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2007年11月14日,史学大师林志纯先生在福州与世长辞,享年97岁。 林先生学究天人,贯通古今中外,是中国世界古代史学界的元老和泰斗,为建设中国世界古代史学科,创建中国世界古代史研究会和东北师范大学世界古典文明史研究所建立了卓著的功勋,获得了全国世界古代史学界同仁的尊敬和爱戴。在此,谨代表中国世界古代中世纪史研究会向林先生表示崇高的敬意和深切的怀念。  相似文献   
阿蒙奈姆海特二世的孟菲斯铭文是迄今所知唯一一篇古代埃及第十二王朝时期的王室年鉴。它是我们研究中王国时期埃及及其周边地区关系的最为重要的文献资料,同时它也为我们研究中王国时期埃及的政治、经济、宗教生活提供了主要的文献支持。因此,对该文献进行准确的翻译和注释是一项很有价值的基础工作。  相似文献   
古代埃及官吏讲求说话艺术。他们追求的不是以美丽的辞藻说服对方,也不是以高超的辩术驳倒敌手,而是少说话、不到万不得已的时候不说话、说话时找准时候和分寸。对于以国王为代表的统治阶层来说,要求年轻的官吏们遵循这种说话艺术有利于维持由来已久的等级制和防止因言语不当而发生的矛盾和纠纷,对于初入仕途的年轻人来说,掌握说话的技巧和规则有助于他们理顺与上级和下级之间的关系,以免招致上司的厌恶和属下的不满。古代埃及说教文在培养年轻人以符合官场规则说话方面发挥了重要作用,而官吏的自传则揭示了他们身体力行说教文所灌输的劝诫的原因和目的。  相似文献   
Although antiquarians, historians of cartography, palaeographers and art historians have written about the Hereford mappa mundi for more than three hundred years, we know little about its original placement or use. This paper relies on new masonry and dendrochronological evidence and the system of medieval ecclesiastical preferments to argue that this monumental world map was originally exhibited in 1287 next to the first shrine of St Thomas Cantilupe in Hereford Cathedral's north transept. It did not function as an altarpiece, therefore, but as part of what I call the Cantilupe pilgrimage complex, a conglomeration of items and images which was for a time one of England's most popular pilgrimage destinations. In this location, the map would have added to the complex's attractive power and served as a multi‐media pedagogical tool.

Bien que les amateurs d'antiquités, les historiens de la cartographie, les paléographes et les historiens de l'art aient écrit depuis plus de trois cents ans sur la mappemonde de Hereford, on connaît peu de choses à propos de son emplacement primitif ou de son utilisation. Cet article s'appuie sur des preuves tirées de la nouvelle maçonnerie et de la dendrochronologie pour affirmer que cette monumentale carte du monde était présentée à l'origine près du premier tombeau de Saint Thomas Cantilupe, dans le transept nord de la cathédrale de Hereford. Elle n'était donc pas utilisée comme un retable, mais comme un élément de ce que j'appelle le ‘système du pèlerinage de Cantilupe’, un ensemble d'objets et d'images qui constitua un temps l'une des destinations de pèlerinage parmi les plus populaires d'Angleterre. A son emplacement, la carte aurait ajouté au pouvoir d'attraction du système et servi d'outil pédagogique multimédia.

Obwohl Historiker, Kartographiehistoriker, Palaeographen und Kunsthistoriker seit über dreihundert Jahren über die Mappa Mundi von Hereford geschrieben haben, wissen wir wenig über ihren originalen Aufstellungsort und ihre Verwendung. Die Argumentation in diesem Beitrag basiert auf neuen Untersuchungen der Steinmetzarbeiten, der Dendrochronologie und des Systems der Beförderung in der mittelalterlichen Kirchenhierarchie, die nahelegen, dass diese monumentale Weltkarte 1287 ihren ersten Aufstellungsplatz neben dem ersten Schrein des Heiligen Thomas Cantilupe im nördlichen Querschiff der Kathedrale von Hereford erhielt. Sie diente dementsprechend nicht als Altarbild, sondern bildete einen Teil dessen, was der Autor den ‘Cantilupe pilgrimage complex’ nennt. Dabei handelt es sich um eine Gruppe von Bildern und Gegenständen, die für einige Zeit zum populärsten Pilgerziel Englands avancierten. An diesem Platz hätte die Karte die Attraktivität dieses Komplexes gesteigert und als ein multimediales pädagogisches Instrument gedient.

