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This paper explores Martin Hengel's thesis that the Gospel of Mark was written in Rome in the year 69. Hengel was convinced that more should be made of the Year of Four Emperors, a period of civic chaos and warfare that ensued on the death of Nero. The paper analyses the role of the emperor as a potent force in the religious, civic, political, and military unity that is Rome and her gods; the all-pervasive Jerusalem Temple; and Josephus's return to Rome in 71 and the publication of The Jewish War. The paper shows that these themes overlap with this Gospel and are at least consistently supportive of the claim that Rome is the place of composition. The paper refers positively to a recent publication by Brian Incigneri that stresses the critical role of the Triumph of Vespasian and Titus in 71 as the catalytic event for Mark.  相似文献   
《世说新语》刘孝标注征引文献众多,其中有的标明原作者,有的未标作者。刘孝标在处理这些文献的作者问题上坚持的是区别性原则,这一原则是在整体观指导下进行并体现着整体观的,这表明刘孝标是以史家观点而注《世说》的。  相似文献   
舍利崇拜与遗骨崇拜密切相关,它们影响到纳骨习俗。本文以“佛舍利”为中心,在历史的演变过程中考证了印度、中国及日本“佛舍利”崇拜的演变传播过程,进而阐明了日本“遗骨崇拜”及“佛舍利”信仰的关系,并阐释其背后的思想根源。  相似文献   
This article analyzes the factors that explain the international diffusion of voluntary international management standards. We argue that international management standards should not be analyzed in isolation but in conjunction with other standards and their institutional environment. We present two opposite views explaining how the previous diffusion of management standards facilitates or hampers the adoption of new management standards. We test a comprehensive model of diffusion of international environmental management standards within the chemical industry using a panel of 113 different countries during the period 2000 to 2003. Our results show that the previous experience of businesses in voluntary standards such as the Chemical Industry's Responsible Care Program or ISO 9000, government commitment toward Environmental Management Systems Standards, and the level of activity of international nongovernmental organizations in the country of adoption, impact positively on the adoption of ISO 14001 by chemical firms. Unlike previous studies that focused mostly on cross industry analyses, we do not find trade‐related factors significant while explaining adoption in the chemical industry. Our results differ, therefore, from previous research and highlight the need to isolate industry effects to understand the diffusion of international standards.  相似文献   
神灵赞美特征是赫梯赞美诗研究的一个重要方面,也是赫梯人颂神诗研究的核心内容。国外学者在文本解读、语言和文字分析以及神灵赞美特征的渊源等方面的研究取得了丰硕的成果。但是,关于这个问题无论是横向的比较还是纵向的梳理在国内外赫梯学界尚无人问津,神灵赞美特征的多样性与移植现象产生的原因也缺乏探讨,更少有把这个文化现象视作一个整体进行全面的考察和研究。  相似文献   
中国古代南北存在着地区上的差异,而这种差异大致是以淮河为分界的。本文从气候、农作类型、九州四渎和分裂时期南北对峙等4个方面,论证淮河在中国古代为南北方分界的地位。认为:淮河南北气候的不同,奠定了南北差异的自然地理基础。建立在这一基础上的农作类型的不同,为南北人文差异提供了物质条件。淮河在九州中的分界特征,对秦以后的行政区划影响深远。淮河在四渎中自然标识特征的突出,使其更有资格成为南北的分界线。同时,在分裂时期的南北对峙局面出现时,淮河多为分界线或准分界线。以上多种因素在长期历史中形成了淮河的分界地位,这对关于中国古代大一统疆域的考察有深刻的意义。  相似文献   
火药和指南针发明后,国人既用于爆竹神鬼,堪舆风水,也用于兵器战争,航海指向。在郑和下西洋的壮举中,火器已是远洋海船的主要武器装备之一,指南针也是最主要的导航指向仪器。那种认为在中国古代火药长期主要只用于烟花爆竹,指南针到下西洋时仍只是辅助导航仪器的观点,是不符合历史实际的。  相似文献   
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