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清中叶著名诗人舒位的大型民族风物组诗《黔苗竹枝词》五十四首,从族源、民居、语言文字、饮食、歌舞乐器、服饰、婚配、丧葬祭祀、商业工艺、社会结构等内容,对黔苗的民族风物进行了全方位的描绘和抒写,在艺术风格上典雅清丽而充满趣味,具有珍贵的民族史料价值和极高的文学艺术价值。《黔苗竹枝词》的规模、内容和艺术特点,可勘媲美刘禹锡竹枝词,产生了很大影响。  相似文献   
殷墟甲骨卜辞中有一字,见于《甲骨文合集》(简称《合集》)和《殷墟花园庄东地甲骨划》[1](简称  相似文献   
土族风情园有感轮子秋旋彩袖扬,青稞美酒溢清香。缤纷不是君花眼,此地原来虹故乡。春雪山村暮宿一片银装裹翠微,山村暮宿雪犹飞。平明路旁多折柳,昨夜不知相送谁。喜见故乡退耕还草南坡平缓北坡陡,羊路曲折岁月深。田划竹节不种麦,岭挖漏斗且还林。风吹野草山浮翠,雨润柠条花吐金。年少历来多壮志:洪魔自此远乡村!注:竹节、漏斗,均为退耕还草还林术语,即挖成竹节状、漏斗状用来种草栽树的山地。柠条,灌木名。诗三首@师成森~~  相似文献   
China is one of the few centers in the world where plant domestication evolved independently, but its developmental trajectory is poorly understood. This is because there is considerably less data from the terminal Pleistocene and early Holocene documented in China than in other regions, such as the Near East and Mesoamerica, and previous studies on Paleolithic subsistence in China have largely focused on animal hunting rather than plant gathering. To resolve these problems the current research investigated the range of plants used by late Paleolithic hunter–gatherers in the middle Yellow River region where some of the earliest farmers emerged. We employed usewear and starch analyses on grinding stones to recover evidence for plant use in a hunting–gathering population at a late Paleolithic site, Shizitan Locality 9 in Jixian, Shanxi (ca. 13,800–8500 cal. BP). The usewear analysis shows that all artifacts preserved a range of usewear patterns best matching multiple tasks and indicating multi-functional use. Starch remains recovered from these tools indicate that the Shizitan people collected and processed many types of grass seeds (Panicoideae and Pooideae subfamilies), acorns (Quercus sp.), beans (Phaseoleae tribe) and yams (Dioscorea sp.). The Shizitan people represented some of the last hunter–gatherers in the middle Yellow River region. Their broad spectrum subsistence strategy was apparently carried on by the first Neolithic farmers in the same region, who collected similar wild plants and eventually domesticated millets. The trajectory from intensified collection of a wide range of wild plants to domestication of a small number of species was a very long process in north China. This parallels the transition from the “broad spectrum revolution” to agriculture in the Near East.  相似文献   
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