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Insbesondere in Zeiten knapper ?ffentlicher Finanzen haben Politik, Wirtschaft und Privathaushalte ein Interesse daran zu erfahren, ob die in zahlreichen F?rderprogrammen gebundenen Steuermittel effektiv, zielgenau und erfolgreich eingesetzt werden. über die Erfolgskontrolle von staatlichen Interventionsprogrammen hinaus werden zunehmend auch Institutionen, Instrumente und Beurteilungskriterien auf ihre Wirkung hin untersucht. Daher hat in jüngster Zeit nicht nur in den technischen Disziplinen, sondern auch in den planungsbezogenen und sozialwissenschaftlichen Fachrichtungen verst?rkt die Diskussion um Evaluierungen, ihre wissenschaftliche Genauigkeit, gesellschaftliche Akzeptanz sowie politische Brisanz eingesetzt. Verb?nde und Einrichtungen versuchen, die wissenschaftlichen und ethischen Standards für die Evaluation zu verbessern und neue angepa?te Evaluationsrichtlinien zu entwickeln. Um so erstaunlicher ist es, da? bis heute kaum ein wirklicher Durchbruch einer ausgepr?gten Evaluationskultur in Deutschland zu erkennen ist. So gilt es zu fragen, welche Erfahrungen es in Deutschland diesbezüglich gibt, welche St?rken und Schw?chen sich in der Vergangenheit erkennen lie?en und welche Methoden angesichts ver?nderter Rahmenbedingungen bei welchen Problemstellungen geeignet sind. Schlie?lich empfiehlt es sich, auf die Erfahrungen anderer L?nder zu blicken, um zu lernen, wie wir eine neue Evaluationskultur entwickeln k?nnen. Die Begriffe Evaluation und Evaluierung werden in diesem Text synonym verwendet, wie es auch sonst üblich ist.  相似文献   
从考古看丝绸之路祁山道的形成   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
四川是中国古代丝绸之路的起点之一。北经陇南通向陇右天水地区的祁山古道,是四川与黄河流域沟通并通向中亚、西亚、北非和欧洲的重要的通道之一,但长期以来被学术界忽视。从新石器时代早期至晚期,逐渐形成了一条以渭河上游的天水为中心.东连渭河中下游的关中平原乃至中原,南经陇南至川北嘉陵江上游,然后经涪江、成都平原、大渡河下游至云贵高原西北的彩陶文化传播线路。夏商西周时期,中原夏文化、西北寺洼和早秦文化经天水、陇南与早蜀文明发生了密切联系。春秋战国时期,在区域交通的基础上,文化传播线路形成了川蜀经陇南、天水与中亚、西亚、北亚地区联通的国际贸易通道。  相似文献   
张素霞 《史学月刊》2003,(9):117-120
从1998—2002年《史学月刊》的发文作者发文量、合作度、地区和机构分布、年龄、职称及他们利用文献状况的统计分析,可以看出《史学月刊》不愧为综合性的史学专业核心期刊,它拥有一支高素质、高水平、高学历、高职称的作者队伍。  相似文献   
Over the last decade, a long-running archaeological project in the Guadalquivir Basin (Spain) has identified the emergence (c. 3000 BC) and collapse (between c. 2500 and c. 2300 BC) of a regional inter-settlement hierarchical system centred on the south-western Pyrite Belt and the Lower Guadalquivir Basin.  相似文献   
Land fragmentation can be an important drawback for the development of rural areas. Due to the small size of the units, land management and planning are difficult from both the private and the public point of view. In some regions of Europe, land fragmentation can lead to the collapse of land-based activities such as agriculture and forestry. This process triggers land abandonment, which causes social, economic and environmental problems. Traditional interventions such as land consolidation have not worked because of the scale of land fragmentation, which leads to huge transaction costs. New planning instruments and governance structures for land management that balance the relations between property rights, management and labour force can be developed, in order to avoid the problems of land fragmentation. In this paper, we