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陈瑞 《中国地方志》2008,(12):46-48
清代亳州境内的徽商以婺源籍的商人占主体,他们的经营活动具有较为明显的宗族化和地域化的倾向。他们在致富后,积极参与地方公益事业,用实际行动回报社会,形成了徽商与亳州地方社会的良性互动。  相似文献   

This research seeks to identify the factors that best explain the performance of regional innovation in Europe, in the era of smart specialization. Data were collected from the Regional Innovation Scoreboard 2016 and a quantitative methodology was followed using linear regressions as statistical methods. The results allowed us to reach four explanatory models of performance innovation for Innovative Regions Leader, Strong, Moderate and Modest. Some policies have also been suggested as possible regional innovation measures that can help policy makers to clarify and improve the innovation performance of these regions.  相似文献   
练洁  梁乙凯  高震  周蕊 《东南文化》2018,(4):117-122
为了推进各文博机构对"互联网+博物馆"平台的采纳进程,识别"互联网+博物馆"的组织采纳影响因素与作用机制便显得尤为重要,需要从互联网技术、博物馆组织、外部环境与制度等维度,探索影响"互联网+博物馆"组织被采纳的推动因素与抑制因素。基于技术—组织—环境框架与双因素理论,对"文物山东"平台建设的调查研究结果表明,多功能性、网络效应、易用性、安全性、组织惰性、政府重视与政策规划、预算资金、顶层设计与标准、文博行业事业发展、公众需求、行业知识产权保护等是影响"互联网+博物馆"采纳的关键因素,相关政府部门应通过提供可靠的政策规制、标准来指导"互联网+博物馆"建设,采取有效措施减轻对新兴技术创新模式的技术安全疑虑,并制定相关绩效考核体系、建立规范来减轻组织惰性带来的抵触作用,进而推进博物馆的"互联网+"战略。  相似文献   
During the early 1970s, NATO member-states such as Norway, Denmark, and the Netherlands repeatedly sought to use the Atlantic Alliance as a forum to confront Portuguese domestic and colonial policies. However, the larger members of the organisation - including the United States, the UK, France, and West Germany - successfully blocked their efforts. While the former expressed concern over the challenges posed by the Lisbon regime to NATO's credibility at home and abroad, the latter sought to preserve their interests and institutional cohesion in view of the challenges posed by détente. This fault line reflected core differences in the allies' perspectives about both Portugal and NATO itself. Drawing on extensive multi-archival research, this article examines the motivations and actions of various member-states on the North Atlantic Assembly and the NATO Council ministerial meetings. It reconsiders the international dimension of the Marcelo Caetano dictatorship and the connection between the cold war framework and the process of Portuguese resistance to decolonisation in Africa.  相似文献   
This paper presents a study on the techno-economic efficiency of seismic strengthening techniques for old residential buildings, with application to construction typologies in Lisbon (stone masonry and “Placa” buildings). A comprehensive review on strengthening techniques and implications for the seismic behavior is made. Different strengthening schemes are implicitly simulated within equivalent frame models of the representative buildings. Then, pushover analysis is applied in order to compare the seismic performance of the buildings, before and after strengthening. A cost-benefit analysis of the strengthening solutions is finally performed, comparing the economic benefit gained by reducing the seismic damage, against the intervention cost.  相似文献   
邓锐 《史学理论研究》2020,(1):51-61,158,159
对比西方来看中国历史与史学问题,是中国史学近代转型接受西方学术框架所带来的一种学术视域。如果将西方区域化,那么,可以看到,宋代和作为西方史学近代化起源的文艺复兴一样出现了历史观与史学方法的革新,是中国史学“近世化”的开端,也是接触西方之前原生性的带有近代化特征的史学前近代阶段。由此可见中西史学近代化过程中的一致性与中国史学近代化的内在动力。  相似文献   
在前期对甘肃拉卜楞寺壁画表面涂层结构分析基础上,以桐油、亚麻油、胡麻油等干性油为基础材料,试验重现了制作西藏壁画表面涂层的"古法"清漆熬制方法和工艺。同时,提出了一种源于"古法",吸收现代油基树脂漆优点,具有良好材料结构且组成可知、可控、兼容等特点的清漆材料及其工艺("新古法")。研究表征了"古法""新古法"清漆的结构,评价了清漆涂层的颜色、外观、光学性质、艺术效果、耐候性等,并与现代合成的醇酸清漆、氟碳清漆、酚醛清漆等做了对比。结果表明,"古法""新古法"清漆在达到与合成清漆相同化学稳定性、耐候性的同时,具有更好的兼容性和表现效果,可用于今后西藏壁画表面涂层材料的修复。  相似文献   
杨蕤 《中国边疆史地研究》2020,(1):164-176,216,217
在对《中国历史地图集·西夏幅》绘制背景、资料来源、地理要素梳理和考释的基础上,结合北方民族的地缘状况及历史演变,文章指出《中国历史地图集·西夏幅》绘制过程中的北部疆界“模糊性”问题并非个案,而是北方民族政权疆界划分中普遍存在的现象,有必要重新审视与梳理。着眼未来,西夏文文献和考古出土资料将成为《中国历史地图集·西夏幅》修订的重要信息补充和资料来源。  相似文献   
露天不可移动文物常年遭受风化侵蚀和人为破坏,保存环境十分恶劣,掌握文物健康状况并进行趋势预测,是"预防性"文物保护工作的重要内容。文物健康监测数据具有不确定性和贫信息性,传统概率统计方法和模糊数学方法不能满足预测要求。针对文物裂隙数据的特点,以陕西唐顺陵天禄石刻为研究对象,提出了采用灰色系统理论来预测文物裂隙发展趋势,建立了裂隙GM((1,1)模型和Verhulst模型,分别确定了灰色模型的灰色作用量和发展系数,并且对唐顺陵石刻文物的裂隙进行了预测。实验用前12个月的裂隙月均值,对随后的7个月的裂隙进行了定量预测,发现天禄石刻的裂隙有缓慢增大的趋势。与同期真实裂隙监测值相比,GM((1,1)模型和Verhulst模型预测值的平均相对误差满足裂隙预测精度要求。研究结果为文物健康趋势研究提供了定量分析的理论依据。  相似文献   
2000年,在地处周原这一曾长期作为周人国都的陕西省扶风县云塘、齐镇境内发掘出一处保存基本完好的周代大型建筑基址,发掘资料《陕西扶风县云塘、齐镇西周建筑基址1999-2000年度发掘简报》及时发表(下文简称《简报》),徐良高、王巍先生著文《陕西扶风云塘西周建筑基址的初步认识》(下文简称《认识》)对该遗址各建筑部位名称及性质作出详尽的考订分析。  相似文献   
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