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This study examines how corporate governance of climate change is developing in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (Hong Kong), Asia's leading financial centre. It situates corporate actions within the broader framework of urban multi-stakeholder climate governance. In the absence of international obligations under the Kyoto Protocol and government regulation to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, the majority of companies in Hong Kong have yet to tackle climate change. However, a small number of proactive corporations are acting to reduce climate change induced risks and reposition themselves to take advantage of climate change opportunities. Focusing on these leading corporations, this study identifies the motivations for and barriers to action. It concludes that corporations are only one of the necessary players in addressing climate change at the city level. Corporate climate change governance could be improved in Hong Kong by developing a stronger institutional framework and broader civil society support.  相似文献   
In the last ten years or so, interest among the Japanese in their Korean neighbour has increased significantly. Yet, before the Korean Wave hit Japan in the early 2000s, Kusanagi Tsuyoshi, member of popular Japanese boy-band SMAP, had already débuted and gained popularity as Chonangang, his Korean alter-self. From releasing a Korean pop-music single to interviewing South Korean Presidents on Japanese national television, it is undeniable that Kusanagi (and Chonangang) has brought Korea closer to the hearts of the Japanese. In this paper, I argue that Kusanagi's performances of and as Chonangang create a polyglotic, hybrid identity that functions as a “third space” through which notions of an underlying, essential Japanese (and Korean) identity can be destabilised. Beyond mere entertainment, Kusanagi's adoption of an identity position that is neither Japanese nor Korean, yet also both Japanese and Korean, enables the articulation of difference and hybridity which, I contend, has direct relevance to Japan–Korea and Japanese–resident Korean relations.  相似文献   
舒波 《旅游科学》2005,19(3):48-52
饭店的供应链管理是饭店管理中非常重要但是还有待发展的课题。本文在现有的供应链及供应链管理理论基础上,对饭店所在的供应链及饭店在供应链中的必要性和特殊性进行了分析,提出了在饭店进行供应链管理的运作思路,力图使饭店能够建立优质的供应链体系,以增加饭店利润。  相似文献   
为找寻适宜砖质文物防风化保护的新材料,摸索出一套较完善的保护方法和经验.在找出导致砖质文物风化、酥碱的主要原因后,对十几种高分子材料进行防水、防酸、防盐、防污染、耐热老化、耐紫外线等试验,从中选择出较为理想的新型保护加固材料Si-97.该材料用于风化、酥碱的砖质文物中,使残损砖质文物得到了一定的保护和加固.不仅达到了延长砖质文物寿命的目的,而且减少了维修经费.Si-97材料是在有机硅中加入二甲基硅烷、胺基硅烷、环氧硅烷等材料进行改性而成,增加了有机硅聚合物的柔韧性、降低了脆性,提高了材料的耐老化性能.Si-97具有较好的保护效果,社会效益和经济效益明显.建议推广应用.  相似文献   
1978年至2008年中国发生了巨大变化,北京的满族人也恢复了有史以来的巨大活力,再一次显示了他们不怕艰难、勇于学习、敢于创新的精神。在改革开放的大潮中作出了应有的贡献,涌现了许多优秀人物,受到各族人民的尊重。一、平等权利得到保障十年动乱中由于极左思潮的泛滥,北京的满族人不同程度地遭受到了不应有的民族歧视,许多人违心地或被迫放弃了自己的民族成分,致使户口登记为满族的人口下降。1982年第三次全国人口普查时,全市登记为满族的人口才116710人。随着民族政策的落实,许多人恢复了自己的民族成分,与汉族通婚的家庭也纷纷把所生子女申报为满族,满族人口得到稳步上升,1990年全国第四次人口普查时,全市满族人口为165043人。1999年北京市人大常委会批准实施《北京少数民族权益保障条例》,2000年全国第五次人口普查时全市满族人口为250286人,列居全市少数民族人口第一位,符合了历史发展的轨迹,反映了这个在北京有360多年迁徙史民族的真实情况。自1978年以来,先后有赵鹏飞、张建民、金鉴、索连生等同志在北京担任过市级领导,北京市民委先后有启功、张寿崇、金毓嶂三位党外民族代表人士担任过副主任。1980年,在中央民族大学...  相似文献   
Despite the prevalence of polycentricity as a normative strategy in planning documents, a lengthy and inconclusive debate regarding its definition in academic research persists. The aim of this article is to eliminate the conceptual confusion surrounding functional polycentricity from a geographical perspective. By classifying different approaches to polycentricity, we outline the properties that characterize all forms of functional polycentricity. Accordingly, we redefine functional polycentricity and propose a corresponding framework with which to measure it. The commuting and leisure functional polycentricity of Atlanta is used as an example to illustrate the application of this framework.  相似文献   
保甲制是清王朝实施乡村社会控制的主要制度 ,但在乡土社会权力制约下 ,国家政权向乡村社会的延伸屡受挫抑。围绕着乡村权力格局 ,国家与社会之间的复杂关系及其权力力量变动 ,不仅构成了“政治近代化”过程中乡村权力结构的历史前提 ,而且也是我们认识近代中国社会的一个新视角  相似文献   
In this essay, I will describe the traditional social organisation of the Amis peoples of Taiwan which previous ethnographers have portrayed as consisting of a matrilineal clan‐based system conjoined with a residential‐based male age‐set/grade system. Following David Schneider's critique of ‘kinship’ cross‐culturally and the ‘new kinship studies' which his work inspired, I will attempt a reinterpretation of overall Amis social organisation as instead a total kinship‐based system comprised of a paternal/fraternal system which integrates and encompasses the multiplicity of maternal‐focused houses constitutive of village communities. Rather than being a system composed of kinship and non‐kinship parts, I argue that Amis social organisation is comprehensively kinship‐based. Moreover, I shall describe how through paternal/fraternal relations generated by rites of male initiation and rebirth this overall integration of diverse matrifocal units is achieved. In the first section, I will describe the structure of the paternal/fraternal initiatory system. In the following section, I will draw upon the major anthropological theories of initiation including rites of passage and the literature on sacrifice to describe numerous aspects of initiation activities, showing how the classificatory father‐son and elder‐younger‐brother relations between and within the initiation sets are explicitly represented by the concepts and practices of the Amis.  相似文献   
本文通过对非洲统一组织国家和政府首脑会议文件的整体剖析,认为这一时期泛非主义的走向呈现出三个特点:第一,非洲统一组织成为泛非主义的领导机构后,泛非主义的中心真正从海外转移到非洲本土;泛非主义的活动方式也从美洲和非洲的两地互动,更多成为非洲本土的运动;这些变化标志着泛非主义进入了新的历史发展时期。第二,非洲统一组织的前期(19631979年),泛非主义的重心集中在政治领域,泛非主义的目标主要是推进非洲大陆的政治独立。第三,非洲统一组织的后期(1979—2001年),非洲国家遭遇经济全球化的冲击和经济危机的包围,泛非主义重心转向经济领域。由于受到自身条件的制约,非洲统一组织在这一时期明显表现出力不从心的态势。因此,泛非主义需要新的更高水平的领导机构,于是,非洲联盟替代非洲统一组织成为历史发展的必然。  相似文献   
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