present two innovative examples of land management and governance structures for dealing with land fragmentation in rural areas of Galicia northwestern Spain. They were able to combine the use of individual and common property rights to make land use more sustainable, instead of trying to change land ownership. The new governance structures helped to increase efficiency and sustainability of the land use by, for example, increasing labour productivity, clarifying property rights and diminishing land abandonment.  相似文献   
武令璋石椁为唐代石椁中最高等级的庑殿式结构,迄今唯在皇亲国戚或高官宠臣墓中出土过。石椁线刻的技艺精湛、题材丰富,有琵琶、吹箫、歌妓、胡腾乐舞、侍女以及卷草花叶等图案。乐舞内容占比例较大,作者推测其表现的是墓主生前的私家乐舞场景。墓志载墓主于天宝十三载葬于"统万城南二十里高原",如此,墓志资料也为统万城历史沿革的考证提供了重要线索。  相似文献   
苏业花 《丝绸之路》2010,(18):88-90
非物质文化遗产是各族人民世代相承、与群众生活密切相关的各种传统文化表现形式和文化空间.是劳动人民在漫长的社会发展过程中创造和积累的历史文化遗存。它既是历史发展的见证,又是珍贵的、具有重要价值的文化资源。博物馆作为文物征集、收藏、研究、陈列和宣传教育的文化机构,对人类文化遗存、自然遗存的管理起着重要作用,有责任担当起保护和宣传非物质文化遗产的角色,并通过陈列、展览、宣传等手段将这些历史文化遗存呈现给广大人民群众,达到保护和宣传非物质文化遗产的目的。  相似文献   
黄宗智的“过密化”理论自其《长江三角洲小农家庭与乡村发展》于20世纪90年代初出版之后一直在国内外史学界影响广泛,它认为明清以来的人口增长导致了长江三角洲植棉等经济行业的单位工作日劳动报酬的递减。鉴于史学界至今未有人从该书内部详细分析这一理论的实际论证过程,本文以此为切入点,指出它存在:一,植棉经济发韧于明代等诸多事实判定疏误或不当之处;二,抽样数据的数量严重不足等统计数据问题;三,植棉等经济行业的单位工作日劳动报酬因其单位产出价格的巨幅变动而无法简单比较等逻辑分析方面的问题。据此,本文认为该书没能有效证明过密化理论符合明清时期长江三角洲的历史发展事实。  相似文献   
We conducted a paleo-parasitological study on soil samples from the ancient moat ruins of Weolseong palace, of the Silla Dynasty (BC 57–AD 935) of Korea. Based on the cultural remains found in the mud-soil layer, the layer was precipitated onto the floor of a moat between the 5th and 8th centuries AD. We found Trichuris trichiura eggs only in that mud-soil layer, whereas no parasite eggs were identified in the other archaeological strata of the ruins. As T. trichiura eggs are shed only in human feces, we speculated that palace toilet contents were continually drained into the moat; therefore, at a certain point in time after construction, the moat finally became a ditch around the palace. Structures in the stone embankments of the moat, possibly designed to make the water flow continuously in one direction, might reflect the Silla people's efforts to alleviate the ever-increasing problems inherent in a moat.  相似文献   
The comparative study of sedimentary fabrics in relation to archaeological fabrics in various levels of the sites of Cova Gran de Santa Linya (Middle and Early Upper Palaeolithic) and the Roca dels Bous (Middle Palaeolithic) has made it possible to analyse the formation dynamics of the deposits and determine the extent of disturbance of the archaeological levels by natural processes. To achieve this, diagrams and two- and three-dimensional indices were calculated from the azimuth and dip angle of natural clasts and artefacts. The results indicate that the sedimentary levels were formed mainly by planar fabric shape gravitational processes (low depositional angles), which differ notably from the archaeological fabrics they contain, characterised by a greater degree of isotropy. This difference in the fabrics would reflect human activity and indicates that the archaeological levels both in Cova Gran and Roca dels Bous have not been subject to significant natural modifications, and are preserved in situ.  相似文献   
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