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1999年12月28日,在长期患病后,中国名历史学家、中国社会科学院近代史研究所名誉所长、俄罗斯科学院外籍院士刘大年教授的心脏在85岁的时候停止了跳动。  相似文献   
"The structure of intertemporal patterns of household migration responses is empirically examined. The findings indicate that migration decisions are often related to changes in household conditions in both prior as well as following periods, are dependent on the duration of household status characteristics (e.g., marital status) and not just their presence at any point in time, and finally that migration response in any particular period very often differs among households as a result of differences in the underlying structure of migration frequency behavior. These findings suggest that inferences based on comparisons of household migration responses over only a single period of time are incomplete, possibly to the point of being misleading." The study is based on a calculation of "the distribution of migration patterns between 1976 and 1979 for a sample of 4,739 households in the [U.S.] Michigan Panel Survey on Income Dynamics (PSIC)."  相似文献   
《神灵之手》是英国传教士勃沙特1934年10月在贵州黄平县旧州被红军俘获,随军生活18个月后撰写的回忆录。它是较美国记者埃德加·斯诺的《西行漫记》早一年在伦敦出版发行的第一部向西方世界介绍中国工农红军的力作。在资产阶级报刊都把红军诬称为“匪徒”、“强盗”的情况下,勃沙特以他的亲眼见闻告诉人们:“实际上,红军的领导人是坚信共产主义和马克思列宁主义的信徒,并在实践着其原理,是另一种频率和形式的苏维埃”。然而,因为该书的书名具有明显的宗教色彩,其副名亦未标明跟红军的关系,所以很容易被认为是一本宣传宗教的小册子。它虽然曾在西方世界发行过三版,但在我国还鲜为人知。所幸1984年美国记者哈里森·索尔兹伯里为撰写《长征——前所未闻的故事》一书,前来我国采访,在与原红六军团团长肖克同志交谈时,提及勃沙特及其著作。同年,《人民日报》报导了这件逸闻,于是国内外许多热心研究红军长征史的同志都行动起来,帮助查找。当人们“踏破铁鞋”,为之奔忙的时候,山东省博物馆的有心人严强同志小心地从该馆朽坏了的地板缝中,取出了这部侥幸躲过了“文革”焚书之灾的珍贵英文善本史料来。他费了很大功夫进行翻译,并把译稿送请健在的原红六军团领导人王震同志(现任中华人民共和国副主席)、肖克同志(现任中国军事科学院院长)和左齐同志(现任济南军区付政委)审阅、核实过。其中有关宗教词汇和有关地名,还请中国基督教三自委员会大主教王神荫和贵州省博物馆副研究员唐文元同志校订过。红军早年转战贵州,依靠勃沙特牧师帮助翻译一幅用法语标示的贵州省详细地图,进行作战指挥。勃沙特的回忆录面向资本主义世界发行,这事他未便详述,但肖克同志对此给予很高的评价。作者由于突然被俘,对红军印象欠佳,但通过为时一年半的接触、了解后,他对红军有了较为客观的认识和较为公正的评价。1936年4月,他离开红军时,肖克同志为他热情饯行,并请从贵州毕节自愿参加长征的周素园先生作陪。离别后,他一直对中国共产党和中国的革命军队持友好、信任的态度。1952年,勃沙特作为最后一个离开贵州的西方传教士,在辞别遵义教友宁文生时,他恳切地表示说:“别的外国传教士都怕共产党,我就不怕。因为我了解他们,只要共产党是我见到过的红军,就不用害怕。他们是讲友谊的,是信得过的朋友。”今天,我们寻找勃沙特和他的著作,也就是为了寻找在艰难岁月里结下的难忘的友谊,为了寻找中国革命坎坷征途上留下的足迹。还应告慰读者的是,勃沙特牧师的下落也已找到,他从教会退休后,居住在英国曼彻斯特郊外风景秀丽的国王路234号,高寿虽已93岁,但精神钁铄,头脑清醒。当他收到我国外交人员通过他在瑞士的内弟媳比亚吉夫人转去的信时,当即欣然作复道:“你若与肖克将军通信,请转达我热忱的问候。”这以后,索尔兹伯里先生和我国驻英大使冀朝铸同志都先后拜望了他。《神灵之手》约20万字,本刊将全文分期连载,以供作多角度、全方位研究中国近代史的参考。书中涉及一些处决犯人的情况,由于作者不可能了解案件的全貌,描述难免片面。勃沙特作为一个虔诚的传教士,他所表露的宗教思想和情绪,我们相信广大读者能够正确对待。  相似文献   
Gower R  Salm S  Falola T 《Africa today》1996,43(3):251-268
This paper provides an analysis and update on the theoretical discussion about the link between gender and identity and uses a group of Swahili women in eastern Africa as an example of how this link works in practice. The first part of the study provides a brief overview of gender theory related to the terms "gender" and "identity." It is noted that gender is only one aspect of identity and that the concept of gender has undergone important changes such as the reconceptualization of the terms "sex" and "gender." The second part of the study synthesizes the experiences of Swahili women in the 19th century when the convergence of gender and class was very important. The status of Muslim women is reviewed, and it is noted that even influential women practiced purdah and that all Swahili women experienced discrimination, which inhibited their opportunities for socioeconomic mobility. Slavery and concubinage were widespread during this period, and the participation of Islamic women in spirit possession cults was a way for women to express themselves culturally. The separation of men and women in Swahili culture led to the development of two distinct subcultures, which excluded women from most aspects of public life. The third part of the study looks at the experiences of Swahili women since the 19th century both during and after the colonial period. It is shown that continuity exists in trends observed over a period of 200 years. For example, the mobility of Swahili women remains limited by Islam, but women do exert influence behind the scenes. It is concluded that the socioeconomic status of Swahili woman has been shaped more by complex forces such as class, ethnic, religious, and geographic area than by the oppression of Islam and colonialism. This study indicates that gender cannot be studied in isolation from other salient variables affecting identity.  相似文献   
欧洲华侨华人概况FrankN.Pieke著李明欢译(一)引人注目的中国移民潮自1978年中国实施改革开放以来,尤其是1985年中国放宽了对出国人员的审批条例之后,离开中国前往世界各地的移民达到了一个空前未有的高潮。在这之前的数十年里,中国曾经对人口迁...  相似文献   
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