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孔子是儒家学派的创始人,朱熹是儒家思想传承过程中的重要一环———宋明理学的集大成者。二人的义利观在思想基础是有很大的相似性,但由于所生活的时代不同,社会背景相异,且作为当时代的学者,他们都相当关注当时代人们的生活和思想状况,因而,他们的义利观也因时代背景的差异而有了一些歧出之处。试图挖掘二者义利观的相异之处及其社会原因。  相似文献   
Prehistory vs. Archaeology: Terms of Engagement   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
汉至西晋时期的墓葬中经常发现一些盛于朱书陶瓶内的物品,按其质地可以分为天然矿物类、金属制品类、植物类、五谷类。本文对已发现的材料进行了初步考察,认为这些物品就是道士们做法事的遗痕,分别起着压镇、代形、充当贡赋的作用。这些物品和巫医术士使用的物品大致相同,反映出早期道教和巫医方术之间密不可分的关系。  相似文献   
曹昳 《中国钱币》2008,(1):30-34
一、甘肃造币史简介1.天水造币史简介民国九年(1920)二月,甘肃督军兼民政长张广建任命孔繁锦为陇南镇守使。孔繁锦到任后,鉴于市场货币奇缺,以致贸易阻滞,又见各省铸造铜币获利甚丰,遂从津、沪购置造币机器在天水设造币厂铸造铜元。因铸当十铜元无利可获,于是仿造“四川铜币”制,将陇南范围内的制钱尽量搜刮起来,利用翻砂法铸造当百铜元(即天水沙板)。直到民国十三年(1924),因商民怨声四起,孔才废止沙版铜元,同时开铸“孔造五文”和“中华民国十文”两种机制铜元。这两种机制铜元在民间极少见到,显然并没有大量铸造流通过。市面上“孔造五文…  相似文献   
本文是在杨明照《(抱朴子外篇)校笺下》基础上遵循杨先生的校勘原则与方法,从中国文化诸方面,就残误、形误、脱误、衍误、异文、词序或语序颠倒、句型不一、典故与知识缺陷等,所作的校补,凡120余条。  相似文献   
20世纪 60年代的社会主义教育运动 ,是中共八届十中全会关于阶级斗争的理论在一定范围的实践 ,是党在探索建设社会主义道路过程中的一次波折。“前十条”、“后十条”及其修正案以及“二十三条”是指导运动开展的重要文件。由于在阶级斗争扩大化的“左”倾理论指导下 ,把不同性质的问题都当做阶级斗争或阶级斗争在党内的反映 ,使不少基层干部受到不应有的打击 ,也在一定程度上分散了全党搞经济建设的注意力 ,但总体上看 ,社教运动的错误还属于局部性质  相似文献   
尹伊 《收藏家》2010,(7):69-71
中国古代黄金饰物的出现不晚于商代,北京刘家河商代墓葬中曾出土过一对金耳环和一对金臂钏。而大体同一时期,镶嵌工艺亦开始用于装饰青铜器皿了。  相似文献   
The management of archaeological heritage is complex and problematic for site identity and local culture. Inattention to the array of values of heritage sites leads to the supremacy of a number of them and provides a controversy story of the archaeological site in question. Any heritage management and interpretation effort should correctly identify the different values of the site. Indeed, there is a need to manage and interpret the sites in a way to address the connection between the sites-based values and the associated and surrounding features. In current heritage management practice, values and values-based management are considered to be one of the most important approaches for the management of archaeological heritage. This study aims to understand how the values of the archaeological site of Umm Qais in northern Jordan can be adequately managed as both a natural and cultural landscape. At issue are conflicting views over the different values, their meaning and their uses by the different stakeholders. This research focuses on the ways in which these values are managed and interpreted to the public and whether it is done properly and in a fair manner. The fieldwork study led to a more complex understanding of how conflicting perceptions of values of Umm Qais as a national heritage site by the different stakeholders have affected implementation of management and interpretation projects. The results presented here indicate that the heritage management approach from the case study of Umm Qais focuses specifically on values associated with the physical archaeological aspect of the site, while those associated with the historic neighborhood of the site are neglected. The interpretation of the site has frequently focused on certain aspects of values at the expense of others. Information and insights gained from this study and specific suggestions for changing approaches are considered with regard to potential impacts on the management of the archaeological site and with regard to the public in general.  相似文献   
This article explores the extent to which formal network analysis can be used to study aspects of entanglement, the latter referring to the collective sets of dependencies between humans and things. The data used were derived from the Neolithic sites of Boncuklu and Çatalhöyük in central Turkey. The first part of the analysis involves using formal network methods to chart the changing interactions between humans and things at these sites through time. The values of betweenness and centrality vary through time in ways that illuminate the known transformations at the site as, for example, domestic cattle are introduced. The ego networks for houses across four time periods at the two sites are also patterned in ways that contribute to an understanding of social and economic trends. In a second set of analyses, formal network methods are applied to intersecting operational chains, or chainworks. Finally, the dependencies between humans and things are evaluated by exploring the costs and benefits of particular material choices relative to larger entanglements. In conclusion, it is argued that three types of entanglement can be represented and explored using methods taken from the network sciences. The first type concerns the large number of relations that surround any particular human or thing. The second concerns the ways in which entanglements are organized. The third type of entanglement concerns the dialectic between dependence (potential through reliance) and dependency (constraint through reliance).  相似文献   
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