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自从钟敬文先生主编的民间文学教材<民间文学概论>问世以来,至今已经有二十七年的时间了.在很长的一段历史时期,<民间文学概论>似乎一直是比较经典的民间文学基础读物.尽管国内外涌现了诸多新的理论和方法,学科建设颇有成就,而且民间文学本身也遭遇了不同的时代命运,但遗憾的是,多年来民间文学教材编写似乎并未取得实质性突破.  相似文献   
Shu Yang 《Gender & history》2023,35(2):582-602
This article examines the image of the British suffragettes in the early Chinese press up to the 1910s. By widely surveying newspapers and magazines, it shows that the common adoption of the shrew trope in depicting the suffragettes went beyond a reductive translational interaction between the West and the East. People's Stand, The Eastern Miscellany and other periodical publications present different ways in which diction, images, literary legacy, gender tradition and cultural demands all came into play in reconfiguring the Chinese shrew and her connections to the Western suffragettes. The shrew–suffragette linkage debunks notions of selling strategies and editorial ambivalence underlying the gesture of the press. Yet it was precisely this ambiguity that rendered the shrew image so polysemic and fruitful, eventually allowing this traditional character type to be positively associated with the new woman models in Chinese progressive discourses.  相似文献   
一在甲骨文发现110周年之际,王宇信先生的新著——《中国甲骨学》问世了。该书是阐述110年来甲骨学发展历程与成就的煌煌巨著,全书分上、中、下三篇,共28章,总计90余万字。王宇信先生长期关注甲骨学的历史发展状况。他曾先后出版过两本专著———《建  相似文献   
清代广东体制再研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
曹雯 《清史研究》2006,24(2):82-96
起始于乾隆二十二年的广东体制是清朝在广州地区的一项针对外国人的体制,海内外学界一般视其为一项闭关的限制贸易体制,但笔者通过对广东体制的再研究,认为广东体制应是一项旨在有效管理外国人的对外政策,其目的在于整肃边境口岸广州的秩序、进而维护中国东南沿海的秩序,而它产生于乾隆二十二年前后的国内背景是清朝正发动着旨在解决西北边患问题的准噶尔战事,由此表明以藩封体制为依据而设定的对外政策往往与解决国内重大问题的国内政策存在着互动性。  相似文献   
Wang. H., Zhang, H., Cao, M. & Horne, D.J., October 2018. Holocene Ostracods from the Hang Hau Formation in Lei Yue Mun, Hong Kong, and their palaeoenvironmental implications. Alcheringa 43, 320–333. ISSN 0311-5518.

The Holocene Hang Hau Formation is the youngest part of the Quaternary succession in Hong Kong and yields abundant and diverse ostracods. This study of ostracod assemblages from two cores in Lei Yue Mun identifies eight genera and nine species of marine Ostracoda that were previously unreported from the Hang Hau Formation, increasing the known diversity from 67 to 76 species. Among these species, Neocyprideis timorensis (Fyan 1916) is reported for the first time in China. The recovery of abundant juvenile and adult specimens has facilitated illustration and discussion of an ontogenetic series for Neomonoceratina delicata Ishizaki & Kato, 1976, extending from the A-5 instar (fourth moult after hatching) to the sexually dimorphic A (adult) instar. Palaeoenvironmental analysis of the ostracod assemblages supports and strengthens previous interpretations indicative of a warm, shallow, nearshore-marine environment.

He Wang State Key Laboratory of Palaeobiology and Stratigraphy, Nanjing Institute of Geology and Palaeontology and Center for Excellence in Life and Paleoenvironment, Chinese Academy of Sciences, 39 East Beijing Road, Nanjing 210008, PR China; Haichun Zhang State Key Laboratory of Palaeobiology and Stratigraphy, Nanjing Institute of Geology and Palaeontology and Center for Excellence in Life and Paleoenvironment, Chinese Academy of Sciences, 39 East Beijing Road, Nanjing 210008, PR China; Meizhen Cao Nanjing Institute of Geology and Palaeontology and Center for Excellence in Life and Paleoenvironment, Chinese Academy of Sciences, 39 East Beijing Road, Nanjing 210008, PR China; David J. Horne School of Geography, Queen Mary University of London, Mile End Road, London E1 4NS, UK. *Also affiliated with: University of Science and Technology of China, No. 96, JinZhai Road Baohe District, Hefei, Anhui 230026, PR China.  相似文献   

赵书 《满族研究》2005,(3):10-12
在日本帝国主义侵华之际.中国掀起了全民英勇抗战的怒潮。在八年抗战过程中,北平满族人民积极参加抗战活动.涌现出许多抗日志士和英雄。文中介绍的只是他们当中的一小部分,不过在这些人物身上可以看到满族高昂的爱国主义精神。  相似文献   
金开诚  舒年 《文献》2004,(2):4-16
一 甲:文化可以表现在物质制品之中,也可以表现在思想观念之中."观念形态的文化"(也就你过去所说的"狭义的文化"),之所以能在社会发展中长久传承,是与语言载体的概括性、抽象性、稳定性分不开的.例如"民惟邦本,本固邦宁"这两句话,虽然是出于《伪古文尚书》,但毕竟来源很古.  相似文献   
文章结合《邗江县志(1988~2000)》的编纂实践,指出其在总纂阶段注意把好文风关、资料真实关、内容交叉处理关、政治和重大史实关以及内容特色关,在内容上彰显时代特色、地域特色和人本特色等方面所做的努力。  相似文献   
赵书 《满族研究》2001,(3):90-91
古代满族人发源于我国的东北,一到冬天白雪盖地,用手把雪攥成球,互相追打,成了儿童们喜爱的游戏。1644年,满族人来到了北京,这里夏秋时间长,冬春时间短,下雪的时间比东北老家要少,儿童们不能经常玩“打雪仗”的游戏了。怎么办呢?聪明的满族妇女想了个办法,用做衣服的剩下来的碎布缝成包,里面装上杂豆,以此代替“雪球”,让孩子们嬉戏。  相似文献   
抗日战争初期,八路军、新四军及各地人民抗日武装先后办起40多家修械所和炸弹厂,修理军械,制造兵器,为根据地兵器工业的建立奠定了基础.随着战局的推展,根据地兵器工业逐步发展,呈现出诸多鲜明特征.抗日根据地实行军区、军分区和县武装部三结合的兵工生产体制,通过颁布有关军事后勤工作的条例和兵工生产的训令、规章等,建立相应的职能部门,实行严格的管理制度,规范军工生产,从而保障了兵工企业的有序运作.  相似文献   
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