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珂罗版印刷是书画文物主要复制方法之一。由于该方法复制书画真迹印刷品仿真程度高,满足了广大书画爱好者研究和收藏的需要,同时给书画真伪识别带来一定的难度。本工作通过视频显微镜、扫描电子显微镜、红外光谱、拉曼光谱等多种检测手段对珂罗版印刷油墨和传统书写墨迹进行研究。结果表明,珂罗版印刷油墨与传统油烟墨和墨汁在形貌、成分方面均存在一定的差异,从而对可疑书画印刷品的鉴别提供了科学依据。  相似文献   
厦门华侨博物院珍藏的诸多明清书画中,明代胡靖行书《舞鹤赋》缎本轴为其所藏的中国古代书法珍品之一。由于该文物旧裱做工粗糙且保存不当,致使文物遭受害虫霉菌侵蚀,画心破损断裂、字迹残缺,劣化严重,无法悬挂展示。为了延长书画寿命,使它恢复原貌,通过对文物的科学评估和分析,现遵循文物保护原则,采用"整托法"的传统修复工艺,对其进行抢救性修复和保护。此次修复通过充分分析研究,针对《舞鹤赋》的现状制定了使用整托法的传统修复方案,并取得了良好的修复效果。  相似文献   
酸化是导致纸质档案、文物、图书等自毁的主要原因,现有脱酸方法实用性不强,需进行创新与突破。传统水溶液法,是一种常见的脱酸方法,具有对纸张安全、环境友好、操作简便、经济实惠、脱酸效果好的优点,也具有纸张浸泡处理时间长、脱酸速度慢的缺点。若能够克服其缺点,水溶液脱酸法会具有非常广泛的应用前景。本研究在传统水溶液法脱酸的基础上,利用酸化纸张湿润状态下与外加直流电源构成电解池的工作原理,采用电解法将纸张中的酸根离子移出,实现纸张快速脱酸。通过对比电解法与传统水溶液法对自然酸化纸张脱酸前后的外观与性能,探讨电解法的脱酸效果。结果表明,电解法可以有效地去除纸张中的酸根离子,降低纸张的酸度,既保留了传统水溶液脱酸简便可靠、绿色安全、成本低的优点,又克服了纸张长时间湿态导致的变形、膨胀的不足及工作效率低的缺点。  相似文献   
This paper elaborates upon a cultural logic of overseas Chinese nationalism. Around the early twentieth century, some bourgeois members of overseas Chinese in Hong Kong, Taiwan, and South Seas mobilised Confucianism as an ethno‐symbol. The latter helped the overseas Chinese bourgeoisie to counter the quest for greater secularisation and to confront the surge of anti‐imperialist movements. The implications of this research include to recentre the role of overseas Chinese in China's modern transformation; to decentre the May Fourth agendas in the understanding of overseas Chinese nationalism; and to situate overseas Chinese nationalism in an extraterritorial space, which includes the Confucian zone created in the dialogical connections between Confucian intellectual elites (such as Zheng Xiaoxu and Chen Huanzhang) and overseas Chinese bourgeois networks that converged in Hong Kong and spread transnationally.  相似文献   
Many debates over migrant labor politics in contemporary China rely upon essentialist notions of ethnic identity. In contrast, I identify migrant labor politics as transnational processes through which women migrants from rural Tibet become ethnic workers. Drawing on post-colonial theories of ethnicity and on feminist literature on global capitalism, this article analyzes the uses of migrant laborers in a globalizing Tibetan carpet industry. First, I investigate the making of Tibetan carpets and the essentialist construction of ‘carpet weavers’ employed by Tibetan–Nepalese carpet factory owners, carpet dealers in New York City, and various participants in Lhasa, including party cadres, international non-government organizations (NGOs), and overseas investors. I argue that the functioning of the international carpet business relies upon the ethnicization of migrant labor, in which labor subjugation involves creating ethnic subjects and ethnicized boundaries. This form of labor commodification is driven by both an economic logic and a moral imperative for preserving or regenerating ‘ethnic culture.’ Second, through the lens of gender, I look closely at the ethnicization of migrant labor in post-socialist Lhasa, analyzing its significance for the labor force in the carpet industry. The women carpet weavers, who mostly come from Tibet's rural areas, I found, strive to reconcile their desires for female autonomy with labor positions that reduce them to strangers in the city. Some women attempt to overcome their experiences of alienation while actively engaging in the reproduction of the patriarchal family as well as in labor hierarchies at work.  相似文献   
In a travel guide about Lhasa, it tells us "Dongzesur Antique Shop on the southeast side of the Barkhor Street contains many ancient articles. Wangdu and his wife Lodran are recognized as nice people. Even though you may not plan to buy anything, it still deserves a visit." What the guide talks about is the Dongzesur Antique Shop run by the Tibetan peasant businessmen, Wangdu and Lodran.  相似文献   
The exact nature of the illicit antiquities trade from ground to market in Southeast Asia remains poorly known outside of Thailand and Cambodia, where most research has been focused. This paper helps to address this imbalance by documenting and contextualizing looting activities at the Bronze and Iron Age site of V???n Chu?i, located within urban Hanoi. A brief excavation history is provided so as to place recent looting into archaeological context. The methods used to document the recent and on-going looting observed are then discussed, followed by the nature of the current threat to V???n Chu?i and a summation of what little is known about the Vietnamese antiquities trade in general and its relationship to regional antiquities trafficking. Finally, we discuss the current regulatory landscape in terms of constitutional, ownership, penal and international law, difficulties with enforcement and prosecution, and what course of action is needed not only to protect V???n Chu?i and similar sites in and around Hanoi, but also to continue to raise public awareness of the archaeological repercussions of the trade itself.  相似文献   
17世纪,葡萄牙国力日渐衰败,令其无法再从经济上支持传教士的东方拓展之旅,这不仅让罗马教廷颇为不满,而且让欧洲新崛起的法国看到了一个取而代之的机会。当时法国遇到的障碍主要有两个,一是葡萄牙所拥有的保教权;二是罗马教廷所要求的宣誓问题。但是,法国政治、科学和宗教的发展需求,加之暹罗使团的突然来访,让路易十四最终决定派遣有皇家科学院通讯院士之称的耶稣会士跟随暹罗使团前往东方。这些耶稣会士便是在中法交流史上赫赫有名的"皇家数学家"。  相似文献   
陈莹 《世界历史》2012,(1):115-125,161
阿尔克迈翁家族是长期活跃于雅典政坛的一大显赫家族。该家族成员多次被流放但又都回到雅典重掌权力;曾与僭主竞争,又在僭主统治下任职;曾主持民主改革,又始终保持贵族理想。可以说,它的发展兴衰及其与其他家族的相互斗争深刻影响了古风时代的雅典政治。本文将回顾阿尔克迈翁家族在公元前6世纪的政治历程,以考量它对于雅典民主政治和公民意识形成的作用。意图指出阿尔克迈翁家族的相关斗争是民主诞生的原动力,而在贵族争夺过程中觉醒的公民意识,则逐渐具备更大的反作用力,两者共同促成了民主的诞生。  相似文献   
博物馆环境中的臭氧作为氧化剂,对文物起到氧化腐蚀的作用,会使馆藏银器文物腐蚀变色。本研究主要采用石英晶体微天平(QCM)反应性监测技术,监测电沉积金属银石英晶振片在不同臭氧浓度、不同相对湿度中的质量变化,从而推测银在臭氧中的腐蚀机理。研究结果表明,臭氧浓度对银的腐蚀具有较大的影响。随着臭氧浓度的升高,银表面质量不断增大,腐蚀程度加剧。银对相对湿度具有较小的敏感性,在不同的相对湿度下,银表面质量变化相差不大。据此推断银在臭氧中的腐蚀首先表现为银与臭氧分解产生的原子氧反应生成氧化银(Ag2O),随着Ag2O膜的不断变厚,氧化膜顶层生成过氧化银(AgO),AgO是由Ag2O与原子氧反应生成。  相似文献   
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