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河南三门峡虢国墓是西周晚期至春秋初期的大型邦国墓地,其中M2009的六璜组玉佩上使用了费昂斯珠,作为人工制品的费昂斯珠,其材料组成和工艺特点显示了古代科技水平,利用科学分析揭示其科学价值很有意义。本研究运用扫描电子显微镜(SEM-EDX)、激光拉曼光谱(Raman)分析了四件三门峡虢国墓M2009出土的费昂斯珠的微观结构和成分。研究发现,四件费昂斯珠采用直接施釉法,釉层使用了铜离子着色,可能使用了含氯和铜的矿物。费昂斯珠的内外表层还发现了羟基磷灰石和朱砂,来自于墓主遗骸和墓葬环境。  相似文献   
铅钡硅酸盐是中国古代费昂斯和玻璃制品的典型成分类型。本文首先明确了铅钡硅酸盐制品包含铅钡釉陶、铅钡釉砂、铅钡玻璃以及硅酸铜钡颜料四大类,并重点讨论前三者,强调不宜用“铅钡玻璃”指代铅钡硅酸盐制品。其后,文章整体梳理了战国时期铅钡硅酸盐制品的出土范围和存续时间。在此基础上,重新讨论了铅钡釉陶、铅钡釉砂、铅钡玻璃的关系问题,提出铅钡釉陶和铅钡釉砂都不是铅钡玻璃的先驱,三者在战国早期的出现更像是铅钡这种全新助熔剂在不同材质上的应用。  相似文献   
本文主要通过对徐州地区发现的两座楚王墓--龟山汉墓和狮子山汉墓结构设计、建造以及陪葬品等方面的讨论,进一步说明徐州地区楚王陵的结构形制特点,使我们对西汉葬制有较为深入的认识.  相似文献   
唐敦煌县令宋素墓志,近年出土于陕西华阴,志石、志盖均保存完好。传世史籍及出土文献中有关唐初敦煌县令等任职人员的记载十分有限,根据志文我们可推算宋素担任敦煌县令的大致时间。通过对有纪年的唐初敦煌写卷进行梳理,可粗略了解宋素担任敦煌县令前后敦煌当地的社会状况。该墓志的发现不仅可补传世文献的不足,且或将有助于当前的敦煌学研究。  相似文献   
马明 《江汉考古》2020,(1):55-64
本文通过对《藤花落》报告的层位学、类型学分析,将藤花落城址相关的遗存分为四期,并在此基础上对藤花落城址进行了研究,认为该城址的城墙上和壕沟内的柱洞属于栅栏遗留,栅栏是与城墙、城壕等一体的防御设施;藤花落龙山文化遗存属尧王城类型,晚期文化面貌发生改变与王油坊类型龙山文化的东传有关。  相似文献   
珠玛 《四川文物》2006,(4):71-74
长沙走马楼三国吴简中可见为数不少关于“钱”的记录,应反映三国孙吴所征各项税收。本文试结合史料,对其中“荩钱”的含义进行探讨。“荩钱”可能就是秦汉时常见的刍稿税。李均明先生提出简文原为“刍钱”而误作“荩钱”,更加证明了这种可能性。  相似文献   

We report an archaeobotanical analysis of flotation samples taken from Shirenzigou, an Early Iron Age agro-pastoralist site dated between the fourth and first century BC, located on the northern slope of the Tianshan Mountains in Xinjiang, China. The charred macro-botanical assemblage is dominated by naked barley grains with a few broomcorn and foxtail millet grains. In the context of Trans-Eurasian exchange of cereal crops, southwest Asian crops (wheat and barley) and two Asian millets (broomcorn and foxtail) were introduced to Xinjiang a few centuries to a millennium before Shirenzigou was occupied. The choice of barley cultivation in preference to wheat and millet may have been possibly driven by the relatively extreme local environment and the scheduling requirements of mobile pastoralism. Barley is well suited to this environment, and the choice of naked barley in preference to hulled barley may have been driven by the whole grain tradition prevailing in East Asia.  相似文献   
The Yuzhen Palace is one of the nine palaces in the Ancient Building Complex built by order of the Yongle Emperor during the Ming dynasty. The buildings were built with dressed black bricks. As a result of the planned national South–North Water Diversion project, the water level in the Danjiangkou Reservoir that surrounds the Yuzhen Palace was expected to rise by approximately 15 m. To avoid submersion of the site, three gates were elevated by 15 m in 2013 and other buildings dismantled, for later reconstruction. The characterization of the construction materials has therefore become of primary importance. Here, we present results on the plasters of the Longhu Hall. The analysis of materials involved a multi‐analytical approach combining optical and electron microscopy with X‐ray and vibrational spectromicroscopies and thermogravimetry. The results indicated the use of two earthen plaster layers and a whitewash finish coating applied over a thin preparatory intermediate layer to improve the adherence of the finish coating to the earthen plaster. Ramie and straw fibres identified in the earthen plasters were added to reduce shrinkage and cracking during drying. The raw materials used and the application technique pointed to a well‐established construction industry using traditional earthen building materials together with lime technology.  相似文献   
The aim of this paper is to apply kernel density estimates (KDEs) to the visualization and interpretation of lead isotope data from bronze assemblages found along the northern border of central China, here designated as the Arc. New lead isotope analyses of 30 leaded tin–bronze artefacts from the Wangdahu cemetery (c.500–300 bc ) in the Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region, north‐west China, provide the basis for the discussion. By using multivariate KDEs and the calculated likelihood of the overlap, the present work shows that the Wangdahu objects feature a unique linear array of isotope ratios, representing an important element of overall bronzes from the Arc in the first millennium bc . This characteristic isotope signature is fundamentally different from that of Dajing ores in north‐east China, as well from that of early Qin bronzes in Shaanxi and Gansu provinces. This suggests that a variety of metal resources were utilized by peoples living in the Arc. The KDE approach thus proves effective at presenting and comparing lead isotope data.  相似文献   
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