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迄今为止,还没有对韩国的中国政治研究状况做出评估。韩国的当代中国政治研究值得关注至少有以下三个理由:第一,韩中关系在过去十多年取得了非同寻常的扩展;第二,在中国学习的外国学生中,韩国留学生的数量最多;第三,尽管刚刚起步,越来越多的韩国学者在当代中国研究的主流英文期刊如《中国季刊》(The China Quarterly)和《中国杂志》(The China Journal)上发表文章。本文主要对三类学术成果进行  相似文献   
"太一"是先秦已有的祭祀神,在汉武帝时期太一神的地位得到提升,被奉为最尊神,分析其原因有三:1、大一统的政治需要;2、统治者追求长生的目的;3、方士的鼓吹及楚民族的文化心理影响.同时在研究汉代太一神祭祀的兴衰中发现,汉代没有一个系统的神学理论指导汉代的宗教活动.  相似文献   
由美国次贷危机引发的金融危机,正在影响全球大多数国家的不同产业和经济领域,在全球金融危机的背景下,日本传媒业虽然遇到了发行量和广告量双双下滑的困境,但也正是在这样的背景下促成了日本传统报业和网络等新兴媒体的资源整合和技术更新,给报业的发展带了崭新的发展前景.  相似文献   
20世纪90年代以来,中国政府的宏观经济政策经历了三次较大的调整。即:1993-1996年政府实行了适度从紧的财政、货币政策,降低高通胀率,使国民经济顺利实现第一次“软着陆”;1998-2002年财政货币政策由适度从紧转向积极有限度扩张,扩大内需,降低高失业率,使国民经济顺利实现第二次“软着陆”;2003年下半年至今政府采取稳健的财政货币政策,加强宏观调控,抑制部分行业投资增长过快,减缓物价上涨压力,对保持经济平稳较快发展而避免大起大落起到了显著的作用。  相似文献   
The de-acidification method has always been a hotspot in the research of paper-based cultural relics conservation science. The existing de-acidification methods are either not thorough enough or not easy to operate, requiring innovation and breakthrough. Moreover, the strength of the paper cannot be significantly improved by the simple de-acidification treatment. To achieve the reinforcement of paper, another intervention process is often required, and each intervention may cause damage to the fragile paper cultural relics. This study introduces electrosorption deionization technology to the conservation treatment of paper cultural relics. Based on the electrosorption technology, an integrated treatment of paper de-acidification and reinforcement was applied to sample papers using a composite electrolyte of de-acidification and reinforcement materials and a self-made electrosorption device. The experimental results show that both the de-acidification and reinforcement effects on the paper samples obtained a significant promotion.  相似文献   
This paper examines how acrobatics was imbued with multiple meanings through the practices of nation-state building and international diplomacy. More specifically, the author discusses why the Chinese government chose acrobatics to facilitate the Sino-US rapprochement and the implications of this cultural diplomacy for the governments as well as the acrobats. Drawing on oral history interviews and archival data, this study demonstrates how the relationship between acrobatics and the ideas of ‘Chinese revolution’ was established, strengthened, disrupted, and finally re-modified to facilitate China’s relations with the West. This historical investigation advances the literature on performing arts and politics by exposing the political logics in the North-South exchange. As important, the analysis of acrobats’ engagement with Cold War politics evades state-centric narratives and contributes to an understanding of international diplomacy from a bottom-up perspective.  相似文献   
高句丽为古代东北地区的一个地方政权,公元前37年(汉建昭二年)建都至公元668年(唐高宗总章元年)灭亡,经历七百余年。多年来,考古发掘出土了高句丽时期的青铜容器、兵器、青铜铃等多种类型的器物。对于高句丽铜器、青铜器展开了一系列器物类型学的考证。而高句丽人是否拥有独立的铜冶炼以及加工的能力,一直是考古学家和冶金史学家十分关注的问题。本研究以科技手段揭示冶铸遗物及铜器、青铜器的内涵,对于探讨高句丽青铜冶铸业的发展状况及高句丽经济发展水平具有重要的意义。  相似文献   
Amid high hopes that the rise of international marriage will boost fertility rates in South Korea, this article assesses fertility differentials between Korean and international marriage couples. Espousing the theoretical position that fertility decisions need to be viewed from a couple perspective, we seek to build a new framework that goes beyond the traditional immigrant fertility literature. To test the formulated hypotheses, we compared fertility hazards among four couple types using the 2012 National Survey on Multicultural Families and the 2012 National Fertility Survey: couples consisting of a Korean wife and a Korean husband (Korean couples), couples consisting of a foreign wife and a Korean husband (foreign-wife couples), couples consisting of a Korean wife and a foreign husband (foreign-husband couples), and couples consisting of a foreign wife and a foreign husband (foreign couples). The results from Cox regression models revealed that the wives of Korean couples experienced the highest fertility hazards for the first birth, followed by the wives of foreign-wife couples. Furthermore, wives of Korean couples took the shortest time to give birth to the second child, followed by wives of foreign-husband and then foreign-wife couples. We discussed theoretical bearings of these findings and outlined a promising line of further research.  相似文献   
The diffraction of Rayleigh waves by twin circular cavities in a poroelastic half-space is investigated using the indirect boundary integral equation method (IBIEM). To satisfy the boundary conditions on the free surface, Green’s functions of compressional and shear wave sources in a poroelastic half-space are derived based on Biot’s theory. It is verified that the IBIEM has great accuracy and numerical stability. Then, the influences of the drainage boundary condition, incident wave frequency, porosity, and cavity spacing on the dynamic responses are investigated by numerical examples. The results show that the amplification effect of the twin cavities is greater in the case of undrained boundary conditions, lower frequencies, and smaller cavity spacings. The porosity of the saturated medium also influences the dynamic responses because the velocity of the Rayleigh wave will change with the porosity of the saturated medium.  相似文献   
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