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方英 《安徽史学》2012,(5):107-115
太平天国时期,安徽士绅阶层面对复杂的政治生态与社会环境,在地域政治方面体现出不同的价值取向,从而出现了严重分化。本文考察了战争期间安徽士绅的诸种面相,分析了影响士绅行为抉择的因素及其对地域政局走向、地方社会的影响。  相似文献   
栾晔  张莹 《收藏家》2013,(8):3-12
沈阳故宫是我国目前保存最为完整的两大古代宫殿建筑群之一,素以具有多民族风情的宫苑建筑和独具特色的皇宫珍藏蜚声华夏。盛京皇宫自1625年兴建,存在至今已有389年的历史。回顾这段历史,兴亡变幻,人世沧桑,令人顿生无限感慨。皇朝远去,风光不再。但它留下的宏丽宫殿、万千文物,依然辉映着熠熠光华。沈阳故宫原本是一座宝库,经清朝二百多年的充实,积蓄了大量的稀世之珍。  相似文献   
抗战前河北省棉产改进会的成立及其活动   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
1935年8月,由河北省棉产改进所、华北农产研究改进社等机构联合组建河北省棉产改进会。政府集中推动是其核心动力,但缘于多个机构联合组成,河北省棉产改进会又具有不同于他省棉产改进机构的"社会性"。在其组织指导下河北省在美棉良种引进、植棉面积拓展、棉花产销合作等方面都取得了较为显著的成绩,有力地推动了抗战前河北省的棉花生产。然而,在取得成绩的同时,其制度层面的设计与现实工作成效存在显著差距。该会的改进棉产活动最终因时局变化而搁浅。  相似文献   
西安事变爆发后,民国知识分子纷纷发表社论和声明,几乎不约而同地谴责张杨的行为,并要求立即释放蒋介石,和平解决西安事变,这在很大程度上引导了当时的舆论和民意走向,从社会层面上给张杨施加了巨大压力。民意的导向直接影响了参与谈判的各政治组织和政治团体,从客观上为西安事变的和平解决创造了条件。  相似文献   
<正>Polyandry is an ancient custom common in the countryside of Tibet.No scholar,who studies Tibetan social culture,could avoid the topic.However,like other plac...  相似文献   
20世纪90年代以来,中国政府的宏观经济政策经历了三次较大的调整。即:1993-1996年政府实行了适度从紧的财政、货币政策,降低高通胀率,使国民经济顺利实现第一次“软着陆”;1998-2002年财政货币政策由适度从紧转向积极有限度扩张,扩大内需,降低高失业率,使国民经济顺利实现第二次“软着陆”;2003年下半年至今政府采取稳健的财政货币政策,加强宏观调控,抑制部分行业投资增长过快,减缓物价上涨压力,对保持经济平稳较快发展而避免大起大落起到了显著的作用。  相似文献   
Amid high hopes that the rise of international marriage will boost fertility rates in South Korea, this article assesses fertility differentials between Korean and international marriage couples. Espousing the theoretical position that fertility decisions need to be viewed from a couple perspective, we seek to build a new framework that goes beyond the traditional immigrant fertility literature. To test the formulated hypotheses, we compared fertility hazards among four couple types using the 2012 National Survey on Multicultural Families and the 2012 National Fertility Survey: couples consisting of a Korean wife and a Korean husband (Korean couples), couples consisting of a foreign wife and a Korean husband (foreign-wife couples), couples consisting of a Korean wife and a foreign husband (foreign-husband couples), and couples consisting of a foreign wife and a foreign husband (foreign couples). The results from Cox regression models revealed that the wives of Korean couples experienced the highest fertility hazards for the first birth, followed by the wives of foreign-wife couples. Furthermore, wives of Korean couples took the shortest time to give birth to the second child, followed by wives of foreign-husband and then foreign-wife couples. We discussed theoretical bearings of these findings and outlined a promising line of further research.  相似文献   
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