Aunque anticuarios, historiadores de la cartografía, paleógrafos e historiadores del arte han escrito sobre el mappa mundi de Hereford durante más de 300 años, conocemos poco acerca de su emplazamiento original o uso. Este artículo trata de la obra de la nueva sillería de la catedral, de evidencias dendrocronológicas y del sistema de preeminencias eclesiásticas medievales, para argumentar que este monumental mapa del mundo fue originalmente exhibido en 1287 cerca del primer sepulcro de Santo Thomas Cantilupe, en el crucero norte de la catedral de Hereford, y que no funcionó como retablo, sino como parte de lo que el autor denomina ‘el complejo de peregrinaciones Cantilupe’, un conglomerado de aditamentos e imágenes que fue en aquel tiempo uno de los mas populares destinos de peregrinación en Inglaterra. En este emplazamiento, el mapa podría haber añadido atractivo al complejo y servido como un instrumento de pedagogía multimedia.  相似文献   
Book reviews     
Negotiating Development. P. Healey, M. Purdue and F. Ennis, London: E&FN Spon, 1995, 212 pp, £29.95 hb, ISBN 0 419 19410 X

The Rise of the Rustbelt. P. Cooke (Ed.), London, UCL Press, 1995, i‐x+272 pp, £40.00 hb, ISBN 1 85728 420 8; £14.95 pb, ISBN 1 85728 419 4

Urban Change and Renewal: The Paradox of Place. P. Garrahan and P. Stewart (Eds), Aldershot: Avebury, 1994, viii+200 pp, £32.50 hb, ISBN 1 85628 610 X

Territorial Competition in an Integrating Europe. P. Cheshire and I. Gordon (Eds), Aldershot: Avebury, 1995, 317 pp, £40.00 hb, ISBN 1 85972 112 5

Reconstituting Rurality: Class, Community and Power in the Development Process. Jonathan Murdoch and Terry Marsden, London: UCL Press, 1994, xv + 256 pp. ISBN 1 85728 041 5 hb  相似文献   

This article argues that there is a major inconsistency between Tocqueville's arguments about individualism and equality of conditions as described in his books Ancient Regime and the Revolution and Democracy in America. In the latter, which is the basis for conventional analysis of Tocqueville in America, individualism is taken as a spontaneously emerging feature of the modern, enlightened society, heralding the European future. In the Ancient Regime, however, leveling individualism is conceptualized as a by-product of the centralizing political dynamic of the modern European state, crushing all intermediate sources of social authority. If we accept this theory, America would be the last place one would expect to find individualism or equality, because the American institutions of a modern, centralized state were much weaker than in Europe, yet Tocqueville does look to the United States as such an example. It is argued in this article that the different genealogies of individualism developed by the French thinker cannot be satisfactorily reconciled; the alternative approach suggested here is to combine Tocqueville's analysis from Ancient Regime with modern historical research about early England and America which confirm them, making the analysis of individualism from Democracy in America largely superfluous.  相似文献   
This article synthesizes recent advances in the study of astronomy and worldview in architectural and urban planning in Mesoamerica. Throughout most of this cultural area, the practice of orienting civic and ceremonial buildings followed similar principles, although regional and time-dependent variations are present. Analysis of alignment data has revealed the existence of distinct and widespread orientation groups; most refer to sunrises and sunsets on particular dates, although two groups can be related to lunar and Venus extremes. Astronomically relevant directions frequently dominate considerable parts of urban layouts. The orientation and the location of important buildings often were conditioned by astronomical criteria and beliefs about specific landscape features; particularly notable are structures that were aligned to prominent mountaintops on the local horizon. Based on a variety of contextual data, I interpret the uses and significance of orientations in terms of agricultural concerns, cosmological concepts, and political ideology. I outline the evolution of orientation practices, drawing attention to pan-Mesoamerican trends, regional patterns, and diffusion processes.  相似文献   
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