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The aim of this paper is to apply kernel density estimates (KDEs) to the visualization and interpretation of lead isotope data from bronze assemblages found along the northern border of central China, here designated as the Arc. New lead isotope analyses of 30 leaded tin–bronze artefacts from the Wangdahu cemetery (c.500–300 bc ) in the Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region, north‐west China, provide the basis for the discussion. By using multivariate KDEs and the calculated likelihood of the overlap, the present work shows that the Wangdahu objects feature a unique linear array of isotope ratios, representing an important element of overall bronzes from the Arc in the first millennium bc . This characteristic isotope signature is fundamentally different from that of Dajing ores in north‐east China, as well from that of early Qin bronzes in Shaanxi and Gansu provinces. This suggests that a variety of metal resources were utilized by peoples living in the Arc. The KDE approach thus proves effective at presenting and comparing lead isotope data.  相似文献   
<正>Three years ago,I was supposed to join a charity organization in Yushu,Qinghai,as a teacher.I had to drop that idea due to a few issues I had,but I never stop thinking about them.I feel sorry for not being there as I promised I would,I continually hope that I can do something for them.That is why I started an interview with Xu Guilan,  相似文献   
自西周起,中国形成了藩属体制和海外朝贡贸易关系,为监管中原地区内部及与各藩部、蕃属国间的经济交往,各朝代产生了关津、榷场、市舶等多种组织。它们虽在类型上划为内地之关、藩部之关和蕃国之关,在空间上形成圈层布局结构,但其监管跨区域或对外经济交往的行为本质均与现代海关相通。16世纪,欧洲诸国率先撤除国内税关,建立统一国境海关。近代中国被动纳入以西方为中心的国际秩序以后,在沿海、沿边、沿江等地不断创设洋人代管的国境新关,国内固有常关也逐渐被改造。1931年,中国陆、海相统一的国境海关体制最终确立,标志着延续了两千余年的传统税关体系彻底瓦解。  相似文献   
Geographical and Temporal Weighted Regression (GTWR)   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
Both space and time are fundamental in human activities as well as in various physical processes. Spatiotemporal analysis and modeling has long been a major concern of geographical information science (GIScience), environmental science, hydrology, epidemiology, and other research areas. Although the importance of incorporating the temporal dimension into spatial analysis and modeling has been well recognized, challenges still exist given the complexity of spatiotemporal models. Of particular interest in this article is the spatiotemporal modeling of local nonstationary processes. Specifically, an extension of geographically weighted regression (GWR), geographical and temporal weighted regression (GTWR), is developed in order to account for local effects in both space and time. An efficient model calibration approach is proposed for this statistical technique. Using a 19‐year set of house price data in London from 1980 to 1998, empirical results from the application of GTWR to hedonic house price modeling demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed method and its superiority to the traditional GWR approach, highlighting the importance of temporally explicit spatial modeling.  相似文献   
关于肃慎族的研究,限于眼界,至今未见专门的综述文章,对于学界来说,这不能不说是一种憾事.任何学术研究的通例,达成以下三项才为正途.亦即:其一:搜集资料,务求齐全;其二:阅读资料,了解研究动态;其三:研读史料,经分析综合得出结论.本人不揣浅陋,拟亡羊补牢.此文按照研究主题分类,专门就我国近现代肃慎族的研究动态进行综合叙述,以期揭示肃慎人研究的研究状况.至于清代以前对肃慎的认识和研究情况,限于篇幅,另文详述.  相似文献   
右玉县位于山西省朔州市的西北部,秦初称善无,西汉时为雁门郡治,东汉时为定襄郡治,历来是内蒙古进出晋北黄土高原的要道.  相似文献   
1964年1月27日,中法宣布建交。在美国看来,法国承认中国不仅影响其遏制中国的战略前景,而且严重损害美国在印度支那地区的实际利益。为了阻止中法建交,美国采取了三项措施:阻止法国同中国建交;压迫台湾不主动同法国断交;胁迫其他盟国不追随法国的行动。美国的这些举措,虽然在局部上取得了一时的成效,但收效甚微,根本无法抵挡中法建交在战后世界格局变化中产生的重大影响,更不可能实现其企图阻止中国国际地位逐渐提高的目标。中法建交不仅符合两国人民的利益,从根本上也有助于维护亚洲地区乃至世界的和平。美国从遏制战略出发制定的阻挠中法建交的政策,自然无法避免其必然失败的命运。  相似文献   
《余庆县志(1988-2005)》是贵州省成书较早的一部第二轮志书,设有序、凡例、概述、大事记、特记、志、人物、表彰单位、附录、修志始末、索引等11个部分,内有附表447张,图、照172幅(帧)。现仅就四个问题发表点看法,就教于同行。  相似文献   
透光摄影由常规可见光摄影发展而来,是针对中国古书画等能被可见光穿透的文物开发的一项无损摄影检测技术。通过实践发现透光摄影在古书画的修复与研究领域具有多项作用:观察书画命纸、背纸拼接等装裱情况;发现前人加固、补缀等修复痕迹;获取画面底稿内容;强化伤况视觉效果以便于分析文物伤况病害。透光摄影能够提供直观可靠的深层视觉信息,辅助修复人员了解文物内部状态,在古书画的修复与研究中发挥重要作用。  相似文献   
本文运用模糊综合评价、K-Means聚类等方法,探讨了全球恐怖袭击事件的危害程度及时空演变特征。研究发现:①发生频次最高的年份为2010年和2011年,地区为南亚、中东和北非,袭击类型为轰炸/爆炸,国家包括印度、伊拉克、巴基斯坦等;②危害程度越高的恐怖袭击事件其集中化程度越高;一级、二级事件主要分布在中东和北非、南亚等地区,三级、四级和五级事件主要分布在南亚、中东和北非及东南亚等地区;③空间上大致分为中东、中亚和南亚三大活跃区,菲律宾群岛等九大次级活跃区,爪哇岛和苏门答腊岛等其他风险区。本文对理解恐怖主义特征以及全球共同抵制恐怖主义具有重要参考价值。  相似文献   
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