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Focusing on the history of the wartime Macau Delegation of the Portuguese Red Cross (1943–46), this article aims to shed light on interactions between Macau and the occupied British colony of Hong Kong during the Second World War. It argues that the Macau Red Cross branch was a concrete example of Portuguese collaborative neutrality with the Allies, most particularly the British. In coordination with the International Committee of the Red Cross, this local branch played an important role in humanitarian assistance to many victims of the war, particularly refugees and POW dependants, in Hong Kong and Shanghai when British authorities were unable to negotiate an exchange with Japan or provide direct assistance in those occupied cities.

The wartime Red Cross in Macau was a small-scale and temporary endeavour but, nevertheless, a multi-dimensional one: it was a local creation, a delegation integrated in a national and colonial context, an inter-imperial institution and part of a transnational organisation with global reach.  相似文献   
科技研究为官哥等窑的时空定位提供新思路   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本工作结合古代文献和现代科学方法,讨论和研究了宋室南迁后建立的老虎洞窑和《坦斋笔衡》中所提到的内窑、修内司官窑之间的关系;老虎洞窑对汝窑及郊坛下窑所起的承前启后的作用;越窑、龙泉窑和南宋官窑所烧制青釉瓷在技术上的相互影响以及老虎洞窑宋元两个地层所出土的瓷片与南宋官窑瓷和传世哥窑瓷的时空定位。  相似文献   
中国古代人际传播思想中的关系假设   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
人际传播是人与人之间的意义创造和意义关系的交流.它因人们的交往关系而存在并运用于交往关系之中.关系总是同传播紧密地联系在一起而不可分割的.中国传统文化中关系假设无所不在.正是这些建立在通常假设意义的核心基础之上的"关系"理论造成中国古代乃至现代华人社会信息传播的隐蔽性.因此,只有研究维系中国古代人际传播秩序的关系假设,才能正确诠释"仁"、"礼"、"忠恕"、"和为贵"等传统思想范畴在古代人际传播过程中的意义.  相似文献   
During the first half of the twentieth century, the social administrative functions of the grass-roots governments in the border areas Jiangxi, Fujian and Guangdong provinces showed apparent differences from the traditional government. There appeared a gradual transitional tendency to the modern society in aspects such as the specialization of administrative bodies, the communalization, corporation and trade orientation of the mass organizations, and the social control as well as attaching importance to conducting, serving and constructing the social communal facilities in the social economic context. Consequently, the transformation should be regarded as one of the stages in the progress of the social transition since the Late Qing dynasty. __________ Translated from: Wenshizhe 文史哲 (Journal of Literature, History and Philosophy), No. 1, 2004  相似文献   
A collection of 54 bronze artefacts recovered from the inland settlement of Castro dos Ratinhos (Portugal) and belonging mainly to the 9th–8th centuries BC, was studied by the use of non-invasive and micro analytical techniques. EDXRF, Micro-EDXRF, SEM-EDS and Optical Microscopy were used to determine the alloy composition and to identify the different thermo mechanical operations applied in the production of the artefacts. Results show that the collection is entirely composed of good quality binary bronzes (with an average tin content of 10.1 ± 2.5%). Alloys with higher tin contents were kept in as-cast condition and used in the making of ornaments, while tools were often finished with forging and annealing operations. Despite the existence of some Orientalising features in the Castro dos Ratinhos, e.g. rectangular habitat structures, wheel-turned ware and amphorae, the exclusive use of binary alloys with a narrow range of tin content seems to be associated with an indigenous metallurgical tradition inherited from the Late Bronze Age. This may indicate that the Phoenician interaction within the inland indigenous communities was a slow and selective process, probably dependant on the social-economic and cultural development of local communities.  相似文献   
新发表的湖北荆州松柏汉墓35号木牍为武帝早期元光、元朔、元狩间文书。木牍上所写文书内的南郡各县名排序为:先由西向东,再由南向北,后由东向西记述外围,后以居南郡中心的江陵结尾。在对相关属县分析后,参照属县排序,确定出当时南郡所辖地域的大体范围,并对与南郡相邻的长沙国北疆变迁情况提出新的意见。  相似文献   
新中农的崛起:土改后农村社会结构的新变动   总被引:13,自引:1,他引:12  
王瑞芳 《史学月刊》2003,(7):109-118
土地改革后,中国农村社会结构发生了重大变动,其中最突出的现象是大多数贫雇农上升为新中农,农村普遍出现了中农化趋向,农村社会结构从“下边大上边小”的“宝塔式”结构,转为“中间大两头小”的“纺锤形”结构,这种社会结构变动对中共阶级政策产生了深刻影响。  相似文献   
利用漫反射光谱、显微激光拉曼光谱和能量色散X射线荧光技术,对一张道教人物画像的颜料进行原位无损鉴别,结果显示,画像主要使用了朱砂、巴黎绿、群青、雌黄、碳黑和铅白。为了明确群青是人工合成还是天然颜料,采用X射线衍射对画像蓝色颜料进行物相分析,结果表明,该颜料确为合成群青。由于群青和巴黎绿均为人工合成颜料,其首次合成时间分别为1828年和1814年,清代晚期引入我国,由此推断该画像应在清代晚期以后绘制。这一研究表明,上述三项技术联用非常适合于易损和不允许取样的古字画颜料的无损分析鉴定,在纸张类文物分析中具有广阔的应用前景。  相似文献   
甘肃河西地区,是古丝绸之路的交通要道。丝绸之路从中亚进入中国境内,经河西走廊,入宁夏而达西安。可以说,河西地区对中西文化交流做出了巨大贡献。本文以历代出土汉简为例,简述了汉代甘肃河西地区农作物的种植情况。  相似文献   
史睿 《文献》2005,51(4):128-140
隋唐时代是中日两国文化交往的重要时代,日本全面学习隋唐文化,其中日本来华的求法高僧尤其值得注意.今存日本的大量早期汉籍文献,往往是他们由唐土携回日本的.东来求法诸僧当中,圆仁(794-864)最为著名,他巡礼五台、参拜长安诸寺,求取了大量的法宝、典籍,曾编为《日本国承和五年入唐求法目录》、《慈觉大师在唐送进录》和《入唐新求圣教目录》,《入唐新求圣教目录》编成在后,著录经籍最多①.圆仁在五台山巡礼时曾抄写经卷②,礼拜佛像③,临摹图画④,摹写碑文,故所编《入唐新求圣教目录》中包含了以上这些巡礼活动所得文献.圆仁抄录的五台山石刻也著录其中,惜不见于历代石刻著录.今特举出此五种石刻,结合《入唐求法巡礼行记》⑤、《行历钞》⑥、《广清凉传》⑦、《宋高僧传》⑧、《净土往生传》⑨、敦煌文献等,考证其来源和本事.  相似文献   
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