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望夫石传说古今流传考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张芸 《民俗研究》2007,19(4):162-188
一、引言终日望夫夫不归,化为孤石苦相思;望来已是几千载,只似当时初望时。——"望夫石"《刘禹锡集》卷24这是唐代大诗人刘禹锡吟咏望夫石的一首诗。为这块眺望千年的望夫石留下笔墨的又何止刘禹锡一家?李白也写过,白行简也写过,王建也写过,许多的诗人词人为它驻足心动过。这就是感动了一代又一代人的望夫石。  相似文献   
青花瓷器是中国陶瓷史上极为重要的一个门类,从真正兴起到现在,已有六百多年,留下了丰富的文化资源,各大博物馆和文物保护机构含有大量的青花瓷器。但由于瓷器易于破损,这些青花瓷往往存在破损、缺失等病害,极大地影响了陈列效果。艺术陈列修复对于破损青花瓷器重新回到大众视野起到了非常重要的作用。而青花瓷器修复中的上色处理是修复中的重点和难点,本研究通过对青花瓷器胎釉、青花钴料、青花纹饰画法、青花细节特征、破损情况等几个方面进行观察分析,提出切实可行的修复技法和修复步骤,使破损的青花瓷器得到修复,并达到陈列展览的要求。  相似文献   
张蕴 《考古与文物》2012,(3):102-104
唐高祖献陵位于陕西三原县,但陪葬墓区却分布于其身后东北方的富平县境内,本文从考古资料入手,结合文献记载,就唐高祖献陵陵园选址、陵园布局、陪葬墓位置等方面与秦汉帝陵相对照,阐述了献陵的主要特点、陵区布局及陵制承袭脉络,并附上富平县文管会陵区调查所得陪葬墓分布草图。  相似文献   
论文对华侨华人民间文献的定义、种类、特点、价值等方面做了初步的探讨。认为华侨华人民间文献是中国历史文献的重要组成部分,具有世界性、多样性、分散性和延续性的特点,并具有历史凭证价值、学术研究价值、思想教育价值和文化传承等多重研究和利用价值。目前除了侨批、侨乡族谱、公馆档案等进行了有序的收集整理外,绝大多数的华侨华人民间文献散落在私人或非官方组织手上。对华侨华人民间文献进行系统的收集整理和开发利用十分必要。  相似文献   
Beam-column connections are zones of highly complex actions and deformations interaction that often lead to failure under the effect of earthquake ground motion. Modeling of the beam-column connections is important both in understanding the behavior and in design. In this article, a framework for developing a neural network (NN) based steel beam-column connection model through structural testing is proposed. Neural network based inelastic hysteretic model for beam-column connections is combined with a new component based model under self-learning simulation framework. Self-learning simulation has the unique advantage in that it can use structural response to extract material models. Self-learning simulation is based on auto-progressive algorithm that employs the principles of equilibrium and compatibility, and the self-organizing nature of artificial neural network material models. The component based model is an assemblage of rigid body elements and spring elements which represent smeared constitutive behaviors of components; either nonlinear elastic or nonlinear inelastic behavior of components. The component based model is verified by a 3-D finite element analysis. The proposed methodology is illustrated through a self-learning simulation for a welded steel beam-column connection. In addition to presenting the first application of self-learning simulation to steel beam-column connections, a framework is outlined for applying the proposed methodology to other types of connections.  相似文献   
在西藏寺庙的壁画病害中空鼓是较为严重一类病害,贡嘎曲德寺地处雅鲁藏布江河谷,不同于布达拉宫壁画干燥的赋存环境,地下水位变化导致墙体毛细水上浸明显,传统高模数硅酸钾(PS剂)配粉煤灰作为灌浆材料在潮湿环境中易导致壁画酥碱病害。针对这一问题,通过室内实验和现场试验,筛选出以丙烯酸乳液为主剂,水硬性石灰加粘土为填料的灌浆材料,取得了良好的效果,灌浆修复后可避免壁画酥碱病害。研究结果表明,对西藏地区潮湿环境下的壁画修复,丙烯酸乳液加水硬性石灰加粘土的灌浆材料具有广泛的应用价值。  相似文献   
When working in the kitchen,her son was always clinging to her body.Though the service may not have been professional it was in fact somehow intriguing.She was Tsamjo.  相似文献   
The present study aims to identify the timing of the Huashan Grottoes' excavations using the lichenometric dating method. A total of 96 maximum inscribed circle diameters of Rhizocarpon geographicum growing on the ancient architectures and the walls of entrances are measured in the Huashan Grottoes area of southern Anhui, East China. The results show that the period of the grottoes' excavation is estimated to be 450–335 yr BP, or the middle and late Ming Dynasty (1552–1667 AD). The lichenometric dating results are also validated by a lithologic comparison of the grottoes and the surrounding ancient architectures, as well as by the studies on the historical documents and the fragments of ancient porcelain in the grottoes. Furthermore, we infer that the excavation of the inner grottoes might have lasted till the Qing Dynasty (1636–1912 AD), because the lichens chosen for dating are mainly at the grottoes' entrances. The wider significance of this work is that it demonstrates, for the first time, lichenometric dating can be applied in the historical studies on the ancient architectures in East China with a relatively warm and humid climate.  相似文献   
This paper explores the concept of heritage as part of sustainable development planning. Heritage is taken to include both the cultural and natural spheres to incorporate people, activities, landscapes, monuments, landmarks, artefacts, and nature. Heritage planning then involves the sustainable development of the cultural and natural environment to prepare for its stewardship, research, and communication for the benefit of society. This perspective leads to broader questions on approaches to heritage planning where the cultural environment is considered specifically within sustainable development planning just as the natural environment is studied separately in specialised disciplines. The paper proposes that in developing resource‐management plans the effects of cultural resources on natural resources, and vice versa, must be integrated and addressed. Seoul, Korea, an historic metropolitan city that has gone through radical political and economic changes, is examined as a case study. It identifies how the city is integrating sustainability of the contextual association of the cultural and natural environment with promotion of economic growth.  相似文献   
渗水病害在龙门石窟擂鼓台中发育明显,为明晰擂鼓台区渗水机理,现场对石窟内外共149条裂隙开展了调查。基于此数据样本,运用Monte-Carlo随机模拟生成了擂鼓台斜坡区结构面三维网络图。模拟结果显示,擂鼓台三窟中主要连通途径是由倾向NNW的层面和倾向SW和SE的两组近直立结构面构成,在石窟中部和南部结构面连通率分别高达87.1%和83.6%。综合该模拟结果及窟内外裂隙发育特征,可将擂鼓台北、中、南三洞渗水机理归结为:北洞SW、NWW倾向裂隙J12、J4加速2号平台滞水进入石窟顶部,洞内大量发育的倾向SW、SE裂隙向上与J12、J4连通,方便地表水渗入至洞内;中洞渗水受裂隙J12及J35控制,洞内大量发育的SW、SE倾向裂隙与J12、J35相通构成窟内主要渗水通道,其中J12与JM1直接相连是中洞渗水关键;南洞因山体缺失不存在沿层面渗水,地表水主要沿砌体与山体间隙及SE、SW倾向的J11、J31、J30等构造裂隙渗入,后在洞内连通程度较高的SW倾向裂隙引导下流至窟内表。本研究所取得的经验可为同行在以后类似工程中所应用。  相似文献   
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