱中写的<实庵字说>,每在<东方杂志>上发表,钱玄同先生即于东安市场书摊"争先寻求,津津乐道,喜至功家清谈.  相似文献   
朝阳曾是隋唐王朝统治东北地区的边陲重镇,经过多年的考古工作,在这里发现了大量隋唐时期的墓葬.这些墓葬以砖构墓为主,形制复杂多样,等级差别明显,并具有一定的演变规律.本文首先总结砖构墓葬的形制,然后以纪年墓葬为标尺分析其演变过程,最后将朝阳唐墓与中原唐墓进行了初步比较.  相似文献   
白庙子山,西南距内蒙古翁牛特旗政府所在地乌丹镇40公里;东北距海金山10公里;北距辽河上游的西拉木伦河14公里;南距松树山15公里;距遗址西北5公里有少郎河流入西拉木伦河(图一).  相似文献   
本文将中国近代城市化的首发之地——上海作为研究对象,以开埠后租界城市空间扩展的微观过程为视角,系统探讨其河浜资源利用与相关环境变迁的内在机制与驱动力,并对深层的制度背景进行分析。本文的研究结论是:从城市建立的初期开始,租界工部局就仅出于实用目的对自然河浜的排水功能加以利用,以私人化的地产分布、地产开发需求以及马路的拓建规划为基本导向,对河浜进行无序填没和管道化改造,而忽略了方格状感潮河网的环境脆弱性以及河浜除排水以外的其他生态功能。这种受城市空间扩展自然驱动的河浜利用方式,导致了严重的河浜形态破碎与功能紊乱,成为近代以来上海地区黑臭河道不断产生的主要原因。其制度根源主要在于:租界直接承袭了19世纪英国城市环境改造理念,并受到自治市制度的局限。  相似文献   
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