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This article explores conceptual frameworks for understanding Korea’s contemporary cultural policy by looking into the historical transformation of the culture-state-market relations in the country. It argues that Korea has become ‘a new kind of patron state’, which emulates the existing patron states in the West firmly within the statist framework and ambitiously renders government-led growth of cultural industries (and the Korean Wave) as a new responsibility of the state. The formation of Korea’s new patron state has been driven by a ‘parallel movement’ consisting of democracy and the market economy, which has defined the political and socio-economic trajectory of Korean society itself since the 1990s. Democracy has been articulated in cultural policy as cultural freedom, cultural enjoyment and the arm’s length principle; meanwhile, the market economy of culture has been facilitated by a ‘dynamic push’ of the state. After discussing the parallel movement, the article points out the tension, ambiguity and contradiction entailed in cultural policy of the new patron state.  相似文献   
Energy-dispersive X-ray fluorescence (EDXRF) and lead isotope analyses were applied to 12 Western Zhou (1046–771 bc) bronzes unearthed from the Shuangyantang site in Wushan County, Chongqing (southwest China), to investigate their chemical compositions and possible mineral source(s). The results showed that (1) the investigated bronzes were mostly bronzes with low, common lead and (2) their lead isotopic values almost all fall into a relatively narrow range, suggesting possibly the use of raw materials from a common copper mine. The comparison between lead isotopic values for Shuangyantang bronzes and those already published for copper mines and other bronzes produced and used about at the same times leads us to believe that the Shuangyantang bronzes probably used the same copper ores as used in bronzes from the Peng and Jin states in Shanxi Province. However, it would not be possible at this point to come up with a clear idea of where exactly these copper ores may come from. Candidate copper mines might be the Tonglvshan mines in Hubei Province, the Zhongtiaoshan mines in Shanxi Province, or the Dajing copper mines in Inner Mongolia.  相似文献   
As an initiative to increase cycling, bike to work (BTW) events emphasize a pragmatic approach in which people learn through sensory experience. Pragmatism contends that the lived experience of the commuter within fluid geographies of social and physical conditions informs commuting knowledge and behavior. I researched how bicyclists participate in the 2012 BTW event in Lake Tahoe (USA) and how these experiences facilitate the process of becoming bicycle commuters. My study included participant observations, interviews, video observations, and route mapping. I analyzed this data with thematic and narrative analyses. I find that the BTW event illuminates bicycling, a normally invisible practice in a car world, and creates temporary bicycle-friendly spaces that provide the embodied experience and knowledge of bicycle commuting within context. Through this lived experience, participants can break free from unconscious car-based patterns and become embodied bicycle commuters who engage in active renegotiations of their commuting practices.  相似文献   
《东林列传》是研究明末东林党人的重要资料,具有较高的文献参考价值,因此有关《东林列传》的版本问题也是一个值得重视的学术课题。  相似文献   
自西汉开辟"海上丝绸之路"以来,在我国漫长的海岸线上,先后出现了十余个与"海上丝绸之路"形成与发展关系密切的大小港口.这些港口在长期的发展演变过程中,历经兴衰与更迭,至宋元时期,最终形成了广州、明州(宁波)、泉州三大贸易枢纽港.这三大港口不仅是这一时期"海上丝绸之路"的最主要起迄港,而且在促进东西方经济贸易和文化交流方面亦起到了举足轻重的作用.本文拟结合市舶制度的建立、造船业的发展、航海线路的拓展以及中外文化交流等方面的状况,对宋元时期这三大港口的发展规模、功能特征、地位作用及其演变历程等进行比较研究,以进一步揭示三大港口历史发展的基本态势与内在规律,同时也为当今全球经济一体化大背景下的港口发展,提供一些有益的启示.  相似文献   
Spatial clusters contain biases and artifacts, whether they are defined via statistical algorithms or via expert judgment. Graph-based partitioning of spatial data and associated heuristics gained popularity due to their scalability but can define suboptimal regions due to algorithmic biases such as chaining. Despite the broad literature on deterministic regionalization methods, approaches that quantify regionalization probability are sparse. In this article, we propose a local method to quantify regionalization probabilities for regions defined via graph-based cuts and expert-defined regions. We conceptualize spatial regions as consisting of two types of spatial elements: core and swing. We define three distinct types of regionalization biases that occur in graph-based methods and showcase the use of the proposed method to capture these types of biases. Additionally, we propose an efficient solution to the probabilistic graph-based regionalization problem via performing optimal tree cuts along random spanning trees within an evidence accumulation framework. We perform statistical tests on synthetic data to assess resulting probability maps for varying distinctness of underlying regions and regionalization parameters. Lastly, we showcase the application of our method to define probabilistic ecoregions using climatic and remotely sensed vegetation indicators and apply our method to assign probabilities to the expert-defined Bailey's ecoregions.  相似文献   
随着2012年景德镇蓝田窑的发现和发掘,出土了大量的青釉瓷器。通过对窑址及出土陶瓷文物的整理与研究,专家提出蓝田窑是目前为止景德镇发现的早期烧制青瓷的窑址之一,其中出土的部分青瓷应为唐代时期烧造。因此,研究蓝田窑唐代和五代时期青瓷对探索景德镇早期青瓷的发展有着至关重要的作用。鉴于此,本研究以唐代和五代景德镇蓝田窑青瓷为研究对象,利用能量色散X射线荧光光谱分析仪、热膨胀仪等对24件唐、五代蓝田窑青瓷样品进行了测试,对比分析了唐代和五代景德镇蓝田窑青瓷的组成和工艺特征,为研究景德镇早期青瓷及其初步发展提供了一定的数据支撑。  相似文献   
天然材料在丝织品文物清洗保护中的应用综述   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
以古鉴今,为发掘古代传统清洗方法中的科学、合理成分,解决现代化学洗涤剂清洗丝织品文物产生的易损伤、易残留、污染大的问题;简要回顾了皂苷、淀粉等植物活性成分,胰子、油脂等动物提取物,草木灰、天然碱等矿物质以及微生物酶等天然材料在古代日常清洗和古书画清洗中的应用记载;并简单介绍了天然材料在清洗丝织品文物血迹、脂肪等有机污染物、微生物霉斑、矿物质类无机污染物上的应用进展。清洗效果评估说明,天然材料对丝织品文物的损伤小,适用于其清洗保护,是对丝织品文物清洗保护的一个重大进步。  相似文献   
Jun 《世界》2011,(6):136-143
对酒店的偏好恰如对衣饰的喜好,有人爱新,有人却偏偏恋旧。对于后者来说,对有什么能比当世界遗迹的邻居更吸引人的呢?  相似文献   
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