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Liu, X., Qiao, G.X., Yao, Y. & Ren, D., 28 March 2019. A new species of the aphid family Burmitaphididae (Hemiptera: Sternorrhyncha: Aphidomorpha) from Upper Cretaceous Burmese amber. Alcheringa 43, 455–460. ISSN 0311-5518

A new species of extinct aphids is reported based on a fossil specimen with a relatively complete body and broken wings from Upper Cretaceous Burmese amber. Vasteantenatus reliquialaus sp. nov. (Hemiptera: Aphidomorpha: Burmitaphididae) differs from other burmitaphidids in having antennae distinctly longer than the body. The diagnosis of Burmitaphididae is emended, and a key to all species of the family is provided

Xue Liu [], Key Lab of Insect Evolution and Environmental Change, College of Life Sciences, Capital Normal University, 105 Xisanhuanbeilu, Haidian District, Beijing, 100048, China; Gexia Qiao [], Key Laboratory of Zoological Systematics and Evolution, Institute of Zoology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, No. 1 Beichen West Road, Chaoyang District, Beijing, 100101, China; Yunzhi Yao* [], Key Lab of Insect Evolution and Environmental Change, College of Life Sciences, Capital Normal University, 105 Xisanhuanbeilu, Haidian District, Beijing 100048, China; Dong Ren [], Key Lab of Insect Evolution and Environmental Change, College of Life Sciences, Capital Normal University, 105 Xisanhuanbeilu, Haidian District, Beijing 100048, China.  相似文献   
Microseismic (MS) technology has been widely adopted for monitoring coal and rock dynamic disasters. Insights into MS wave characteristics contribute to the accurate prediction of these disasters. In this study, MS wave characteristics were analysed from three aspects: the signal spectra, wavelet packet energy and fractal features. It is shown that prior to the rock burst, the MS wave main frequency decreased following a power law, the amplitude linearly increased, the wavelet packet energy tended to become concentrated on the low frequency bands, and the correlation dimension decreased. When the rock burst occurred, the MS wave main frequency, wavelet packet energy and correlation dimension declined to their lowest levels. Meanwhile, the amplitude rose to a maximum. Therefore, the MS wave characteristics in this study were found to effectively identify and extract precursor information of value for predicting rock dynamic disasters.  相似文献   
On the morning of May 16th in the Village of Jarlama, in the Township Village of Achok in the County of Hongyuan, our interview team finally found Professor Tang Cheng and his team members. They are experts on veterinary medicine from the School of Life Sciences and Technology in theSouthwest University for Nationalities. Threes days before, Professor Tang Cheng received a call from the prairie to Chengdu Campus and was told that a group of yak calves had diarrhea. As soon as he put down the phone, Professor Tang began to organize his students, packed experimental equipment for them, and drove for the highland. Before we arrived at Hongyuan, they had been working on the plateau for two days.  相似文献   
魏桥 《中国地方志》2010,(11):38-40
炎炎夏日,我有幸看到雄踞河朔,拱卫京师,享有盛名的河北正定县的县志续志。翻读全志,感到北国风光,悠久历史,凸现改革,新颖设计,宛如一股志苑新风扑面而来,给人以耳目一新之感。  相似文献   
在历代方志编纂中,民俗都受到了编者的重视,或设编或立目,详加记述。在新方志编纂中,民俗也同样受到了重视。原因在于民俗风情具有资治、教化的作用;民俗的传承演变反映着时代的变迁;民俗文化在当今社会具有重要的价值需求。但已出版志书在记述民俗方面存在着一些问题:内容或断线或缺项,有失民俗的历史性特征;沿袭旧志,缺乏新意,有失志书的时代性特征;记述欠准确,标题与内容不符,有失志书准确性特征。第二轮民俗志编纂需遵循的原则是:以科学发展观指导民俗志编纂;与时俱进,提高民俗记述的准确性;详略有致,准确揭示民俗传承、变异规律;充分运用现代科技手段,重视民俗摄影图片的运用。  相似文献   
语言是人们思维和交流的重要工具,是民族语言文化的基础载体,也是现代民族的重要特征、标识。近年来,由于全球信息文化的渗透及多语言接触、发展的全球化背景下,土族语言处  相似文献   
“文林馆”是北齐后期设置的文学机构,曾经带“待诏文林馆”官衔的文人前后有68人。由入馆文人籍贯可以推断,北齐文士主要来自于北方士族,尤其是山东士族。北齐文坛以北方士族为主体,在加入南方士族之后,邺下出现了建安之后的第二次文学兴盛。北齐文士地理来源分布的不平衡是由于政治形势的变化造成的,文士来自于不同的地域,客观上为南北文学在此时开始相对成熟的对话提供了条件。  相似文献   
文物保护用环氧树脂的光稳定剂研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了提高在文物保护中应用的环氧树脂的光稳定性,采用不同浓度的苯并三唑类紫外线吸收剂UV328对环氧树脂进行了耐光老化改性,并对改性后材料进行人工光老化,在老化过程中采用漫反射光谱技术和涂膜硬度跟踪监测了各种改性及未改性环氧树脂的光老化过程,同时采用傅立叶红外光谱衰减全反射技术(ATR-FTIR)以及拉力试验机测量了改性效果较好的环氧树脂及未改性环氧树脂在光老化过程中分子结构的变化和抗拉强度的变化,并推导了分子内异构化的光稳定机理。实验结果表明,UV328会先于基体材料(环氧树脂)将紫外线的能量吸收并通过分子内异构化的过程将其消散掉,从而起到保护基体材料的作用。从文物保护的角度出发,环氧树脂的最佳改性组合为3%UV328改性材料。  相似文献   
二克浅墓地出土的三鹿纹饰牌对判断遗存的年代等具有重要的意义.发掘简报将出土三鹿纹饰牌的单位归属于早期的结论存在着问题,参照其它发现,这种三鹿纹饰牌的年代基本在东汉阶段.由三鹿纹饰牌为线索可以在二克浅晚期遗存中发现早期鲜卑的强烈影响,而正是由于大兴安岭西侧早期鲜卑的崛起,才改变了松嫩平原古代文化的进程,促进了汉书二期文化的结束,由此可以判定汉书二期文化的下限至少已到东汉时期.  相似文献   
《剪灯余话》日本天理图书馆藏本考辨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
乔光辉 《文献》2005,(2):65-73
1990年中华书局和上海古籍出版社先后在<古本小说丛刊>(下简称"丛刊")和<古本小说集成>(下简称"集成")中,将<剪灯余话>日本天理大学天理图书馆藏本影印出版.天理图书馆藏本是目前所能见到的<剪灯余话>最早的刻本,因此,备受学界关注.笔者拟对此加以辨正,以求正于方家.  相似文献   
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