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延边远处中国边陲,其特殊的地理位置和丰富的自然资源构成决定了她在林业产业发展中举足轻重的地位,而林业经济的发展,则是延边经济发展的关键因素.随着市场经济的发展和林业经济体制改革的深入,非公有制林业应运而生,并成为林业发展的强大推动力.事实证明,发展非公有制林业是实现林区可持续发展的必然选择.然而,在具体的进程中,非公有制林业发展却产生了种种问题,使其陷入困境.本文从延边州非公有制林业现状出发,分析其发展中存在的问题及优势,并提出解决问题的对策,对延边州发展和提高非公有制林业经营效益有一定的理论和实践意义.  相似文献   
When discussing the trans-formative shifts having occurred in the field of Chinese modern history following the economic reforms, one cannot avoid mention of the “revolutionary history paradigm,” the “paradigm of modernization” as well as the “postmodern paradigm.” According to popular belief, the course of development taken by the academic world during the past forty years was marked by a series of transformations: First was the progressive replacement of the “revolutionary history paradigm” by that of the “paradigm of modernization”; following that was the rise of the “postmodern paradigm” and the challenging of its predecessor. This set of divisions, though logically clear and succinct, cannot possibly conform to the realities of history in all of its complexness. While academic circles in the 1980’s were largely concerned with the issues of “what exactly is the historical driving force of Marxism” and “who are the revolutionary class,” the notion of the “paradigm of modernization” was rather a product of the conservative historical viewpoint and its rise during the late 1990’s. In this sense, then, the latter cannot possibly embody the former. On the surface of things, though the “postmodern paradigm” appears to refuse the narrative of revolutionary history, it in fact shares deeper connections with Chinese revolutionary thought at its roots. In short, then, these trans-formative shifts in modern Chinese history are not a simple “exchange” whereby one paradigm transfers into the next, but are rather a process of incessant and interconnected change.  相似文献   
本文从汉赋作品中的服饰形象着眼,论述了汉赋在中国文学史中的重要地位以及体现汉代文化精神的礼乐精神,汉赋中的服饰形象描写与汉代礼乐精神的关系。通过汉赋中帝王、嫔妃、武士等的服饰描绘,论述其体现的礼乐精神以及礼乐精神对服饰的影响。  相似文献   
Recently, rice fields dated between 5000 and 2500 BC were found at the Tianluoshan sit in east China. The early rice fields dated between 5000 and 4500 BC are the oldest rice fields known. The discovery has provided data of recovering reclamation, cultivation, and the ecological system of rice fields in the Neolithic age. People opened up marshes of dense reeds with fire and wooden or bone spades, in order to create rice fields. In the rice fields, there was not only rice, but a lot of weeds as well. The excavations proved that little or even no weeding or irrigation was adopted. However, tilling soil by wooden and bone tools was evidenced. The average yields are estimated to have been about 830 kg for the early period and 950 kg per hectare for the later period. The cultivation system was low-level. Although the Tianluoshan people cultivated rice, they still obtained a great deal of food by gathering and hunting.  相似文献   
乌氏县作为今陇东地区最早设立的县之一,在河陇交通史上有重要的地位。本文在前人研究的基础上,广泛收集考据与乌氏相关史料,对汉唐间乌氏县之沿革、迁置、地望等进行了仔细考证,认为乌氏县为秦县,其地望在汉唐间曾发生数度迁置,唐人已经在其地望问题上产生了误解。  相似文献   
郑师渠 《近代史研究》2012,(2):4-27,160
1919--1924年,杜威等五位外国名哲来华讲学,实为欧战后西学东渐的文化壮举。讲学在助益思想深化的同时,也促进了中国思想界的分化与演进:其一,对其时中国反省现代性思潮的兴起起了推波助澜的作用,并为梁启超等所谓“东方文化派”理论观点的形成与文化诉求提供了立论的依据,进而为新文化运动的发展和中国思想界思维空间的展拓,增加了内在的张力。其二,五四后新文化运动最终归趋“以俄为师”的社会主义,其在思想层面上的展开过程,也明显地打上了名哲尤其是杜威与罗素讲学的印记。至于泰戈尔讲学受到了中共的抵制,杜威与罗素受中国思想界的影响,于自己的观点与学说有所修正,则反映了名哲讲学与中国思想界间的互动。  相似文献   
韦正 《考古》2012,(9):60-68,113
吐鲁番阿斯塔那M148、M233和阿斯塔那西区M408、M409等4座墓葬在发掘报告中被认为年代较晚。但通过将墓葬形制和随葬品与周边相关墓葬比较可见其年代或可早到十六国早期。在西晋甚至曹魏时期,汉式墓葬已在吐鲁番出现,且与河西敦煌、酒泉等地墓葬的面貌接近,或与当时历史背景有关。  相似文献   
Drawing on 24 months of ethnographic research on karaoke bar hostesses and male clients, in this article I seek to illustrate the ways in which entrepreneurial masculinity is constructed, enacted and performed in the space of bars, in the location of Dalian, during the globalizing era of China. This article not only examines the historical processes that have helped produce the entrepreneurial masculinities in postsocialist China, but also the nuanced ways in which the place of Dalian, the Chinese state, and the space of bars have facilitated the production of entrepreneurial masculinities articulated in everyday activities. Such an exploration contributes to the literature on the spatial politics of geographic knowledge production and the geographical understandings of the salience of masculinities and femininities, the potency of place and the impact of the politics and the economy on social relationships.  相似文献   
大同南郊北魏墓群研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过对时代特征强、演变快的陶器进行分析,可将大同南郊北魏墓群进行重新分组,167座墓葬共划分为五组,其中包含两个数量不多的过渡特征组。遗迹现象表明,第三组时是大同南郊墓地形成史上的巨变时期,此时北魏经历了太和改革和迁都洛阳,第三组墓葬所表现的维持和破坏并存的状况,当是当时现实社会的真实写照。  相似文献   
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