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尹伊 《收藏家》2010,(5):75-79
推荐词:徐其明先生是当代中国最富成就的瓷器收藏家之一。其通过苏富比、佳士得以及国内著名拍卖公司等主流渠道入藏的明清官窑瓷器数量之大,品质之精为业界所动容。其68件明清官窑瓷器在浙江博物馆的展出曾引起极大震动。  相似文献   
Consilience of genetics and archaeobotany in the entangled history of rice   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Major leaps forward in understanding rice both in genetics and archaeology have taken place in the past decade or so—with the publication of full draft genomes for indica and japonica rice, on the one hand, and with the spread of systematic flotation and increased recovery of archaeological spikelet bases and other rice remains on early sites in China, India and Southeast Asia. This paper will sketch a framework that coherently integrates the evidence from these burgeoning fields. This framework implies a reticulate framework in the phylogeny of early cultivated rice, with multiple starts of cultivation (two is perhaps not enough) but with the key consolidations of adaptations that must have been spread through hybridisation and therefore long-distance cultural contacts. Archaeobotanical evidence allows us to document the gradual evolutionary process of domestication through rice spikelet bases and grain size change. Separate trends in grain size change can be identified in India and China. The earliest centre of rice domestication was in the Yangtze basin of China, but a largely separate trajectory into rice cultivation can be traced in the Ganges plains of India. Intriguingly, contact-induced hybridisation is indicated for the early development of indica in northern India, ca. 2000 BC. An updated synthesis of the interwoven patterns of the spread of various rice varieties throughout Asia and to Madagascar can be suggested in which rice reached most of its historical range of important cultivation by the Iron Age.  相似文献   
偏光显微粉末法在秦俑、汉阳陵颜料鉴定中的应用   总被引:4,自引:4,他引:4  
为探索偏光显微粉末法在颜料鉴定中的应用,利用该方法并辅以显微化学法,对采自秦俑和汉阳陵等地颜料的晶体颗粒的大小、形状、颜色、表面形态、折射率、双折射率和消光性等光学性质分别进行了测定。结果表明,鉴定出秦俑样品中有10种颜料,汉阳陵中有5种颜料,且秦俑的紫色颜料中加入的朱砂与汉阳陵相比颗料较大数量也较多。说明了该方法可鉴别古代无机和有机颜料,并可望用于岩石、陶瓷、锈蚀物等方面的分析。  相似文献   
新中国成立之初的政务院与后来的国务院在性质和地位方面有着重要区别,其本身并不构成中央人民政府,不是国家最高行政机关,只是国家政务的最高执行机关。当时,政务院在人员和机构组成、权力配置和运作、党政关系的处理方面经历了一个曲折的发展过程,具有明显的初创特点和探索性质。  相似文献   
1860年后,西方列强外交人员得以进驻北京,西人绘制的北京城市地图数量日益增多,准确性逐步提高,地图种类和用途也被极大丰富。系统整理晚清时期西人绘制的北京城市地图史料,依照地图用处、出版方式将地图分为三种,再以文化交流史的视角和文学研究中文本分析的方法,看北京城图所体现出的晚清中外关系以及西方人塑造的北京城市形象。  相似文献   
中日俄在东北亚地区的能源博弈   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
国际能源消耗与日俱增,原油价格不断飙升,“能源安全”问题日趋凸显。比邻而居的中日两国都是世界能源消耗大国和能源进口大国,在能源领域有着“共同的弱点”。近些年中日在东北亚地区围绕俄罗斯西伯利亚·远东输油管线建设问题展开了激烈的博弈。作为能源供应国的俄罗斯,大搞能源外交,有意在东北亚能源市场中引入竞争机制,谋求本国利益最大化,这在客观上进一步加剧了中日在输油管线问题上的恶性竞争。在能源领域,如何协调和缓解对抗式、排他式的恶性竞争,避免传统的“零和博弈”是摆在中日俄面前的重要课题。  相似文献   
We developed a Faxon fir (Abies faxoniana) tree-ring width chronology at the timberline in the western Qinling Mountains, China. Herein February–July mean temperature was reconstructed for Zhouqu in the western Qinling Mountains back to AD 1650 based on the standard chronology. The climate/tree-growth model accounts for 43.5% of the instrumental temperature variance during the period 1972–2006. Spatial correlation analyses with the gridded temperature data shows that the temperature reconstruction captures regional climatic variations over central and southeast China, and strong teleconnections with the nearby High Asia. There is a good agreement with cold and warm periods previously estimated from tree-rings in Nepal, India and southwest China. The temperature re-construction indicates that there was pronounced cooling in Zhouqu during the Maunder Minimum (late 1600s to early 1700s). The cold period (1813–1827) of the temperature reconstruction coincide with the volcanic eruptions. Significant spectral peaks are found at 56.9, 22.3, 11.4, 2.9, 2.8, 2.6, 2.2 and 2.0 years. The spatial correlation patterns between our temperature reconstruction and SSTs of the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans suggest a connection between regional temperature variations and the atmospheric circulations. It is thus revealed that the chronology has enough potential to reconstruct the climatic variability further into the past.  相似文献   
社会主义时期新编地方志在社会部类编纂方面普遍存在概念界定难、认识分歧大、收录内容庞杂、资料信息匮乏等诸多缺憾。通过梳理社会部类编纂源流,辨其变化之端,并从学理上探究其概念内涵,可以从理论和实践相结合的角度总结出志书社会内容记述的整体性、系统性、时代性、深化性、创新性五个编纂原则。  相似文献   
武琴  薛洁 《丝绸之路》2011,(8):58-61
人生仪礼是社会民俗事象的重要组成部分,在民俗文化中占有重要地位。维吾尔人生仪礼对维吾尔女性有着重要影响,所以,维吾尔女性与人生仪礼关系极为密切。本文从维吾尔女性在人生仪礼这一重要民俗事象中所扮演的角色、发挥的作用和人生仪礼对她们的深刻影响方面来阐释二者之间互相联系、互相依存的密切关系,即维吾尔女性传承、发展着维吾尔人生仪礼民俗文化,维吾尔人生仪礼民俗文化也深刻影响、塑造了维吾尔女性。  相似文献   
在对春秋早期虢国墓地资料进行系统梳理的基础上,结合统计学方法,对该墓地的层次结构进行分析。结果表明,虢国墓地包含有铜礼器墓和非礼器墓两大层次,前者可进一步分为高、中、低三个层次,后者可分为高、低两个层次,各个层次之间的等级差别明显。这种特点与西周时期以血缘亲疏划分等级的社会结构相对应,说明春秋早期虢国社会大致继承了西周社会的宗法结构。但非礼器墓中有少数墓葬的等级与铜礼器墓接近,反映出当时虢国的社会结构中可能已经暗含一些不稳定因素。  相似文献   
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